<form class="collection-edit-form group-configuration-edit-form"> <% if (error && error.message) { %> <div class="group-configuration-edit-error message message-status message-status error is-shown" name="group-configuration-edit-error"> <%= gettext(error.message) %> </div> <% } %> <div class="wrapper-form"> <fieldset class="collection-fields group-configuration-fields"> <legend class="sr"><%= gettext("Group Configuration information") %></legend> <div class="input-wrap field text required add-collection-name add-group-configuration-name <% if(error && error.attributes && error.attributes.name) { print('error'); } %>"> <label for="group-configuration-name-<%= uniqueId %>"><%= gettext("Group Configuration Name") %></label><% if (!_.isUndefined(id)) { %><span class="group-configuration-id"> <span class="group-configuration-label"><%= gettext('Group Configuration ID') %></span> <span class="group-configuration-value"><%= id %></span> </span><% } %> <input id="group-configuration-name-<%= uniqueId %>" class="collection-name-input input-text" name="group-configuration-name" type="text" placeholder="<%= gettext("This is the Name of the Group Configuration") %>" value="<%= name %>"> <span class="tip tip-stacked"><%= gettext("Name or short description of the configuration") %></span> </div> <div class="input-wrap field text add-group-configuration-description"> <label for="group-configuration-description-<%= uniqueId %>"><%= gettext("Description") %></label> <textarea id="group-configuration-description-<%= uniqueId %>" class="group-configuration-description-input text input-text" name="group-configuration-description" placeholder="<%= gettext("This is the Description of the Group Configuration") %>"><%= description %></textarea> <span class="tip tip-stacked"><%= gettext("Optional long description") %></span> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset class="groups-fields"> <legend class="sr"><%= gettext("Group information") %></legend> <label class="groups-fields-label required"><%= gettext("Groups") %></label> <span class="tip tip-stacked"><%= gettext("Name of the groups that students will be assigned to, for example, Control, Video, Problems. You must have two or more groups.") %></span> <ol class="groups list-input enum"></ol> <button class="action action-add-group action-add-item"><i class="icon fa fa-plus"></i> <%= gettext("Add another group") %></button> </fieldset> <% if (!_.isEmpty(usage)) { %> <div class="wrapper-group-configuration-validation usage-validation"> <i class="icon fa fa-warning"></i> <p class="group-configuration-validation-text"> <%= gettext('This configuration is currently used in content experiments. If you make changes to the groups, you may need to edit those experiments.') %> </p> </div> <% } %> </div> <div class="actions"> <button class="action action-primary" type="submit"><% if (isNew) { print(gettext("Create")) } else { print(gettext("Save")) } %></button> <button class="action action-secondary action-cancel"><%= gettext("Cancel") %></button> <% if (!isNew) { %> <% if (_.isEmpty(usage)) { %> <span class="wrapper-delete-button"> <a class="button action-delete delete" href="#"><%= gettext("Delete") %></a> </span> <% } else { %> <span class="wrapper-delete-button" data-tooltip="<%= gettext('Cannot delete when in use by an experiment') %>"> <a class="button action-delete delete is-disabled" href="#" aria-disabled="true" ><%= gettext("Delete") %></a> </span> <% } %> <% } %> </div> </form>