import re
from urlparse import urlparse

from django.http import Http404
from django.shortcuts import redirect

from wiki.models import reverse as wiki_reverse
from courseware.access import has_access
from import get_course_with_access

IN_COURSE_WIKI_REGEX = r'/courses/(?P<course_id>[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+)/wiki/(?P<wiki_path>.*|)$'

class Middleware(object):
    This middleware is to keep the course nav bar above the wiki while
    the student clicks around to other wiki pages.
    If it intercepts a request for /wiki/.. that has a referrer in the
    form /courses/course_id/... it will redirect the user to the page
    It is also possible that someone followed a link leading to a course
    that they don't have access to. In this case, we redirect them to the
    same page on the regular wiki.
    If we return a redirect, this middleware makes sure that the redirect
    keeps the student in the course.
    Finally, if the student is in the course viewing a wiki, we change the
    reverse() function to resolve wiki urls as a course wiki url by setting
    the _transform_url attribute on wiki.models.reverse.
    Forgive me Father, for I have hacked.
    def __init__(self):
        self.redirected = False
    def process_request(self, request):
        self.redirected = False
        wiki_reverse._transform_url = lambda url: url
        referer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER')
        destination = request.path
        if request.method == 'GET':
            new_destination = self.get_redirected_url(request.user, referer, destination)
            if new_destination != destination:
                # We mark that we generated this redirection, so we don't modify it again
                self.redirected = True
                return redirect(new_destination)
        course_match = re.match(IN_COURSE_WIKI_REGEX, destination)
        if course_match:
            course_id ='course_id')
            prepend_string = '/courses/' +'course_id')
            wiki_reverse._transform_url = lambda url: prepend_string + url
        return None
    def process_response(self, request, response):
        If this is a redirect response going to /wiki/*, then we might need
        to change it to be a redirect going to /courses/*/wiki*.
        if not self.redirected and response.status_code == 302: #This is a redirect
            referer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER')
            destination_url = response['LOCATION']
            destination = urlparse(destination_url).path
            new_destination = self.get_redirected_url(request.user, referer, destination)
            if new_destination != destination:
                new_url = destination_url.replace(destination, new_destination)
                response['LOCATION'] = new_url
        return response
    def get_redirected_url(self, user, referer, destination):
        Returns None if the destination shouldn't be changed.
        if not referer:
            return destination
        referer_path = urlparse(referer).path
        path_match = re.match(r'^/wiki/(?P<wiki_path>.*|)$', destination)
        if path_match:
            # We are going to the wiki. Check if we came from a course
            course_match = re.match(r'/courses/(?P<course_id>[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+)/.*', referer_path)
            if course_match:
                course_id ='course_id')
                # See if we are able to view the course. If we are, redirect to it
                    course = get_course_with_access(user, course_id, 'load')
                    return "/courses/" + + "/wiki/" +'wiki_path')
                except Http404:
                    # Even though we came from the course, we can't see it. So don't worry about it.
            # It is also possible we are going to a course wiki view, but we 
            # don't have permission to see the course!
            course_match = re.match(IN_COURSE_WIKI_REGEX, destination)
            if course_match:
                course_id ='course_id')
                # See if we are able to view the course. If we aren't, redirect to regular wiki
                    course = get_course_with_access(user, course_id, 'load')
                    # Good, we can see the course. Carry on
                    return destination
                except Http404:
                    # We can't see the course, so redirect to the regular wiki
                    return "/wiki/" +'wiki_path')
        return destination

def context_processor(request):
    This is a context processor which looks at the URL while we are
    in the wiki. If the url is in the form
    then we add 'course' to the context. This allows the course nav
    bar to be shown.
    match = re.match(IN_COURSE_WIKI_REGEX, request.path)
    if match:
        course_id ='course_id')
            course = get_course_with_access(request.user, course_id, 'load')
            staff_access = has_access(request.user, course, 'staff')
            return {'course' : course,
                    'staff_access': staff_access}
        except Http404:
            # We couldn't access the course for whatever reason. It is too late to change
            # the URL here, so we just leave the course context. The middleware shouldn't
            # let this happen
    return {}