@shard_1 @requires_stub_xqueue Feature: LMS.Answer problems As a student in an edX course In order to test my understanding of the material I want to answer problems Scenario: I can reset a problem Given I am viewing a randomization "<Randomization>" "<ProblemType>" problem with reset button on And I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "<Correctness>ly" When I reset the problem Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "unanswered" And The "<ProblemType>" problem displays a "blank" answer Examples: | ProblemType | Correctness | Randomization | | drop down | correct | always | | drop down | incorrect | always | | multiple choice | correct | always | | multiple choice | incorrect | always | | checkbox | correct | always | | checkbox | incorrect | always | | radio | correct | always | | radio | incorrect | always | #| string | correct | always | #| string | incorrect | always | | numerical | correct | always | | numerical | incorrect | always | | formula | correct | always | | formula | incorrect | always | | script | correct | always | | script | incorrect | always | | radio_text | correct | always | | radio_text | incorrect | always | | checkbox_text | correct | always | | checkbox_text | incorrect | always | | image | correct | always | | image | incorrect | always | Scenario: I can reset a non-randomized problem that I answer incorrectly Given I am viewing a randomization "<Randomization>" "<ProblemType>" problem with reset button on And I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "<Correctness>ly" When I reset the problem Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "unanswered" And The "<ProblemType>" problem displays a "blank" answer Examples: | ProblemType | Correctness | Randomization | | drop down | incorrect | never | | multiple choice | incorrect | never | | checkbox | incorrect | never | # TE-572 #| radio | incorrect | never | #| string | incorrect | never | | numerical | incorrect | never | | formula | incorrect | never | # TE-572 failing intermittently #| script | incorrect | never | | radio_text | incorrect | never | | checkbox_text | incorrect | never | | image | incorrect | never | Scenario: The reset button doesn't show up Given I am viewing a randomization "<Randomization>" "<ProblemType>" problem with reset button on And I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "<Correctness>ly" Then The "Reset" button does not appear Examples: | ProblemType | Correctness | Randomization | | drop down | correct | never | | multiple choice | correct | never | | checkbox | correct | never | | radio | correct | never | #| string | correct | never | | numerical | correct | never | | formula | correct | never | | script | correct | never | | radio_text | correct | never | | checkbox_text | correct | never | | image | correct | never | Scenario: I can answer a problem with one attempt correctly and not reset Given I am viewing a "multiple choice" problem with "1" attempt When I answer a "multiple choice" problem "correctly" Then The "Reset" button does not appear Scenario: I can answer a problem with multiple attempts correctly and still reset the problem Given I am viewing a "multiple choice" problem with "3" attempts Then I should see "You have used 0 of 3 attempts" somewhere in the page When I answer a "multiple choice" problem "correctly" Then The "Reset" button does appear Scenario: I can answer a problem with multiple attempts correctly but cannot reset because randomization is off Given I am viewing a randomization "never" "multiple choice" problem with "3" attempts with reset Then I should see "You have used 0 of 3 attempts" somewhere in the page When I answer a "multiple choice" problem "correctly" Then The "Reset" button does not appear Scenario: I can view how many attempts I have left on a problem Given I am viewing a "multiple choice" problem with "3" attempts Then I should see "You have used 0 of 3 attempts" somewhere in the page When I answer a "multiple choice" problem "incorrectly" And I reset the problem Then I should see "You have used 1 of 3 attempts" somewhere in the page When I answer a "multiple choice" problem "incorrectly" And I reset the problem Then I should see "You have used 2 of 3 attempts" somewhere in the page And The "Submit" button does appear When I answer a "multiple choice" problem "correctly" Then The "Reset" button does not appear Scenario: I can view the answer if the problem has it: Given I am viewing a "numerical" that shows the answer "always" When I press the button with the label "Show Answer" And I should see "4.14159" somewhere in the page Scenario: I can see my score on a problem when I answer it and after I reset it Given I am viewing a "<ProblemType>" problem When I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "<Correctness>ly" Then I should see a score of "<Score>" When I reset the problem Then I should see a score of "<Points Possible>" Examples: | ProblemType | Correctness | Score | Points Possible | | drop down | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | drop down | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | multiple choice | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | multiple choice | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | checkbox | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | checkbox | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | radio | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | radio | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | numerical | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | numerical | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | formula | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | formula | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | script | correct | 2/2 points (ungraded) | 0/2 points (ungraded) | | script | incorrect | 0/2 points (ungraded) | 0/2 points (ungraded) | | image | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | | image | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | Scenario: I can see my score on a problem when I answer it and after I reset it Given I am viewing a "<ProblemType>" problem with randomization "<Randomization>" with reset button on When I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "<Correctness>ly" Then I should see a score of "<Score>" When I reset the problem Then I should see a score of "<Points Possible>" Examples: | ProblemType | Correctness | Score | Points Possible | Randomization | | drop down | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | drop down | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | multiple choice | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | multiple choice | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | checkbox | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | checkbox | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | radio | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | radio | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | numerical | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | numerical | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | formula | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | formula | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | script | correct | 2/2 points (ungraded) | 0/2 points (ungraded) | never | | script | incorrect | 0/2 points (ungraded) | 0/2 points (ungraded) | never | | image | correct | 1/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | | image | incorrect | 0/1 point (ungraded) | 0/1 point (ungraded) | never | Scenario: I can see my score on a problem to which I submit a blank answer Given I am viewing a "<ProblemType>" problem When I submit a problem Then I should see a score of "<Points Possible>" Examples: | ProblemType | Points Possible | | image | 0/1 point (ungraded) | Scenario: I can reset the correctness of a problem after changing my answer Given I am viewing a "<ProblemType>" problem Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "unanswered" When I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "<InitialCorrectness>ly" And I input an answer on a "<ProblemType>" problem "<OtherCorrectness>ly" Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "unanswered" And I reset the problem Examples: | ProblemType | InitialCorrectness | OtherCorrectness | | drop down | correct | incorrect | | drop down | incorrect | correct | | checkbox | correct | incorrect | | checkbox | incorrect | correct | #| string | correct | incorrect | #| string | incorrect | correct | | numerical | correct | incorrect | | numerical | incorrect | correct | | formula | correct | incorrect | | formula | incorrect | correct | | script | correct | incorrect | | script | incorrect | correct | # Radio groups behave slightly differently than other types of checkboxes, because they # don't put their status to the top left of the boxes (like checkboxes do), thus, they'll # not ever have a status of "unanswered" once you've made an answer. They should simply NOT # be marked either correct or incorrect. Arguably this behavior should be changed; when it # is, these cases should move into the above Scenario. Scenario: I can reset the correctness of a radiogroup problem after changing my answer Given I am viewing a "<ProblemType>" problem When I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "<InitialCorrectness>ly" Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "<InitialCorrectness>" And I reset the problem Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is NOT marked "<InitialCorrectness>" And my "<ProblemType>" answer is NOT marked "<OtherCorrectness>" Examples: | ProblemType | InitialCorrectness | OtherCorrectness | | multiple choice | correct | incorrect | | multiple choice | incorrect | correct | | radio | correct | incorrect | | radio | incorrect | correct |