""" Check code quality using pep8, pylint, and diff_quality. """ import json import os import re from string import join from paver.easy import BuildFailure, cmdopts, needs, sh, task from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML from .utils.envs import Env from .utils.timer import timed ALL_SYSTEMS = [ 'cms', 'common', 'lms', 'openedx', 'pavelib', ] def top_python_dirs(dirname): """ Find the directories to start from in order to find all the Python files in `dirname`. """ top_dirs = [] dir_init = os.path.join(dirname, "__init__.py") if os.path.exists(dir_init): top_dirs.append(dirname) for directory in ['djangoapps', 'lib']: subdir = os.path.join(dirname, directory) subdir_init = os.path.join(subdir, "__init__.py") if os.path.exists(subdir) and not os.path.exists(subdir_init): dirs = os.listdir(subdir) top_dirs.extend(d for d in dirs if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(subdir, d))) return top_dirs @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs') @cmdopts([ ("system=", "s", "System to act on"), ]) @timed def find_fixme(options): """ Run pylint on system code, only looking for fixme items. """ num_fixme = 0 systems = getattr(options, 'system', '').split(',') or ALL_SYSTEMS for system in systems: # Directory to put the pylint report in. # This makes the folder if it doesn't already exist. report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / system).makedirs_p() apps_list = ' '.join(top_python_dirs(system)) pythonpath_prefix = ( "PYTHONPATH={system}/djangoapps:common/djangoapps:common/lib".format( system=system ) ) sh( "{pythonpath_prefix} pylint --disable R,C,W,E --enable=fixme " "--msg-template={msg_template} {apps} " "| tee {report_dir}/pylint_fixme.report".format( pythonpath_prefix=pythonpath_prefix, msg_template='"{path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}"', apps=apps_list, report_dir=report_dir ) ) num_fixme += _count_pylint_violations( "{report_dir}/pylint_fixme.report".format(report_dir=report_dir)) print "Number of pylint fixmes: " + str(num_fixme) @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs') @cmdopts([ ("system=", "s", "System to act on"), ("errors", "e", "Check for errors only"), ("limit=", "l", "limit for number of acceptable violations"), ]) @timed def run_pylint(options): """ Run pylint on system code. When violations limit is passed in, fail the task if too many violations are found. """ num_violations = 0 violations_limit = int(getattr(options, 'limit', -1)) errors = getattr(options, 'errors', False) systems = getattr(options, 'system', '').split(',') or ALL_SYSTEMS # Make sure the metrics subdirectory exists Env.METRICS_DIR.makedirs_p() for system in systems: # Directory to put the pylint report in. # This makes the folder if it doesn't already exist. report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / system).makedirs_p() flags = [] if errors: flags.append("--errors-only") apps_list = ' '.join(top_python_dirs(system)) pythonpath_prefix = ( "PYTHONPATH={system}/djangoapps:common/djangoapps:common/lib".format( system=system ) ) sh( "{pythonpath_prefix} pylint {flags} --msg-template={msg_template} {apps} | " "tee {report_dir}/pylint.report".format( pythonpath_prefix=pythonpath_prefix, flags=" ".join(flags), msg_template='"{path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}"', apps=apps_list, report_dir=report_dir ) ) num_violations += _count_pylint_violations( "{report_dir}/pylint.report".format(report_dir=report_dir)) # Print number of violations to log violations_count_str = "Number of pylint violations: " + str(num_violations) print violations_count_str # Also write the number of violations to a file with open(Env.METRICS_DIR / "pylint", "w") as f: f.write(violations_count_str) # Fail number of violations is greater than the limit if num_violations > violations_limit > -1: raise BuildFailure("Failed. Too many pylint violations. " "The limit is {violations_limit}.".format(violations_limit=violations_limit)) def _count_pylint_violations(report_file): """ Parses a pylint report line-by-line and determines the number of violations reported """ num_violations_report = 0 # An example string: # common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/tests/test_conditional.py:21: [C0111(missing-docstring), DummySystem] Missing docstring # More examples can be found in the unit tests for this method pylint_pattern = re.compile(r".(\d+):\ \[(\D\d+.+\]).") for line in open(report_file): violation_list_for_line = pylint_pattern.split(line) # If the string is parsed into four parts, then we've found a violation. Example of split parts: # test file, line number, violation name, violation details if len(violation_list_for_line) == 4: num_violations_report += 1 return num_violations_report def _get_pep8_violations(): """ Runs pep8. Returns a tuple of (number_of_violations, violations_string) where violations_string is a string of all pep8 violations found, separated by new lines. """ report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / 'pep8') report_dir.rmtree(ignore_errors=True) report_dir.makedirs_p() # Make sure the metrics subdirectory exists Env.METRICS_DIR.makedirs_p() sh('pep8 . | tee {report_dir}/pep8.report -a'.format(report_dir=report_dir)) count, violations_list = _pep8_violations( "{report_dir}/pep8.report".format(report_dir=report_dir) ) return (count, violations_list) def _pep8_violations(report_file): """ Returns a tuple of (num_violations, violations_list) for all pep8 violations in the given report_file. """ with open(report_file) as f: violations_list = f.readlines() num_lines = len(violations_list) return num_lines, violations_list @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs') @cmdopts([ ("system=", "s", "System to act on"), ]) @timed def run_pep8(options): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Run pep8 on system code. Fail the task if any violations are found. """ (count, violations_list) = _get_pep8_violations() violations_list = ''.join(violations_list) # Print number of violations to log violations_count_str = "Number of pep8 violations: {count}".format(count=count) print violations_count_str print violations_list # Also write the number of violations to a file with open(Env.METRICS_DIR / "pep8", "w") as f: f.write(violations_count_str + '\n\n') f.write(violations_list) # Fail if any violations are found if count: failure_string = "Too many pep8 violations. " + violations_count_str failure_string += "\n\nViolations:\n{violations_list}".format(violations_list=violations_list) raise BuildFailure(failure_string) @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs') @timed def run_complexity(): """ Uses radon to examine cyclomatic complexity. For additional details on radon, see http://radon.readthedocs.org/ """ system_string = join(ALL_SYSTEMS, '/ ') + '/' complexity_report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / "complexity") complexity_report = complexity_report_dir / "python_complexity.log" # Ensure directory structure is in place: metrics dir, and an empty complexity report dir. Env.METRICS_DIR.makedirs_p() _prepare_report_dir(complexity_report_dir) print "--> Calculating cyclomatic complexity of python files..." try: sh( "radon cc {system_string} --total-average > {complexity_report}".format( system_string=system_string, complexity_report=complexity_report ) ) complexity_metric = _get_count_from_last_line(complexity_report, "python_complexity") _write_metric( complexity_metric, (Env.METRICS_DIR / "python_complexity") ) print "--> Python cyclomatic complexity report complete." print "radon cyclomatic complexity score: {metric}".format(metric=str(complexity_metric)) except BuildFailure: print "ERROR: Unable to calculate python-only code-complexity." @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_node_prereqs') @cmdopts([ ("limit=", "l", "limit for number of acceptable violations"), ]) @timed def run_eslint(options): """ Runs eslint on static asset directories. If limit option is passed, fails build if more violations than the limit are found. """ eslint_report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / "eslint") eslint_report = eslint_report_dir / "eslint.report" _prepare_report_dir(eslint_report_dir) violations_limit = int(getattr(options, 'limit', -1)) sh( "eslint --format=compact . | tee {eslint_report}".format( eslint_report=eslint_report ), ignore_error=True ) try: num_violations = int(_get_count_from_last_line(eslint_report, "eslint")) except TypeError: raise BuildFailure( "Error. Number of eslint violations could not be found in {eslint_report}".format( eslint_report=eslint_report ) ) # Record the metric _write_metric(num_violations, (Env.METRICS_DIR / "eslint")) # Fail if number of violations is greater than the limit if num_violations > violations_limit > -1: raise BuildFailure( "ESLint Failed. Too many violations ({count}).\nThe limit is {violations_limit}.".format( count=num_violations, violations_limit=violations_limit ) ) @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs') @cmdopts([ ("thresholds=", "t", "json containing limit for number of acceptable violations per rule"), ]) @timed def run_safelint(options): """ Runs safe_template_linter.py on the codebase """ thresholds_option = getattr(options, 'thresholds', '{}') try: violation_thresholds = json.loads(thresholds_option) except ValueError: violation_thresholds = None if isinstance(violation_thresholds, dict) is False or \ any(key not in ("total", "rules") for key in violation_thresholds.keys()): raise BuildFailure( """Error. Thresholds option "{thresholds_option}" was not supplied using proper format.\n""" """Here is a properly formatted example, '{{"total":100,"rules":{{"javascript-escape":0}}}}' """ """with property names in double-quotes.""".format( thresholds_option=thresholds_option ) ) safelint_script = "safe_template_linter.py" safelint_report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / "safelint") safelint_report = safelint_report_dir / "safelint.report" _prepare_report_dir(safelint_report_dir) sh( "{repo_root}/scripts/{safelint_script} --rule-totals >> {safelint_report}".format( repo_root=Env.REPO_ROOT, safelint_script=safelint_script, safelint_report=safelint_report, ), ignore_error=True ) safelint_counts = _get_safelint_counts(safelint_report) try: metrics_str = "Number of {safelint_script} violations: {num_violations}\n".format( safelint_script=safelint_script, num_violations=int(safelint_counts['total']) ) if 'rules' in safelint_counts and any(safelint_counts['rules']): metrics_str += "\n" rule_keys = sorted(safelint_counts['rules'].keys()) for rule in rule_keys: metrics_str += "{rule} violations: {count}\n".format( rule=rule, count=int(safelint_counts['rules'][rule]) ) except TypeError: raise BuildFailure( "Error. Number of {safelint_script} violations could not be found in {safelint_report}".format( safelint_script=safelint_script, safelint_report=safelint_report ) ) metrics_report = (Env.METRICS_DIR / "safelint") # Record the metric _write_metric(metrics_str, metrics_report) # Print number of violations to log. sh("cat {metrics_report}".format(metrics_report=metrics_report), ignore_error=True) error_message = "" # Test total violations against threshold. if 'total' in violation_thresholds.keys(): if violation_thresholds['total'] < safelint_counts['total']: error_message = "Too many violations total ({count}).\nThe limit is {violations_limit}.".format( count=safelint_counts['total'], violations_limit=violation_thresholds['total'] ) # Test rule violations against thresholds. if 'rules' in violation_thresholds: threshold_keys = sorted(violation_thresholds['rules'].keys()) for threshold_key in threshold_keys: if threshold_key not in safelint_counts['rules']: error_message += ( "\nNumber of {safelint_script} violations for {rule} could not be found in " "{safelint_report}." ).format( safelint_script=safelint_script, rule=threshold_key, safelint_report=safelint_report ) elif violation_thresholds['rules'][threshold_key] < safelint_counts['rules'][threshold_key]: error_message += \ "\nToo many {rule} violations ({count}).\nThe {rule} limit is {violations_limit}.".format( rule=threshold_key, count=safelint_counts['rules'][threshold_key], violations_limit=violation_thresholds['rules'][threshold_key], ) if error_message is not "": raise BuildFailure( "SafeTemplateLinter Failed.\n{error_message}\n" "See {safelint_report} or run the following command to hone in on the problem:\n" " ./scripts/safe-commit-linter.sh -h".format( error_message=error_message, safelint_report=safelint_report ) ) @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs') @timed def run_safecommit_report(): """ Runs safe-commit-linter.sh on the current branch. """ safecommit_script = "safe-commit-linter.sh" safecommit_report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / "safecommit") safecommit_report = safecommit_report_dir / "safecommit.report" _prepare_report_dir(safecommit_report_dir) sh( "{repo_root}/scripts/{safecommit_script} | tee {safecommit_report}".format( repo_root=Env.REPO_ROOT, safecommit_script=safecommit_script, safecommit_report=safecommit_report, ), ignore_error=True ) safecommit_count = _get_safecommit_count(safecommit_report) try: num_violations = int(safecommit_count) except TypeError: raise BuildFailure( "Error. Number of {safecommit_script} violations could not be found in {safecommit_report}".format( safecommit_script=safecommit_script, safecommit_report=safecommit_report ) ) # Print number of violations to log. violations_count_str = "Number of {safecommit_script} violations: {num_violations}\n".format( safecommit_script=safecommit_script, num_violations=num_violations ) # Record the metric metrics_report = (Env.METRICS_DIR / "safecommit") _write_metric(violations_count_str, metrics_report) # Output report to console. sh("cat {metrics_report}".format(metrics_report=metrics_report), ignore_error=True) def _write_metric(metric, filename): """ Write a given metric to a given file Used for things like reports/metrics/eslint, which will simply tell you the number of eslint violations found """ Env.METRICS_DIR.makedirs_p() with open(filename, "w") as metric_file: metric_file.write(str(metric)) def _prepare_report_dir(dir_name): """ Sets a given directory to a created, but empty state """ dir_name.rmtree_p() dir_name.mkdir_p() def _get_report_contents(filename, last_line_only=False): """ Returns the contents of the given file. Use last_line_only to only return the last line, which can be used for getting output from quality output files. Arguments: last_line_only: True to return the last line only, False to return a string with full contents. Returns: String containing full contents of the report, or the last line. """ file_not_found_message = "The following log file could not be found: {file}".format(file=filename) if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as report_file: if last_line_only: lines = report_file.readlines() for line in reversed(lines): if line != '\n': return line else: return report_file.read() else: # Raise a build error if the file is not found raise BuildFailure(file_not_found_message) def _get_count_from_last_line(filename, file_type): """ This will return the number in the last line of a file. It is returning only the value (as a floating number). """ last_line = _get_report_contents(filename, last_line_only=True) if file_type is "python_complexity": # Example of the last line of a complexity report: "Average complexity: A (1.93953443446)" regex = r'\d+.\d+' else: # Example of the last line of a compact-formatted eslint report (for example): "62829 problems" regex = r'^\d+' try: return float(re.search(regex, last_line).group(0)) # An AttributeError will occur if the regex finds no matches. # A ValueError will occur if the returned regex cannot be cast as a float. except (AttributeError, ValueError): return None def _get_safelint_counts(filename): """ This returns a dict of violations from the safelint report. Arguments: filename: The name of the safelint report. Returns: A dict containing the following: rules: A dict containing the count for each rule as follows: violation-rule-id: N, where N is the number of violations total: M, where M is the number of total violations """ report_contents = _get_report_contents(filename) rule_count_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<rule_id>[a-z-]+):\s+(?P<count>\d+) violations", re.MULTILINE) total_count_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<count>\d+) violations total", re.MULTILINE) violations = {'rules': {}} for violation_match in rule_count_regex.finditer(report_contents): try: violations['rules'][violation_match.group('rule_id')] = int(violation_match.group('count')) except ValueError: violations['rules'][violation_match.group('rule_id')] = None try: violations['total'] = int(total_count_regex.search(report_contents).group('count')) # An AttributeError will occur if the regex finds no matches. # A ValueError will occur if the returned regex cannot be cast as a float. except (AttributeError, ValueError): violations['total'] = None return violations def _get_safecommit_count(filename): """ Returns the violation count from the safecommit report. Arguments: filename: The name of the safecommit report. Returns: The count of safecommit violations, or None if there is a problem. """ report_contents = _get_report_contents(filename) if 'No files linted' in report_contents: return 0 file_count_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<count>\d+) violations total", re.MULTILINE) try: validation_count = None for count_match in file_count_regex.finditer(report_contents): if validation_count is None: validation_count = 0 validation_count += int(count_match.group('count')) return validation_count except ValueError: return None @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs') @cmdopts([ ("compare-branch=", "b", "Branch to compare against, defaults to origin/master"), ("percentage=", "p", "fail if diff-quality is below this percentage"), ]) @timed def run_quality(options): """ Build the html diff quality reports, and print the reports to the console. :param: b, the branch to compare against, defaults to origin/master :param: p, diff-quality will fail if the quality percentage calculated is below this percentage. For example, if p is set to 80, and diff-quality finds quality of the branch vs the compare branch is less than 80%, then this task will fail. This threshold would be applied to both pep8 and pylint. """ # Directory to put the diff reports in. # This makes the folder if it doesn't already exist. dquality_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / "diff_quality").makedirs_p() # Save the pass variable. It will be set to false later if failures are detected. diff_quality_percentage_pass = True def _pep8_output(count, violations_list, is_html=False): """ Given a count & list of pep8 violations, pretty-print the pep8 output. If `is_html`, will print out with HTML markup. """ if is_html: lines = ['<body>\n'] sep = '-------------<br/>\n' title = "<h1>Quality Report: pep8</h1>\n" violations_bullets = ''.join( [HTML('<li>{violation}</li><br/>\n').format(violation=violation) for violation in violations_list] ) violations_str = HTML('<ul>\n{bullets}</ul>\n').format(bullets=HTML(violations_bullets)) violations_count_str = "<b>Violations</b>: {count}<br/>\n" fail_line = "<b>FAILURE</b>: pep8 count should be 0<br/>\n" else: lines = [] sep = '-------------\n' title = "Quality Report: pep8\n" violations_str = ''.join(violations_list) violations_count_str = "Violations: {count}\n" fail_line = "FAILURE: pep8 count should be 0\n" violations_count_str = violations_count_str.format(count=count) lines.extend([sep, title, sep, violations_str, sep, violations_count_str]) if count > 0: lines.append(fail_line) lines.append(sep + '\n') if is_html: lines.append('</body>') return ''.join(lines) # Run pep8 directly since we have 0 violations on master (count, violations_list) = _get_pep8_violations() # Print number of violations to log print _pep8_output(count, violations_list) # Also write the number of violations to a file with open(dquality_dir / "diff_quality_pep8.html", "w") as f: f.write(_pep8_output(count, violations_list, is_html=True)) if count > 0: diff_quality_percentage_pass = False # ----- Set up for diff-quality pylint call ----- # Set the string, if needed, to be used for the diff-quality --compare-branch switch. compare_branch = getattr(options, 'compare_branch', None) compare_branch_string = u'' if compare_branch: compare_branch_string = u'--compare-branch={0}'.format(compare_branch) # Set the string, if needed, to be used for the diff-quality --fail-under switch. diff_threshold = int(getattr(options, 'percentage', -1)) percentage_string = u'' if diff_threshold > -1: percentage_string = u'--fail-under={0}'.format(diff_threshold) # Generate diff-quality html report for pylint, and print to console # If pylint reports exist, use those # Otherwise, `diff-quality` will call pylint itself pylint_files = get_violations_reports("pylint") pylint_reports = u' '.join(pylint_files) eslint_files = get_violations_reports("eslint") eslint_reports = u' '.join(eslint_files) pythonpath_prefix = ( "PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:lms:lms/djangoapps:cms:cms/djangoapps:" "common:common/djangoapps:common/lib" ) # run diff-quality for pylint. if not run_diff_quality( violations_type="pylint", prefix=pythonpath_prefix, reports=pylint_reports, percentage_string=percentage_string, branch_string=compare_branch_string, dquality_dir=dquality_dir ): diff_quality_percentage_pass = False # run diff-quality for eslint. if not run_diff_quality( violations_type="eslint", prefix=pythonpath_prefix, reports=eslint_reports, percentage_string=percentage_string, branch_string=compare_branch_string, dquality_dir=dquality_dir ): diff_quality_percentage_pass = False # If one of the quality runs fails, then paver exits with an error when it is finished if not diff_quality_percentage_pass: raise BuildFailure("Diff-quality failure(s).") def run_diff_quality( violations_type=None, prefix=None, reports=None, percentage_string=None, branch_string=None, dquality_dir=None ): """ This executes the diff-quality commandline tool for the given violation type (e.g., pylint, eslint). If diff-quality fails due to quality issues, this method returns False. """ try: sh( "{pythonpath_prefix} diff-quality --violations={type} " "{reports} {percentage_string} {compare_branch_string} " "--html-report {dquality_dir}/diff_quality_{type}.html ".format( type=violations_type, pythonpath_prefix=prefix, reports=reports, percentage_string=percentage_string, compare_branch_string=branch_string, dquality_dir=dquality_dir, ) ) return True except BuildFailure, error_message: if is_percentage_failure(error_message): return False else: raise BuildFailure(error_message) def is_percentage_failure(error_message): """ When diff-quality is run with a threshold percentage, it ends with an exit code of 1. This bubbles up to paver with a subprocess return code error. If the subprocess exits with anything other than 1, raise a paver exception. """ if "Subprocess return code: 1" not in error_message: return False else: return True def get_violations_reports(violations_type): """ Finds violations reports files by naming convention (e.g., all "pep8.report" files) """ violations_files = [] for subdir, _dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(Env.REPORT_DIR)): for f in files: if f == "{violations_type}.report".format(violations_type=violations_type): violations_files.append(os.path.join(subdir, f)) return violations_files