""" Add receivers for django signals, and feed data into the monitoring system. If a model has a class attribute 'METRIC_TAGS' that is a list of strings, those fields will be retrieved from the model instance, and added as tags to the recorded metrics. """ from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete, m2m_changed, post_init from django.dispatch import receiver from dogapi import dog_stats_api def _database_tags(action, sender, kwargs): """ Return a tags for the sender and database used in django.db.models signals. Arguments: action (str): What action is being performed on the db model. sender (Model): What model class is the action being performed on. kwargs (dict): The kwargs passed by the model signal. """ tags = _model_tags(kwargs, 'instance') tags.append(u'action:{}'.format(action)) if 'using' in kwargs: tags.append(u'database:{}'.format(kwargs['using'])) return tags def _model_tags(kwargs, key): """ Return a list of all tags for all attributes in kwargs[key].MODEL_TAGS, plus a tag for the model class. """ if key not in kwargs: return [] instance = kwargs[key] tags = [ u'{}.{}:{}'.format(key, attr, getattr(instance, attr)) for attr in getattr(instance, 'MODEL_TAGS', []) ] tags.append(u'model_class:{}'.format(instance.__class__.__name__)) return tags @receiver(post_init, dispatch_uid='edxapp.monitoring.post_init_metrics') def post_init_metrics(sender, **kwargs): """ Record the number of times that django models are instantiated. Args: sender (Model): The model class sending the signals. using (str): The name of the database being used for this initialization (optional). instance (Model instance): The instance being initialized (optional). """ tags = _database_tags('initialized', sender, kwargs) dog_stats_api.increment('edxapp.db.model', tags=tags) @receiver(post_save, dispatch_uid='edxapp.monitoring.post_save_metrics') def post_save_metrics(sender, **kwargs): """ Record the number of times that django models are saved (created or updated). Args: sender (Model): The model class sending the signals. using (str): The name of the database being used for this update (optional). instance (Model instance): The instance being updated (optional). """ action = 'created' if kwargs.pop('created', False) else 'updated' tags = _database_tags(action, sender, kwargs) dog_stats_api.increment('edxapp.db.model', tags=tags) @receiver(post_delete, dispatch_uid='edxapp.monitoring.post_delete_metrics') def post_delete_metrics(sender, **kwargs): """ Record the number of times that django models are deleted. Args: sender (Model): The model class sending the signals. using (str): The name of the database being used for this deletion (optional). instance (Model instance): The instance being deleted (optional). """ tags = _database_tags('deleted', sender, kwargs) dog_stats_api.increment('edxapp.db.model', tags=tags) @receiver(m2m_changed, dispatch_uid='edxapp.monitoring.m2m_changed_metrics') def m2m_changed_metrics(sender, **kwargs): """ Record the number of times that Many2Many fields are updated. This is separated from post_save and post_delete, because it's signaled by the database model in the middle of the Many2Many relationship, rather than either of the models that are the relationship participants. Args: sender (Model): The model class in the middle of the Many2Many relationship. action (str): The action being taken on this Many2Many relationship. using (str): The name of the database being used for this deletion (optional). instance (Model instance): The instance whose many-to-many relation is being modified. model (Model class): The model of the class being added/removed/cleared from the relation. """ if 'action' not in kwargs: return action = { 'post_add': 'm2m.added', 'post_remove': 'm2m.removed', 'post_clear': 'm2m.cleared', }.get(kwargs['action']) if not action: return tags = _database_tags(action, sender, kwargs) if 'model' in kwargs: tags.append('target_class:{}'.format(kwargs['model'].__name__)) pk_set = kwargs.get('pk_set', []) or [] dog_stats_api.increment( 'edxapp.db.model', value=len(pk_set), tags=tags )