require 'launchy' # --- Develop and public documentation --- desc "Invoke sphinx 'make build' to generate docs." task :builddocs, [:type, :quiet] do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:quiet => "quiet") if args.type == 'dev' path = "docs/en_us/developers" elsif args.type == 'author' path = "docs/en_us/course_authors" elsif args.type == 'data' path = "docs/en_us/data" else path = "docs/en_us" end Dir.chdir(path) do if args.quiet == 'verbose' sh('make html quiet=false') else sh('make html quiet=true') end end end desc "Show docs in browser: dev, author, data." task :showdocs, [:options] do |t, args| if args.options == 'dev' path = "docs/en_us/developers" elsif args.options == 'author' path = "docs/en_us/course_authors" elsif args.options == 'data' path = "docs/en_us/data" else path = "docs/en_us/developers" end"#{path}/build/html/index.html") end desc "Build docs and show them in browser" task :doc, [:type, :quiet] => :builddocs do |t, args| Rake::Task["showdocs"].invoke(args.type, args.quiet) end # Run documentation tests desc "Run documentation tests" task :test_docs => :install_python_prereqs do # Be sure that sphinx can build docs w/o exceptions. test_message = "If a docs test fails, you should run '%s' and look at whole output and fix exceptions. (You shouldn't fix rst warnings and errors for this to pass, just get rid of exceptions.)" puts (test_message % ["rake doc[docs,verbose]"]).colorize( :light_green ) test_sh('docs', 'rake builddocs') end # Add documentation tests to the main test command task :test => :'test_docs'