// discussion - thread layout // ==================== // NOTE: thread = (post + (responses and comments)) // Table of Contents // * +general thread layout // * +thread - wrapper styling // * +thread - elements - shared styles // * +post - individual element styling // * +post - answered question - collapsed comment area // post layout .discussion-post { padding: 0 ($baseline/2); .post-header-actions { @include float(right); } } // post article .discussion-article { .posted-details { @extend %t-copy-sub2; @extend %t-light; margin: ($baseline/5) 0; color: $forum-color-copy-light; .username { @extend %t-strong; display: inline; } .timeago, .top-post-status { color: inherit; } } } .thread-title { display: block; margin-bottom: $baseline; font-size: $forum-x-large-font-size; color: theme-color("gray-dark"); font-weight: 600; } .thread-responses-wrapper, .post-extended-content { padding: 0 ($baseline/2); } // response layout .discussion-response { min-height: ($baseline*5); .response-header-content { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: flex-grid(11,12); } .response-header-actions { @include float(right); @include right($baseline); position: absolute; top: ($baseline/2); } // response body .response-body { @extend %t-copy-sub1; } } // comments layout .discussion-comment { .response-body { @extend %t-copy-sub2; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: ($baseline/2); width: flex-grid(10,12); p + p { margin-top: ($baseline/2); } } .comment-actions-list { @include float(right); @include right($baseline / 2); position: absolute; top: $baseline / 2; } } // +thread - wrapper styling .thread-wrapper { .response-btn-count-wrapper { margin: $baseline 0; } } // +thread - elements - shared styles .discussion-post, .discussion-response, .discussion-comment { @include clearfix(); // thread - images .author-image { @include margin-right($baseline/2); display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; // STATE: No profile image &:empty { display: none; } // CASE: post image &.level-post { height: $post-image-dimension; width: $post-image-dimension; } // CASE: response image &.level-response { height: $response-image-dimension; width: $response-image-dimension; } // CASE: comment image &.level-comment { height: $comment-image-dimension; width: $comment-image-dimension; } img { border-radius: $forum-border-radius; } } } .discussion-response .response-body { @include padding(($baseline / 2), ($baseline * 1.5), 0, 0); //ensures content doesn't overlap on post or response actions. margin-bottom: 0.2em; font-size: $forum-base-font-size; } // +post - individual element styling .discussion-post { @include clearfix(); .post-header-content { max-width: calc(100% - #{$actions-dropdown-offset}); // post title .post-title { font-size: $forum-x-large-font-size; margin-bottom: ($baseline/4); } } // post body .post-body { @extend %t-copy-sub1; padding: ($baseline/2) 0; max-width: calc(100% - #{$actions-dropdown-offset}); } // post context .post-context { @extend %t-copy-sub2; @extend %t-light; color: $forum-color-copy-light; // CASE: no courseware context or cohort visibility rules &:empty { display: none; } } } // Styling for discussion threads .discussion-thread { padding: 0; margin-bottom: $baseline; @include transition(all .25s linear 0s); p { margin-bottom: 0; } .discussion-article { @include transition(all .2s linear 0s); border: 1px solid $forum-color-border; border-radius: $forum-border-radius; min-height: 0; background: $forum-color-background; box-shadow: 0 1px 0 $shadow; @include transition(all .2s linear 0s); .thread-wrapper { @include border-radius($forum-border-radius, $forum-border-radius, 0, 0); position: relative; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; max-height: 600px; background-color: $forum-color-background; .discussion-post { .inline-comment-count { @include margin-right($baseline/2); @extend %ui-depth2; @include float(right); position: relative; display: block; height: 27px; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0 8px; border-radius: $forum-border-radius; font-size: $forum-small-font-size; font-weight: 400; line-height: 25px; color: #888; } } .responses { header { padding-bottom: 0; margin-bottom: ($baseline*0.75); .posted-by { @include margin-right($baseline/4); @include float(left); font-size: $forum-large-font-size; } } } .discussion-reply-new { .wmd-input { height: 120px; } } // Content that is hidden by default in the inline view .post-extended-content { display: none; } } .post-tools { box-shadow: 0 1px 1px $shadow inset; background: $white; &:hover { background: $forum-color-hover-thread; .icon { color: $link-hover; } } .btn-link { display: block; padding: ($baseline*0.25) $baseline; font-size: $forum-small-font-size; line-height: 30px; .icon { @include margin-right($baseline*0.25); color: $link-color; } } } } } .thread-wrapper, .forum-new-post-form { img { max-width: 100%; } }