define( ['backbone', 'underscore', 'underscore.string', 'js/utils/module'], function(Backbone, _, str, ModuleUtils) { 'use strict'; var XBlockInfo = Backbone.Model.extend({ urlRoot: ModuleUtils.urlRoot, // NOTE: 'publish' is not an attribute on XBlockInfo, but it is used to signal the publish // and discard changes actions. Therefore 'publish' cannot be introduced as an attribute. defaults: { 'id': null, 'display_name': null, 'category': null, 'data': null, 'metadata': null, /** * The Studio URL for this xblock, or null if it doesn't have one. */ 'studio_url': null, /** * An optional object with information about the children as well as about * the primary xblock type that is supported as a child. */ 'child_info': null, /** * An optional object with information about each of the ancestors. */ 'ancestor_info': null, /** * Date of the last edit to this xblock or any of its descendants. */ 'edited_on': null, /** * User who last edited the xblock or any of its descendants. Will only be present if * publishing info was explicitly requested. */ 'edited_by': null, /** * True iff a published version of the xblock exists. */ 'published': null, /** * Date of the last publish of this xblock, or null if never published. */ 'published_on': null, /** * User who last published the xblock, or null if never published. Will only be present if * publishing info was explicitly requested. */ 'published_by': null, /** * True if the xblock is a parentable xblock. */ has_children: null, /** * True if the xblock has changes. * Note: this is not always provided as a performance optimization. It is only provided for * verticals functioning as units. */ 'has_changes': null, /** * Represents the possible publish states for an xblock. See the documentation * for XBlockVisibility to see a comprehensive enumeration of the states. */ 'visibility_state': null, /** * True if the release date of the xblock is in the past. */ 'released_to_students': null, /** * If the xblock is published, the date on which it will be released to students. * This can be null if the release date is unscheduled. */ 'release_date': null, /** * The xblock which is determining the release date. For instance, for a unit, * this will either be the parent subsection or the grandparent section. * This can be null if the release date is unscheduled. Will only be present if * publishing info was explicitly requested. */ 'release_date_from': null, /** * True if this xblock is currently visible to students. This is computed server-side * so that the logic isn't duplicated on the client. Will only be present if * publishing info was explicitly requested. */ 'currently_visible_to_students': null, /** * If xblock is graded, the date after which student assessment will be evaluated. * It has same format as release date, for example: 'Jan 02, 2015 at 00:00 UTC'. */ 'due_date': null, /** * Grading policy for xblock. */ 'format': null, /** * List of course graders names. */ 'course_graders': null, /** * True if this xblock contributes to the final course grade. */ 'graded': null, /** * The same as `release_date` but as an ISO-formatted date string. */ 'start': null, /** * The same as `due_date` but as an ISO-formatted date string. */ 'due': null, /** * True iff this xblock is explicitly staff locked. */ 'has_explicit_staff_lock': null, /** * True iff this any of this xblock's ancestors are staff locked. */ 'ancestor_has_staff_lock': null, /** * The xblock which is determining the staff lock value. For instance, for a unit, * this will either be the parent subsection or the grandparent section. * This can be null if the xblock has no inherited staff lock. Will only be present if * publishing info was explicitly requested. */ 'staff_lock_from': null, /** * True iff this xblock should display a "Contains staff only content" message. */ 'staff_only_message': null, /** * True iff this xblock is a unit, and it has children that are only visible to certain * content groups. Note that this is not a recursive property. Will only be present if * publishing info was explicitly requested. */ 'has_content_group_components': null, /** * actions defines the state of delete, drag and child add functionality for a xblock. * currently, each xblock has default value of 'True' for keys: deletable, draggable and childAddable. */ 'actions': null, /** * Header visible to UI. */ 'is_header_visible': null, /** * Optional explanatory message about the xblock. */ 'explanatory_message': null, /** * The XBlock's group access rules. This is a dictionary keyed to user partition IDs, * where the values are lists of group IDs. */ 'group_access': null, /** * User partition dictionary. This is pre-processed by Studio, so it contains * some additional fields that are not stored in the course descriptor * (for example, which groups are selected for this particular XBlock). */ 'user_partitions': null }, initialize: function() { // Extend our Model by helper methods. _.extend(this, this.getCategoryHelpers()); }, parse: function(response) { if (response.ancestor_info) { response.ancestor_info.ancestors = this.parseXBlockInfoList(response.ancestor_info.ancestors); } if (response.child_info) { response.child_info.children = this.parseXBlockInfoList(response.child_info.children); } return response; }, parseXBlockInfoList: function(list) { return, function(item) { return this.createChild(item); }, this); }, createChild: function(response) { return new XBlockInfo(response, {parse: true}); }, hasChildren: function() { var childInfo = this.get('child_info'); return childInfo && childInfo.children.length > 0; }, isPublishable: function() { return !this.get('published') || this.get('has_changes'); }, isDeletable: function() { return this.isActionRequired('deletable'); }, isDuplicable: function() { return this.isActionRequired('duplicable'); }, isDraggable: function() { return this.isActionRequired('draggable'); }, isChildAddable: function() { return this.isActionRequired('childAddable'); }, isHeaderVisible: function() { if (this.get('is_header_visible') !== null) { return this.get('is_header_visible'); } return true; }, /** * Return true if action is required e.g. delete, drag, add new child etc or if given key is not present. * @return {boolean} */ isActionRequired: function(actionName) { var actions = this.get('actions'); if (actions !== null) { if (_.has(actions, actionName) && !actions[actionName]) { return false; } } return true; }, /** * Return a list of convenience methods to check affiliation to the category. * @return {Array} */ getCategoryHelpers: function() { var categories = ['course', 'chapter', 'sequential', 'vertical'], helpers = {}; _.each(categories, function(item) { helpers['is' + str.titleize(item)] = function() { return this.get('category') === item; }; }, this); return helpers; }, /** * Check if we can edit current XBlock or not on Course Outline page. * @return {Boolean} */ isEditableOnCourseOutline: function() { return this.isSequential() || this.isChapter() || this.isVertical(); }, /* * Check whether any verification checkpoints are defined in the course. * Verification checkpoints are defined if there exists a user partition * that uses the verification partition scheme. */ hasVerifiedCheckpoints: function() { var partitions = this.get('user_partitions') || []; return Boolean(_.find(partitions, function(p) { return p.scheme === 'verification'; })); } }); return XBlockInfo; });