<center> Midterm Exam </center> <p> This is a twenty four hour examination. You can start the exam when it is convenient for you, but you must complete this examination by 12:00pm (noon) GMT on April 30th. Please look up what time this is in your local time zone. </p> <p> When you open the next page, you will have started the examination. You do not need to start now: you will not be timed until you open the next page. Once you have opened the next page page you must complete the exam and make your final submission within twenty four hours of starting the exam. </p> <p> You may use any notes, computational, or auxiliary materials that you think can help you. However, you may not communicate with any person about this examination while working on it. Furthermore, you may not communicate about the exam until the exam has been closed for everyone. </p> <p> For each problem you will be allowed exactly three submissions. Your answers to that problem will be checked after each submission, so you can fix mistakes you may have made, within the three-submission limit. </p> <p> If you want to go back and study some more before starting this exam you can do so. Good Luck! </p>