/** * box-sizing Polyfill * * A polyfill for box-sizing: border-box for IE6 & IE7. * * JScript * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt> * * @category JScript * @package box-sizing-polyfill * @author Christian Schepp Schaefer <schaepp@gmx.de> <http://twitter.com/derSchepp> * @copyright 2012 Christian Schepp Schaefer * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html The GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3.0 * @link http://github.com/Schepp/box-sizing-polyfill * * PREFACE: * * This box-sizing polyfill is based on previous work done by Erik Arvidsson, * which he published in 2002 on http://webfx.eae.net/dhtml/boxsizing/boxsizing.html. * * USAGE: * * Add the behavior/HTC after every `box-sizing: border-box;` that you assign: * * box-sizing: border-box; * *behavior: url(/scripts/boxsizing.htc);` * * Prefix the `behavior` property with a star, like seen above, so it will only be seen by * IE6 & IE7, not by IE8+ who already implement box-sizing. * * The URL to the HTC file must be relative to your HTML(!) document, not relative to your CSS. * That's why I'd advise you to use absolute paths like in the example. * */ <component lightWeight="true"> <attach event="onpropertychange" onevent="checkPropertyChange()" /> <attach event="ondetach" onevent="restore()" /> <attach event="onresize" for="window" onevent="update()" /> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var viewportwidth = (typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined' ? window.innerWidth : element.document.documentElement.clientWidth); // Shortcut for the document object var doc = element.document; // Buffer for multiple resize events var resizetimeout = null; // Don't apply box-sizing to certain elements var apply = false; switch(element.nodeName){ case '#comment': case 'HTML': case 'HEAD': case 'TITLE': case 'SCRIPT': case 'STYLE': case 'LINK': case 'META': break; default: apply = true; break; } /* * update gets called during resize events, then waits until there are no further resize events, and finally triggers a recalculation */ function update(){ if(resizetimeout !== null){ window.clearTimeout(resizetimeout); } resizetimeout = window.setTimeout(function(){ restore(); try { init(); } catch (err) {} resizetimeout = null; },100); } /* * restore gets called when the behavior is being detached (see event binding at the top), * resets everything like it was before applying the behavior */ function restore(){ if(apply){ try{ element.runtimeStyle.removeAttribute("width"); element.runtimeStyle.removeAttribute("height"); } catch(e){} } } /* * init gets called once at the start and then never again, * triggers box-sizing calculations and updates width and height */ function init(){ if(apply){ updateBorderBoxWidth(); updateBorderBoxHeight(); } } /* * checkPropertyChange gets called as soon as an element property changes * (see event binding at the top), it then checks if any property influencing its * dimensions was changed and if yes recalculates width and height */ function checkPropertyChange(){ if(apply){ var pn = event.propertyName; if(pn === "style.boxSizing" && element.style.boxSizing === ""){ element.style.removeAttribute("boxSizing"); element.runtimeStyle.removeAttribute("boxSizing"); element.runtimeStyle.removeAttribute("width"); element.runtimeStyle.removeAttribute("height"); } switch (pn){ case "style.width": case "style.minWidth": case "style.maxWidth": case "style.borderLeftWidth": case "style.borderLeftStyle": case "style.borderRightWidth": case "style.borderRightStyle": case "style.paddingLeft": case "style.paddingRight": updateBorderBoxWidth(); break; case "style.height": case "style.minHeight": case "style.maxHeight": case "style.borderTopWidth": case "style.borderTopStyle": case "style.borderBottomWidth": case "style.borderBottomStyle": case "style.paddingTop": case "style.paddingBottom": updateBorderBoxHeight(); break; case "className": case "style.boxSizing": updateBorderBoxWidth(); updateBorderBoxHeight(); break; } } } /* * Helper function, taken from Dean Edward's IE7 framework, * added by Schepp on 12.06.2010. * http://code.google.com/p/ie7-js/ * * Allows us to convert from relative to pixel-values. */ function getPixelValue(value){ var PIXEL = /^\d+(px)?$/i; if (PIXEL.test(value)) return parseInt(value); var style = element.style.left; var runtimeStyle = element.runtimeStyle.left; element.runtimeStyle.left = element.currentStyle.left; element.style.left = value || 0; value = parseInt(element.style.pixelLeft); element.style.left = style; element.runtimeStyle.left = runtimeStyle; return value; } function getPixelWidth(object, value){ // For Pixel Values var PIXEL = /^\d+(px)?$/i; if (PIXEL.test(value)) return parseInt(value); // For Percentage Values var PERCENT = /^[\d\.]+%$/i; if (PERCENT.test(value)){ try{ var parentPaddingLeft = getPixelWidth(object.parentElement,object.parentElement.currentStyle.paddingLeft); var parentPaddingRight = getPixelWidth(object.parentElement,object.parentElement.currentStyle.paddingRight); var parentBorderLeft = getPixelWidth(object.parentElement,object.parentElement.currentStyle.borderLeft); var parentBorderRight = getPixelWidth(object.parentElement,object.parentElement.currentStyle.borderRight); //var parentWidth = getPixelWidth(object.parentElement,(object.parentElement.currentStyle.width != "auto" ? object.parentElement.currentStyle.width : "100%")); var parentWidth = object.parentElement.offsetWidth - parentPaddingLeft - parentPaddingRight - parentBorderLeft - parentBorderRight; var value = (parseFloat(value) / 100) * parentWidth; } catch(e){ var value = (parseFloat(value) / 100) * element.document.documentElement.clientWidth; } return parseInt(value); } // For EM Values var style = object.style.left; var runtimeStyle = object.runtimeStyle.left; object.runtimeStyle.left = object.currentStyle.left; object.style.left = value || 0; value = parseInt(object.style.pixelLeft); object.style.left = style; object.runtimeStyle.left = runtimeStyle; return value; } function getPixelHeight(object, value){ // For Pixel Values var PIXEL = /^\d+(px)?$/i; if (PIXEL.test(value)) return parseInt(value); // For Percentage Values var PERCENT = /^[\d\.]+%$/i; if (PERCENT.test(value)){ try{ if(object.parentElement.currentStyle.height != "auto"){ switch(object.parentElement.nodeName){ default: if(object.parentElement.currentStyle.height !== "auto"){ var parentPaddingTop = getPixelWidth(object.parentElement,object.parentElement.currentStyle.paddingTop); var parentPaddingBottom = getPixelWidth(object.parentElement,object.parentElement.currentStyle.paddingBottom); var parentBorderTop = getPixelWidth(object.parentElement,object.parentElement.currentStyle.borderTop); var parentBorderBottom = getPixelWidth(object.parentElement,object.parentElement.currentStyle.borderBottom); var parentHeight = object.parentElement.offsetHeight - parentPaddingTop - parentPaddingBottom - parentBorderTop - parentBorderBottom; //var parentHeight = getPixelHeight(object.parentElement,object.parentElement.currentStyle.height); value = (parseFloat(value) / 100) * parentHeight; } else { value = "auto"; } break; case 'HTML': parentHeight = element.document.documentElement.clientHeight; if(parentHeight !== "auto"){ value = (parseFloat(value) / 100) * parentHeight; } else { value = "auto"; } break; } if(value !== "auto") value = parseInt(value); } else { value = "auto"; } } catch(e){ value = "auto"; } return value; } // For EM Values var style = object.style.left; var runtimeStyle = object.runtimeStyle.left; object.runtimeStyle.left = object.currentStyle.left; object.style.left = value || 0; value = parseInt(object.style.pixelLeft); object.style.left = style; object.runtimeStyle.left = runtimeStyle; return value; } /* * getBorderWidth & friends * Border width getters */ function getBorderWidth(sSide){ if(element.currentStyle["border" + sSide + "Style"] == "none"){ return 0; } var n = getPixelValue(element.currentStyle["border" + sSide + "Width"]); return n || 0; } function getBorderLeftWidth() { return getBorderWidth("Left"); } function getBorderRightWidth() { return getBorderWidth("Right"); } function getBorderTopWidth() { return getBorderWidth("Top"); } function getBorderBottomWidth() { return getBorderWidth("Bottom"); } /* * getPadding & friends * Padding width getters */ function getPadding(sSide) { var n = getPixelValue(element.currentStyle["padding" + sSide]); return n || 0; } function getPaddingLeft() { return getPadding("Left"); } function getPaddingRight() { return getPadding("Right"); } function getPaddingTop() { return getPadding("Top"); } function getPaddingBottom() { return getPadding("Bottom"); } /* * getBoxSizing * Get the box-sizing value for the current element */ function getBoxSizing(){ var s = element.style; var cs = element.currentStyle if(typeof s.boxSizing != "undefined" && s.boxSizing != ""){ return s.boxSizing; } if(typeof s["box-sizing"] != "undefined" && s["box-sizing"] != ""){ return s["box-sizing"]; } if(typeof cs.boxSizing != "undefined" && cs.boxSizing != ""){ return cs.boxSizing; } if(typeof cs["box-sizing"] != "undefined" && cs["box-sizing"] != ""){ return cs["box-sizing"]; } return getDocumentBoxSizing(); } /* * getDocumentBoxSizing * Get the default document box sizing (check for quirks mode) */ function getDocumentBoxSizing(){ if(doc.compatMode === null || doc.compatMode === "BackCompat"){ return "border-box"; } return "content-box" } /* * setBorderBoxWidth & friends * Width and height setters */ function setBorderBoxWidth(n){ element.runtimeStyle.width = Math.max(0, n - getBorderLeftWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight() - getBorderRightWidth()) + "px"; } function setBorderBoxMinWidth(n){ element.runtimeStyle.minWidth = Math.max(0, n - getBorderLeftWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight() - getBorderRightWidth()) + "px"; } function setBorderBoxMaxWidth(n){ element.runtimeStyle.maxWidth = Math.max(0, n - getBorderLeftWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight() - getBorderRightWidth()) + "px"; } function setBorderBoxHeight(n){ element.runtimeStyle.height = Math.max(0, n - getBorderTopWidth() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom() - getBorderBottomWidth()) + "px"; } function setBorderBoxMinHeight(n){ element.runtimeStyle.minHeight = Math.max(0, n - getBorderTopWidth() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom() - getBorderBottomWidth()) + "px"; } function setBorderBoxMaxHeight(n){ element.runtimeStyle.maxHeight = Math.max(0, n - getBorderTopWidth() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom() - getBorderBottomWidth()) + "px"; } function setContentBoxWidth(n){ element.runtimeStyle.width = Math.max(0, n + getBorderLeftWidth() + getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight() + getBorderRightWidth()) + "px"; } function setContentBoxMinWidth(n){ element.runtimeStyle.minWidth = Math.max(0, n + getBorderLeftWidth() + getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight() + getBorderRightWidth()) + "px"; } function setContentBoxMaxWidth(n){ element.runtimeStyle.maxWidth = Math.max(0, n + getBorderLeftWidth() + getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight() + getBorderRightWidth()) + "px"; } function setContentBoxHeight(n){ element.runtimeStyle.height = Math.max(0, n + getBorderTopWidth() + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom() + getBorderBottomWidth()) + "px"; } function setContentBoxMinHeight(n){ element.runtimeStyle.minHeight = Math.max(0, n + getBorderTopWidth() + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom() + getBorderBottomWidth()) + "px"; } function setContentBoxMaxHeight(n){ element.runtimeStyle.maxHeight = Math.max(0, n + getBorderTopWidth() + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom() + getBorderBottomWidth()) + "px"; } /* * updateBorderBoxWidth & updateBorderBoxHeight * */ function updateBorderBoxWidth() { if(getDocumentBoxSizing() == getBoxSizing()){ return; } var csw = element.currentStyle.width; if(csw != "auto"){ csw = getPixelWidth(element,csw); if(getBoxSizing() == "border-box"){ setBorderBoxWidth(parseInt(csw)); } else{ setContentBoxWidth(parseInt(csw)); } } csw = element.currentStyle.minWidth; if(csw != "none"){ csw = getPixelWidth(element,csw); if(getBoxSizing() == "border-box"){ setBorderBoxMinWidth(parseInt(csw)); } else{ setContentBoxMinWidth(parseInt(csw)); } } csw = element.currentStyle.maxWidth; if(csw != "none"){ csw = getPixelWidth(element,csw); if(getBoxSizing() == "border-box"){ setBorderBoxMaxWidth(parseInt(csw)); } else{ setContentBoxMaxWidth(parseInt(csw)); } } } function updateBorderBoxHeight() { if(getDocumentBoxSizing() == getBoxSizing()){ return; } var csh = element.currentStyle.height; if(csh != "auto"){ csh = getPixelHeight(element,csh); if(csh !== "auto"){ if(getBoxSizing() == "border-box"){ setBorderBoxHeight(parseInt(csh)); } else{ setContentBoxHeight(parseInt(csh)); } } } csh = element.currentStyle.minHeight; if(csh != "none"){ csh = getPixelHeight(element,csh); if(csh !== "none"){ if(getBoxSizing() == "border-box"){ setBorderBoxMinHeight(parseInt(csh)); } else{ setContentBoxMinHeight(parseInt(csh)); } } } csh = element.currentStyle.maxHeight; if(csh != "none"){ csh = getPixelHeight(element,csh); if(csh !== "none"){ if(getBoxSizing() == "border-box"){ setBorderBoxMaxHeight(parseInt(csh)); } else{ setContentBoxMaxHeight(parseInt(csh)); } } } } // Run the calculations init(); //]]> </script> </component>