def run_pylint(system, report_dir, flags='') apps = Dir["#{system}", "#{system}/djangoapps/*"] if system != 'lms' apps += Dir["#{system}/lib/*"] end apps = do |app| File.basename(app) do |app| app !=~ /.pyc$/ do |app| if app =~ /.py$/ app.gsub('.py', '') else app end end pythonpath_prefix = "PYTHONPATH=#{system}:#{system}/djangoapps:#{system}/lib:common/djangoapps:common/lib" sh("#{pythonpath_prefix} pylint #{flags} -f parseable #{apps.join(' ')} | tee #{report_dir}/") end [:lms, :cms, :common].each do |system| report_dir = report_dir_path(system) directory report_dir namespace :pylint do namespace system do desc "Run pylint checking for #{system} checking for errors only, and aborting if there are any" task :errors do run_pylint(system, report_dir, '-E') end end desc "Run pylint on all #{system} code" task system => [report_dir, :install_python_prereqs] do run_pylint(system, report_dir) end end task :pylint => :"pylint:#{system}" namespace :pep8 do desc "Run pep8 on all #{system} code" task system => [report_dir, :install_python_prereqs] do sh("pep8 #{system} | tee #{report_dir}/") end end task :pep8 => :"pep8:#{system}" end dquality_dir = File.join(REPORT_DIR, "diff_quality") directory dquality_dir desc "Build the html diff quality reports, and print the reports to the console." task :quality => [dquality_dir, :install_python_prereqs] do # Generage diff-quality html report for pep8, and print to console # If pep8 reports exist, use those # Otherwise, `diff-quality` will call pep8 itself pep8_reports = FileList[File.join(REPORT_DIR, '**/')].join(' ') sh("diff-quality --violations=pep8 --html-report #{dquality_dir}/diff_quality_pep8.html #{pep8_reports}") sh("diff-quality --violations=pep8 #{pep8_reports}") # Generage diff-quality html report for pylint, and print to console # If pylint reports exist, use those # Otherwise, `diff-quality` will call pylint itself pylint_reports = FileList[File.join(REPORT_DIR, '**/')].join(' ') pythonpath_prefix = "PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:lms:lms/djangoapps:lms/lib:cms:cms/djangoapps:cms/lib:common:common/djangoapps:common/lib" sh("#{pythonpath_prefix} diff-quality --violations=pylint --html-report #{dquality_dir}/diff_quality_pylint.html #{pylint_reports}") sh("#{pythonpath_prefix} diff-quality --violations=pylint #{pylint_reports}") end