        "js/views/baseview", "underscore", "js/models/metadata", "js/views/abstract_editor",
        "js/models/uploads", "js/views/uploads",
        "js/models/license", "js/views/license",
function(BaseView, _, MetadataModel, AbstractEditor, FileUpload, UploadDialog,
         LicenseModel, LicenseView, VideoList, VideoTranslations) {
    var Metadata = {};

    Metadata.Editor = BaseView.extend({

        // Model is CMS.Models.MetadataCollection,
        initialize : function() {
            var self = this,
                counter = 0,
                locator = self.$el.closest('[data-locator]').data('locator'),
                courseKey = self.$el.closest('[data-course-key]').data('course-key');

            this.template = this.loadTemplate('metadata-editor');
            this.$el.html(this.template({numEntries: this.collection.length}));

                function (model) {
                    var data = {
                            el: self.$el.find('.metadata_entry')[counter++],
                            courseKey: courseKey,
                            locator: locator,
                            model: model
                        conversions = {
                            'Select': 'Option',
                            'Float': 'Number',
                            'Integer': 'Number'
                        type = model.getType();

                    if (conversions[type]) {
                        type = conversions[type];

                    if (_.isFunction(Metadata[type])) {
                        new Metadata[type](data);
                    } else {
                        // Everything else is treated as GENERIC_TYPE, which uses String editor.
                        new Metadata.String(data);

         * Returns just the modified metadata values, in the format used to persist to the server.
        getModifiedMetadataValues: function () {
            var modified_values = {};
                function (model) {
                    if (model.isModified()) {
                        modified_values[model.getFieldName()] = model.getValue();
            return modified_values;

         * Returns a display name for the component related to this metadata. This method looks to see
         * if there is a metadata entry called 'display_name', and if so, it returns its value. If there
         * is no such entry, or if display_name does not have a value set, it returns an empty string.
        getDisplayName: function () {
            var displayName = '';
                function (model) {
                    if (model.get('field_name') === 'display_name') {
                        var displayNameValue = model.get('value');
                        // It is possible that there is no display name value set. In that case, return empty string.
                        displayName = displayNameValue ? displayNameValue : '';
            return displayName;

    Metadata.VideoList = VideoList;
    Metadata.VideoTranslations = VideoTranslations;

    Metadata.String = AbstractEditor.extend({

        events : {
            "change input" : "updateModel",
            "keypress .setting-input" : "showClearButton",
            "click .setting-clear" : "clear"

        templateName: "metadata-string-entry",

        render: function () {

            // If the model has property `non editable` equals `true`,
            // the field is disabled, but user is able to clear it.
            if (this.model.get('non_editable')) {
                this.$el.find('#' + this.uniqueId)
                    .prop('readonly', true)
                    .attr('aria-disabled', true);

        getValueFromEditor : function () {
            return this.$el.find('#' + this.uniqueId).val();

        setValueInEditor : function (value) {

    Metadata.Number = AbstractEditor.extend({

        events : {
            "change input" : "updateModel",
            "keypress .setting-input" : "keyPressed",
            "change .setting-input" : "changed",
            "click .setting-clear" : "clear"

        render: function () {
            if (!this.initialized) {
                var numToString = function (val) {
                    return val.toFixed(4);
                var min = "min";
                var max = "max";
                var step = "step";
                var options = this.model.getOptions();
                if (options.hasOwnProperty(min)) {
                    this.min = Number(options[min]);
                    this.$el.find('input').attr(min, numToString(this.min));
                if (options.hasOwnProperty(max)) {
                    this.max = Number(options[max]);
                    this.$el.find('input').attr(max, numToString(this.max));
                var stepValue = undefined;
                if (options.hasOwnProperty(step)) {
                    // Parse step and convert to String. Polyfill doesn't like float values like ".1" (expects "0.1").
                    stepValue = numToString(Number(options[step]));
                else if (this.isIntegerField()) {
                    stepValue = "1";
                if (stepValue !== undefined) {
                    this.$el.find('input').attr(step, stepValue);

                // Manually runs polyfill for input number types to correct for Firefox non-support.
                // inputNumber will be undefined when unit test is running.
                if ($.fn.inputNumber) {

                this.initialized = true;

            return this;

        templateName: "metadata-number-entry",

        getValueFromEditor : function () {
            return this.$el.find('#' + this.uniqueId).val();

        setValueInEditor : function (value) {

         * Returns true if this view is restricted to integers, as opposed to floating points values.
        isIntegerField : function () {
            return this.model.getType() === 'Integer';

        keyPressed: function (e) {
            // This first filtering if statement is take from polyfill to prevent
            // non-numeric input (for browsers that don't use polyfill because they DO have a number input type).
            var _ref, _ref1;
            if (((_ref = e.keyCode) !== 8 && _ref !== 9 && _ref !== 35 && _ref !== 36 && _ref !== 37 && _ref !== 39) &&
                ((_ref1 = e.which) !== 45 && _ref1 !== 46 && _ref1 !== 48 && _ref1 !== 49 && _ref1 !== 50 && _ref1 !== 51
                    && _ref1 !== 52 && _ref1 !== 53 && _ref1 !== 54 && _ref1 !== 55 && _ref1 !== 56 && _ref1 !== 57)) {
            // For integers, prevent decimal points.
            if (this.isIntegerField() && e.keyCode === 46) {

        changed: function () {
            // Limit value to the range specified by min and max (necessary for browsers that aren't using polyfill).
            // Prevent integer/float fields value to be empty (set them to their defaults)
            var value = this.getValueFromEditor();
            if (value) {
                if ((this.max !== undefined) && value > this.max) {
                    value = this.max;
                } else if ((this.min != undefined) && value < this.min) {
                    value = this.min;
            } else {


    Metadata.Option = AbstractEditor.extend({

        events : {
            "change select" : "updateModel",
            "click .setting-clear" : "clear"

        templateName: "metadata-option-entry",

        getValueFromEditor : function () {
            var selectedText = this.$el.find('#' + this.uniqueId).find(":selected").text();
            var selectedValue;
            _.each(this.model.getOptions(), function (modelValue) {
                if (modelValue === selectedText) {
                    selectedValue = modelValue;
                else if (modelValue['display_name'] === selectedText) {
                    selectedValue = modelValue['value'];
            return selectedValue;

        setValueInEditor : function (value) {
            // Value here is the json value as used by the field. The choice may instead be showing display names.
            // Find the display name matching the value passed in.
            _.each(this.model.getOptions(), function (modelValue) {
                if (modelValue['value'] === value) {
                    value = modelValue['display_name'];
            this.$el.find('#' + this.uniqueId + " option").filter(function() {
                return $(this).text() === value;
            }).prop('selected', true);

    Metadata.List = AbstractEditor.extend({

        events : {
            "click .setting-clear" : "clear",
            "keypress .setting-input" : "showClearButton",
            "change input" : "updateModel",
            "input input" : "enableAdd",
            "click .create-setting" : "addEntry",
            "click .remove-setting" : "removeEntry"

        templateName: "metadata-list-entry",

        getValueFromEditor: function () {
                this.$el.find('li input'),
                function (ele) { return ele.value.trim(); }

        setValueInEditor: function (value) {
            var list = this.$el.find('ol');

            _.each(value, function(ele, index) {
                var template = _.template(
                    '<li class="list-settings-item">' +
                        '<input type="text" class="input" value="<%- ele %>">' +
                        '<a href="#" class="remove-action remove-setting" data-index="<%- index %>"><span class="icon fa fa-times-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="sr">' + gettext('Remove') + '</span></a>' + //jshint ignore:line
                list.append($(template({'ele': ele, 'index': index})));

        addEntry: function(event) {
            // We don't call updateModel here since it's bound to the
            // change event
            var list = this.model.get('value') || [];
            this.$el.find('.create-setting').addClass('is-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', true);

        removeEntry: function(event) {
            var entry = $(event.currentTarget).siblings().val();
            this.setValueInEditor(_.without(this.model.get('value'), entry));
            this.$el.find('.create-setting').removeClass('is-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', false);

        enableAdd: function() {
            this.$el.find('.create-setting').removeClass('is-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', false);

        clear: function() {
            AbstractEditor.prototype.clear.apply(this, arguments);
            if (_.isNull(this.model.getValue())) {
                this.$el.find('.create-setting').removeClass('is-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', false);

    Metadata.RelativeTime = AbstractEditor.extend({

        defaultValue: '00:00:00',
        // By default max value of RelativeTime field on Backend is 23:59:59,
        // that is 86399 seconds.
        maxTimeInSeconds: 86399,

        events: {
            "focus input" : "addSelection",
            "mouseup input" : "mouseUpHandler",
            "change input" : "updateModel",
            "keypress .setting-input" : "showClearButton"  ,
            "click .setting-clear" : "clear"

        templateName: "metadata-string-entry",

        getValueFromEditor: function () {
            var $input = this.$el.find('#' + this.uniqueId);

            return $input.val();

        updateModel: function () {
            var value = this.getValueFromEditor(),
                time = this.parseRelativeTime(value);


            // Sometimes, `parseRelativeTime` method returns the same value for
            // the different inputs. In this case, model will not be
            // updated (it already has the same value) and we should
            // call `render` method manually.
            // Examples:
            //   value => 23:59:59; parseRelativeTime => 23:59:59
            //   value => 44:59:59; parseRelativeTime => 23:59:59
            if (value !== time && !this.model.hasChanged('value')) {

        parseRelativeTime: function (value) {
            // This function ensure you have two-digits
            var pad = function (number) {
                    return (number < 10) ? "0" + number : number;
                // Removes all white-spaces and splits by `:`.
                list = value.replace(/\s+/g, '').split(':'),
                seconds, date;

            list =, function(num) {
                return Math.max(0, parseInt(num, 10) || 0);

            seconds = _.reduce(list, function(memo, num, index) {
                return memo + num * Math.pow(60, index);
            }, 0);

            // multiply by 1000 because Date() requires milliseconds
            date = new Date(Math.min(seconds, this.maxTimeInSeconds) * 1000);

            return [

        setValueInEditor: function (value) {
            if (!value) {
                value = this.defaultValue;


        addSelection: function (event) {

        mouseUpHandler: function (event) {
            // Prevents default behavior to make works selection in WebKit
            // browsers

    Metadata.Dict = AbstractEditor.extend({

        events: {
            "click .setting-clear" : "clear",
            "keypress .setting-input" : "showClearButton",
            "change input" : "updateModel",
            "input input" : "enableAdd",
            "click .create-setting" : "addEntry",
            "click .remove-setting" : "removeEntry"

        templateName: "metadata-dict-entry",

        getValueFromEditor: function () {
            var dict = {};

            _.each(this.$el.find('li'), function(li, index) {
                var key = $(li).find('.input-key').val().trim(),
                    value = $(li).find('.input-value').val().trim();

                // Keys should be unique, so if our keys are duplicated and
                // second key is empty or key and value are empty just do
                // nothing. Otherwise, it'll be overwritten by the new value.
                if (value === '') {
                    if (key === '' || key in dict) {
                        return false;

                dict[key] = value;

            return dict;

        setValueInEditor: function (value) {
            var list = this.$el.find('ol'),
                frag = document.createDocumentFragment();

            _.each(value, function(value, key) {
                var template = _.template(
                    '<li class="list-settings-item">' +
                        '<input type="text" class="input input-key" value="<%= key %>">' +
                        '<input type="text" class="input input-value" value="<%= value %>">' +
                        '<a href="#" class="remove-action remove-setting" data-value="<%= value %>"><span class="icon fa fa-times-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="sr">Remove</span></a>' + //jshint ignore:line

                frag.appendChild($(template({'key': key, 'value': value}))[0]);


        addEntry: function(event) {
            // We don't call updateModel here since it's bound to the
            // change event
            var dict = $.extend(true, {}, this.model.get('value')) || {};
            dict[''] = '';
            this.$el.find('.create-setting').addClass('is-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', true);

        removeEntry: function(event) {
            var entry = $(event.currentTarget).siblings('.input-key').val();
            this.setValueInEditor(_.omit(this.model.get('value'), entry));
            this.$el.find('.create-setting').removeClass('is-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', false);

        enableAdd: function() {
            this.$el.find('.create-setting').removeClass('is-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', false);

        clear: function() {
            AbstractEditor.prototype.clear.apply(this, arguments);
            if (_.isNull(this.model.getValue())) {
                this.$el.find('.create-setting').removeClass('is-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', false);

     * Provides convenient way to upload/download files in component edit.
     * The editor uploads files directly to course assets and stores link
     * to uploaded file.
    Metadata.FileUploader = AbstractEditor.extend({

        events : {
            "click .upload-setting" : "upload",
            "click .setting-clear" : "clear"

        templateName: "metadata-file-uploader-entry",
        templateButtonsName: "metadata-file-uploader-item",

        initialize: function () {
            this.buttonTemplate = this.loadTemplate(this.templateButtonsName);

        getValueFromEditor: function () {
            return this.$('#' + this.uniqueId).val();

        setValueInEditor: function (value) {
            var html = this.buttonTemplate({
                model: this.model,
                uniqueId: this.uniqueId

            this.$('#' + this.uniqueId).val(value);

        upload: function (event) {
            var self = this,
                target = $(event.currentTarget),
                url = '/assets/' + this.options.courseKey + '/',
                model = new FileUpload({
                    title: gettext('Upload File'),
                view = new UploadDialog({
                    model: model,
                    url: url,
                    parentElement: target.closest('.xblock-editor'),
                    onSuccess: function (response) {
                        if (response['asset'] && response['asset']['url']) {


    Metadata.License = AbstractEditor.extend({

        initialize: function(options) {
            this.licenseModel = new LicenseModel({"asString": this.model.getValue()});
            this.licenseView = new LicenseView({model: this.licenseModel});

            // Rerender when the license model changes
            this.listenTo(this.licenseModel, 'change', this.setLicense);

        render: function() {
            this.licenseView.render().$el.css("display", "inline");
            // restore event bindings
            return this;

        setLicense: function() {


    return Metadata;