##This file is based on the template from the SimpleWiki source which carries the GPL license <%inherit file="simplewiki_base.html"/> <%! from simplewiki.views import wiki_reverse %> <%block name="title"><title>Wiki Error – MITx 6.002x</title></%block> <%block name="wiki_page_title"> <h1>Oops...</h1> </%block> <%block name="wiki_body"> <div class="wiki_error"> %if wiki_error is not UNDEFINED: ${wiki_error} %endif %if wiki_err_notfound is not UNDEFINED: <p> The page you requested could not be found. Click <a href="${wiki_reverse("wiki_create", course=course, kwargs={'article_path' : article_path})}">here</a> to create it. </p> %elif wiki_err_no_namespace is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_no_namespace: <p> You must specify a namespace to create an article in. </p> %elif wiki_err_bad_namespace is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_bad_namespace: <p> The namespace for this article does not exist. This article cannot be created. </p> %elif wiki_err_locked is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_locked: <p> The article you are trying to modify is locked. </p> %elif wiki_err_noread is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_noread: <p> You do not have access to read this article. </p> %elif wiki_err_nowrite is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_nowrite: <p> You do not have access to edit this article. </p> %elif wiki_err_noanon is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_noanon: <p> Anonymous attachments are not allowed. Try logging in. </p> %elif wiki_err_create is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_create: <p> You do not have access to create this article. </p> %elif wiki_err_encode is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_encode: <p> The url you requested could not be handled by the wiki. Probably you used a bad character in the URL. Only use digits, English letters, underscore and dash. For instance /wiki/An_Article-1 </p> %elif wiki_err_deleted is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_deleted: <p> The article you tried to access has been deleted. You may be able to restore it to an earlier version in its <a href="${wiki_reverse("wiki_history", wiki_article, course)}">history</a>, or <a href="${wiki_reverse("wiki_edit", wiki_article, course)}">create a new version</a>. </p> %elif wiki_err_norevision is not UNDEFINED: <p> This article does not contain revision ${wiki_err_norevision | h}. </p> %else: <p> An error has occured. </p> %endif </div> </%block>