///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Simple schematic capture // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2011 Massachusetts Institute of Technology // add schematics to a document with // // <input type="hidden" class="schematic" name="unique_form_id" value="JSON netlist..." .../> // // other attributes you can add to the input tag: // width -- width in pixels of diagram // height -- height in pixels of diagram // parts -- comma-separated list of parts for parts bin (see parts_map), // parts="" disables editing of diagram // JSON schematic representation: // sch := [part, part, ...] // part := [type, coords, properties, connections] // type := string (see parts_map) // coords := [number, ...] // (x,y,rot) or (x1,y1,x2,y2) // properties := {name: value, ...} // connections := [node, ...] // one per connection point in canoncial order // node := string // need a netlist? just use the part's type, properites and connections // TO DO: // - wire labels? // - zoom/scroll canvas // - rotate multiple objects around their center of mass // - rubber band wires when moving components // set up each schematic entry widget function update_schematics() { // set up each schematic on the page var schematics = document.getElementsByClassName('schematic'); for (var i = 0; i < schematics.length; ++i) if (schematics[i].getAttribute("loaded") != "true") { try { new schematic.Schematic(schematics[i]); } catch (err) { var msgdiv = document.createElement('div'); msgdiv.style.border = 'thick solid #FF0000'; msgdiv.style.margins = '20px'; msgdiv.style.padding = '20px'; var msg = document.createTextNode('Sorry, there a browser error in starting the schematic tool. The tool is known to be compatible with the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome, which we recommend you use.'); msgdiv.appendChild(msg); schematics[i].parentNode.insertBefore(msgdiv,schematics[i]); } schematics[i].setAttribute("loaded","true"); } } // add ourselves to the tasks that get performed when window is loaded function add_schematic_handler(other_onload) { return function() { // execute othe onload functions first if (other_onload) other_onload(); update_schematics(); } } window.onload = add_schematic_handler(window.onload); // ask each schematic input widget to update its value field for submission function prepare_schematics() { var schematics = document.getElementsByClassName('schematic'); for (var i = schematics.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) schematics[i].schematic.update_value(); } schematic = (function() { background_style = 'rgb(220,220,220)'; element_style = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; thumb_style = 'rgb(128,128,128)'; normal_style = 'rgb(0,0,0)'; // default drawing color component_style = 'rgb(64,64,255)'; // color for unselected components selected_style = 'rgb(64,255,64)'; // highlight color for selected components grid_style = "rgb(128,128,128)"; annotation_style = 'rgb(255,64,64)'; // color for diagram annotations property_size = 5; // point size for Component property text annotation_size = 6; // point size for diagram annotations // list of all the defined parts parts_map = { 'g': [Ground, 'Ground connection'], 'L': [Label, 'Node label'], 'v': [VSource, 'Voltage source'], 'i': [ISource, 'Current source'], 'r': [Resistor, 'Resistor'], 'c': [Capacitor, 'Capacitor'], 'l': [Inductor, 'Inductor'], 'o': [OpAmp, 'Op Amp'], 'd': [Diode, 'Diode'], 'n': [NFet, 'NFet'], 'p': [PFet, 'PFet'], 's': [Probe, 'Voltage Probe'], 'a': [Ammeter, 'Current Probe'], }; // global clipboard if (typeof sch_clipboard == 'undefined') sch_clipboard = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Schematic = diagram + parts bin + status area // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // setup a schematic by populating the <div> with the appropriate children function Schematic(input) { // set up diagram viewing parameters this.grid = 8; this.scale = 2; this.origin_x = input.getAttribute("origin_x"); if (this.origin_x == undefined) this.origin_x = 0; this.origin_y = input.getAttribute("origin_y"); if (this.origin_y == undefined) this.origin_y = 0; this.window_list = []; // list of pop-up windows in increasing z order // use user-supplied list of parts if supplied // else just populate parts bin with all the parts this.edits_allowed = true; var parts = input.getAttribute('parts'); if (parts == undefined || parts == 'None') { parts = new Array(); for (var p in parts_map) parts.push(p); } else if (parts == '') { this.edits_allowed = false; parts = []; } else parts = parts.split(','); // now add the parts to the parts bin this.parts_bin = []; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var part = new Part(this); var pm = parts_map[parts[i]]; part.set_component(new pm[0](0,0,0),pm[1]); this.parts_bin.push(part); } // use user-supplied list of analyses, otherwise provide them all // analyses="" means no analyses var analyses = input.getAttribute('analyses'); if (analyses == undefined || analyses == 'None') analyses = ['dc','ac','tran']; else if (analyses == '') analyses = []; else analyses = analyses.split(','); if (parts.length == 0 && analyses.length == 0) this.diagram_only = true; else this.diagram_only = false; // see what we need to submit. Expecting attribute of the form // submit_analyses="{'tran':[[node_name,t1,t2,t3],...], // 'ac':[[node_name,f1,f2,...],...]}" var submit = input.getAttribute('submit_analyses'); if (submit && submit.indexOf('{') != -1) this.submit_analyses = JSON.parse(submit); else this.submit_analyses = undefined; // toolbar this.tools = new Array(); this.toolbar = []; if (!this.diagram_only) { this.tools['help'] = this.add_tool(help_icon,'Help: display help page',this.help); this.enable_tool('help',true); this.toolbar.push(null); // spacer } if (this.edits_allowed) { this.tools['zoomin'] = this.add_tool(zoomin_icon,'Zoom In: increase display magnification',this.zoomin); this.enable_tool('zoomin',true); this.tools['zoomout'] = this.add_tool(zoomout_icon,'Zoom Out: decrease display magnification',this.zoomout); this.enable_tool('zoomout',true); this.tools['zoomall'] = this.add_tool(zoomall_icon,'Zoom All: show entire diagram',this.zoomall); this.enable_tool('zoomall',true); this.tools['cut'] = this.add_tool(cut_icon,'Cut: move selected components from diagram to the clipboard',this.cut); this.tools['copy'] = this.add_tool(copy_icon,'Copy: copy selected components into the clipboard',this.copy); this.tools['paste'] = this.add_tool(paste_icon,'Paste: copy clipboard into the diagram',this.paste); this.toolbar.push(null); // spacer } // simulation interface if cktsim.js is loaded if (typeof cktsim != 'undefined') { if (analyses.indexOf('dc') != -1) { this.tools['dc'] = this.add_tool('DC','DC Analysis',this.dc_analysis); this.enable_tool('dc',true); this.dc_max_iters = '1000'; // default values dc solution } if (analyses.indexOf('ac') != -1) { this.tools['ac'] = this.add_tool('AC','AC Small-Signal Analysis',this.setup_ac_analysis); this.enable_tool('ac',true); this.ac_npts = '50'; // default values for AC Analysis this.ac_fstart = '10'; this.ac_fstop = '1G'; this.ac_source_name = undefined; } if (analyses.indexOf('tran') != -1) { this.tools['tran'] = this.add_tool('TRAN','Transient Analysis',this.transient_analysis); this.enable_tool('tran',true); this.tran_npts = '100'; // default values for transient analysis this.tran_tstop = '1'; } } // set up diagram canvas this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.width = input.getAttribute('width'); this.width = parseInt(this.width == undefined ? '400' : this.width); this.canvas.width = this.width; this.height = input.getAttribute('height'); this.height = parseInt(this.height == undefined ? '300' : this.height); this.canvas.height = this.height; // repaint simply draws this buffer and then adds selected elements on top this.bg_image = document.createElement('canvas'); this.bg_image.width = this.width; this.bg_image.height = this.height; if (!this.diagram_only) { this.canvas.tabIndex = 1; // so we get keystrokes this.canvas.style.borderStyle = 'solid'; this.canvas.style.borderWidth = '1px'; this.canvas.style.borderColor = grid_style; this.canvas.style.outline = 'none'; } this.canvas.schematic = this; if (this.edits_allowed) { this.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove',schematic_mouse_move,false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mouseover',schematic_mouse_enter,false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mouseout',schematic_mouse_leave,false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown',schematic_mouse_down,false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mouseup',schematic_mouse_up,false); this.canvas.addEventListener('dblclick',schematic_double_click,false); this.canvas.addEventListener('keydown',schematic_key_down,false); this.canvas.addEventListener('keyup',schematic_key_up,false); } // set up message area if (!this.diagram_only) { this.status_div = document.createElement('div'); this.status = document.createTextNode(''); this.status_div.appendChild(this.status); this.status_div.style.height = status_height + 'px'; } else this.status_div = undefined; this.connection_points = new Array(); // location string => list of cp's this.components = []; this.dragging = false; this.drawCursor = false; this.cursor_x = 0; this.cursor_y = 0; this.draw_cursor = undefined; this.select_rect = undefined; this.wire = undefined; this.operating_point = undefined; // result from DC analysis this.dc_results = undefined; // saved analysis results for submission this.ac_results = undefined; // saved analysis results for submission this.transient_results = undefined; // saved analysis results for submission // state of modifier keys this.ctrlKey = false; this.shiftKey = false; this.altKey = false; this.cmdKey = false; // make sure other code can find us! input.schematic = this; this.input = input; // set up DOM -- use nested tables to do the layout var table,tr,td; table = document.createElement('table'); table.rules = 'none'; if (!this.diagram_only) { table.frame = 'box'; table.style.borderStyle = 'solid'; table.style.borderWidth = '2px'; table.style.borderColor = normal_style; table.style.backgroundColor = background_style; } // add tools to DOM if (this.toolbar.length > 0) { tr = document.createElement('tr'); table.appendChild(tr); td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.verticalAlign = 'top'; td.colSpan = 2; tr.appendChild(td); for (var i = 0; i < this.toolbar.length; ++i) { var tool = this.toolbar[i]; if (tool != null) td.appendChild(tool); } } // add canvas and parts bin to DOM tr = document.createElement('tr'); table.appendChild(tr); td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); // for inserting pop-up windows td.appendChild(wrapper); wrapper.style.position = 'relative'; // so we can position subwindows wrapper.appendChild(this.canvas); td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.verticalAlign = 'top'; tr.appendChild(td); var parts_table = document.createElement('table'); td.appendChild(parts_table); parts_table.rules = 'none'; parts_table.frame = 'void'; parts_table.cellPadding = '0'; parts_table.cellSpacing = '0'; // fill in parts_table var parts_per_column = Math.floor(this.height / (part_h + 5)); // mysterious extra padding for (var i = 0; i < parts_per_column; ++i) { tr = document.createElement('tr'); parts_table.appendChild(tr); for (var j = i; j < this.parts_bin.length; j += parts_per_column) { td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); td.appendChild(this.parts_bin[j].canvas); } } if (this.status_div != undefined) { tr = document.createElement('tr'); table.appendChild(tr); td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td); td.colSpan = 2; td.appendChild(this.status_div); } // add to dom // avoid Chrome bug that changes to text cursor whenever // drag starts. Just do this in schematic tool... var toplevel = document.createElement('div'); toplevel.onselectstart = function(){ return false; }; toplevel.appendChild(table); this.input.parentNode.insertBefore(toplevel,this.input.nextSibling); // process initial contents of diagram this.load_schematic(this.input.getAttribute('value'), this.input.getAttribute('initial_value')); } part_w = 42; // size of a parts bin compartment part_h = 42; status_height = 18; Schematic.prototype.add_component = function(new_c) { this.components.push(new_c); // create undoable edit record here } Schematic.prototype.remove_component = function(c) { var index = this.components.indexOf(c); if (index != -1) this.components.splice(index,1); } Schematic.prototype.find_connections = function(cp) { return this.connection_points[cp.location]; } // add connection point to list of connection points at that location Schematic.prototype.add_connection_point = function(cp) { var cplist = this.connection_points[cp.location]; if (cplist) cplist.push(cp); else { cplist = [cp]; this.connection_points[cp.location] = cplist; } // return list of conincident connection points return cplist; } // remove connection point from the list points at the old location Schematic.prototype.remove_connection_point = function(cp,old_location) { // remove cp from list at old location var cplist = this.connection_points[old_location]; if (cplist) { var index = cplist.indexOf(cp); if (index != -1) { cplist.splice(index,1); // if no more connections at this location, remove // entry from array to keep our search time short if (cplist.length == 0) delete this.connection_points[old_location]; } } } // connection point has changed location: remove, then add Schematic.prototype.update_connection_point = function(cp,old_location) { this.remove_connection_point(cp,old_location); return this.add_connection_point(cp); } // add a wire to the schematic Schematic.prototype.add_wire = function(x1,y1,x2,y2) { var new_wire = new Wire(x1,y1,x2,y2); new_wire.add(this); new_wire.move_end(); return new_wire; } Schematic.prototype.split_wire = function(w,cp) { // remove bisected wire w.remove(); // add two new wires with connection point cp in the middle this.add_wire(w.x,w.y,cp.x,cp.y); this.add_wire(w.x+w.dx,w.y+w.dy,cp.x,cp.y); } // see if connection points of component c split any wires Schematic.prototype.check_wires = function(c) { for (var i = 0; i < this.components.length; i++) { var cc = this.components[i]; if (cc != c) { // don't check a component against itself // only wires will return non-null from a bisect call var cp = cc.bisect(c); if (cp) { // cc is a wire bisected by connection point cp this.split_wire(cc,cp); this.redraw_background(); } } } } // see if there are any existing connection points that bisect wire w Schematic.prototype.check_connection_points = function(w) { for (var locn in this.connection_points) { var cplist = this.connection_points[locn]; if (cplist && w.bisect_cp(cplist[0])) { this.split_wire(w,cplist[0]); this.redraw_background(); // stop here, new wires introduced by split will do their own checks return; } } } // merge collinear wires sharing an end point Schematic.prototype.clean_up_wires = function() { for (var locn in this.connection_points) { var cplist = this.connection_points[locn]; if (cplist && cplist.length == 2) { // found a connection with just two connections, see if they're wires var c1 = cplist[0].parent; var c2 = cplist[1].parent; if (c1.type == 'w' && c2.type == 'w') { var e1 = c1.other_end(cplist[0]); var e2 = c2.other_end(cplist[1]); var e3 = cplist[0]; // point shared by the two wires if (collinear(e1,e2,e3)) { c1.remove(); c2.remove(); this.add_wire(e1.x,e1.y,e2.x,e2.y); } } } } } Schematic.prototype.unselect_all = function(which) { this.operating_point = undefined; // remove annotations for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (i != which) this.components[i].set_select(false); } Schematic.prototype.drag_begin = function() { // let components know they're about to move for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var component = this.components[i]; if (component.selected) component.move_begin(); } // remember where drag started this.drag_x = this.cursor_x; this.drag_y = this.cursor_y; this.dragging = true; } Schematic.prototype.drag_end = function() { // let components know they're done moving for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var component = this.components[i]; if (component.selected) component.move_end(); } this.dragging = false; this.clean_up_wires(); this.redraw_background(); } Schematic.prototype.help = function() { window.open('/static/handouts/schematic_tutorial.pdf'); } // zoom diagram around current center point Schematic.prototype.rescale = function(nscale) { var cx = this.origin_x + this.width/(2*this.scale); var cy = this.origin_y + this.height/(2*this.scale); this.scale = nscale; this.origin_x = cx - this.width/(2*this.scale); this.origin_y = cy - this.height/(2*this.scale); this.redraw_background(); } Schematic.prototype.zoomin = function() { this.rescale(this.scale * 1.5); } Schematic.prototype.zoomout = function() { this.rescale(this.scale / 1.5); } Schematic.prototype.zoomall = function() { // w,h for schematic var sch_w = this.bbox[2] - this.bbox[0]; var sch_h = this.bbox[3] - this.bbox[1]; // compute scales that would make schematic fit, choose smallest var scale_x = this.width/sch_w; var scale_y = this.height/sch_h; this.scale = Math.min(scale_x,scale_y); // center the schematic var cx = (this.bbox[2] + this.bbox[0])/2; var cy = (this.bbox[3] + this.bbox[1])/2; this.origin_x = cx - this.width/(2*this.scale); this.origin_y = cy - this.height/(2*this.scale); this.redraw_background(); } Schematic.prototype.cut = function() { // clear previous contents sch_clipboard = []; // look for selected components, move them to clipboard. for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >=0; --i) { var c = this.components[i]; if (c.selected) { c.remove(); sch_clipboard.push(c); } } // update diagram view this.redraw(); } Schematic.prototype.copy = function() { // clear previous contents sch_clipboard = []; // look for selected components, copy them to clipboard. for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >=0; --i) { var c = this.components[i]; if (c.selected) sch_clipboard.push(c.clone(c.x,c.y)); } } Schematic.prototype.paste = function() { // compute left,top of bounding box for origins of // components in the clipboard var left = undefined; var top = undefined; for (var i = sch_clipboard.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var c = sch_clipboard[i]; left = left ? Math.min(left,c.x) : c.x; top = top ? Math.min(top,c.y) : c.y; } this.message('cursor '+this.cursor_x+','+this.cursor_y); // clear current selections this.unselect_all(-1); this.redraw_background(); // so we see any components that got unselected // make clones of components on the clipboard, positioning // them relative to the cursor for (var i = sch_clipboard.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var c = sch_clipboard[i]; var new_c = c.clone(this.cursor_x + (c.x - left),this.cursor_y + (c.y - top)); new_c.set_select(true); new_c.add(this); } // see what we've wrought this.redraw(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Netlist and Simulation interface // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // load diagram from JSON representation Schematic.prototype.load_schematic = function(value,initial_value) { // use default value if no schematic info in value if (value == undefined || value.indexOf('[') == -1) value = initial_value; if (value && value.indexOf('[') != -1) { // convert string value into data structure var json = JSON.parse(value); // top level is a list of components for (var i = json.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var c = json[i]; if (c[0] == 'view') { // special hack: view component lets us recreate view this.origin_x = c[1]; this.origin_y = c[2]; this.scale = c[3]; //this.ac_npts = c[4]; this.ac_fstart = c[5]; this.ac_fstop = c[6]; this.ac_source_name = c[7]; this.tran_npts = c[8]; this.tran_tstop = c[9]; this.dc_max_iters = c[10]; } else if (c[0] == 'w') { // wire this.add_wire(c[1][0],c[1][1],c[1][2],c[1][3]); } else if (c[0] == 'dc') { this.dc_results = c[1]; } else if (c[0] == 'transient') { this.transient_results = c[1]; } else if (c[0] == 'ac') { this.ac_results = c[1]; } else { // ordinary component // c := [type, coords, properties, connections] var type = c[0]; var coords = c[1]; var properties = c[2]; // make the part var part = new parts_map[type][0](coords[0],coords[1],coords[2]); // give it its properties for (var name in properties) part.properties[name] = properties[name]; // add component to the diagram part.add(this); } } } // see what we've got! this.redraw_background(); } // label all the nodes in the circuit Schematic.prototype.label_connection_points = function() { // start by clearing all the connection point labels for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >=0; --i) this.components[i].clear_labels(); // components are in charge of labeling their unlabeled connections. // labels given to connection points will propagate to coincident connection // points and across Wires. // let special components like GND label their connection(s) for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >=0; --i) this.components[i].add_default_labels(); // now have components generate labels for unlabeled connections this.next_label = 0; for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >=0; --i) this.components[i].label_connections(); } // generate a new label Schematic.prototype.get_next_label = function() { // generate next label in sequence this.next_label += 1; return this.next_label.toString(); } // propagate label to coincident connection points Schematic.prototype.propagate_label = function(label,location) { var cplist = this.connection_points[location]; for (var i = cplist.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) cplist[i].propagate_label(label); } // update the value field of our corresponding input field with JSON // representation of schematic Schematic.prototype.update_value = function() { // label connection points this.label_connection_points(); // build JSON data structure, convert to string value for // input field this.input.value = JSON.stringify(this.json_with_analyses()); } // produce a JSON representation of the diagram Schematic.prototype.json = function() { var json = []; // output all the components/wires in the diagram var n = this.components.length; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) json.push(this.components[i].json(i)); // capture the current view parameters json.push(['view',this.origin_x,this.origin_y,this.scale, this.ac_npts,this.ac_fstart,this.ac_fstop, this.ac_source_name,this.tran_npts,this.tran_tstop, this.dc_max_iters]); return json; } // produce a JSON representation of the diagram Schematic.prototype.json_with_analyses = function() { var json = this.json(); if (this.dc_results != undefined) json.push(['dc',this.dc_results]); if (this.ac_results != undefined) json.push(['ac',this.ac_results]); if (this.transient_results != undefined) json.push(['transient',this.transient_results]); return json; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Simulation interface // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Schematic.prototype.extract_circuit = function() { // give all the circuit nodes a name, extract netlist this.label_connection_points(); var netlist = this.json(); // since we've done the heavy lifting, update input field value // so user can grab diagram if they want this.input.value = JSON.stringify(netlist); // create a circuit from the netlist var ckt = new cktsim.Circuit(); if (ckt.load_netlist(netlist)) return ckt; else return null; } Schematic.prototype.dc_analysis = function() { // remove any previous annotations this.unselect_all(-1); this.redraw_background(); var ckt = this.extract_circuit(); if (ckt === null) return; // run the analysis this.operating_point = ckt.dc(); if (this.operating_point != undefined) { // save a copy of the results for submission this.dc_results = {}; for (var i in this.operating_point) this.dc_results[i] = this.operating_point[i]; // display results on diagram this.redraw(); } } // return a list of [color,node_label,offset,type] for each probe in the diagram // type == 'voltage' or 'current' Schematic.prototype.find_probes = function() { var result = []; var result = []; for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var c = this.components[i]; var info = c.probe_info(); if (info != undefined) result.push(c.probe_info()); } return result; } // use a dialog to get AC analysis parameters Schematic.prototype.setup_ac_analysis = function() { this.unselect_all(-1); this.redraw_background(); var npts_lbl = 'Number of points/decade'; var fstart_lbl = 'Starting frequency (Hz)'; var fstop_lbl = 'Ending frequency (Hz)'; var source_name_lbl = 'Name of V or I source for ac' if (this.find_probes().length == 0) { alert("AC Analysis: there are no voltage probes in the diagram!"); return; } var fields = new Array(); //fields[npts_lbl] = build_input('text',10,this.ac_npts); fields[fstart_lbl] = build_input('text',10,this.ac_fstart); fields[fstop_lbl] = build_input('text',10,this.ac_fstop); fields[source_name_lbl] = build_input('text',10,this.ac_source_name); var content = build_table(fields); content.fields = fields; content.sch = this; this.dialog('AC Analysis',content,function(content) { var sch = content.sch; // retrieve parameters, remember for next time //sch.ac_npts = content.fields[npts_lbl].value; sch.ac_fstart = content.fields[fstart_lbl].value; sch.ac_fstop = content.fields[fstop_lbl].value; sch.ac_source_name = content.fields[source_name_lbl].value; sch.ac_analysis(cktsim.parse_number(sch.ac_npts), cktsim.parse_number(sch.ac_fstart), cktsim.parse_number(sch.ac_fstop), sch.ac_source_name); }); } // perform ac analysis Schematic.prototype.ac_analysis = function(npts,fstart,fstop,ac_source_name) { // run the analysis var ckt = this.extract_circuit(); if (ckt === null) return; var results = ckt.ac(npts,fstart,fstop,ac_source_name); if (typeof results == 'string') this.message(results); else { var x_values = results['_frequencies_']; // x axis will be a log scale for (var i = x_values.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) x_values[i] = Math.log(x_values[i])/Math.LN10; if (this.submit_analyses != undefined) { var submit = this.submit_analyses['ac']; if (submit != undefined) { // save a copy of the results for submission this.ac_results = {}; // save requested values for each requested node for (var j = 0; j < submit.length; j++) { var flist = submit[j]; // [node_name,f1,f2,...] var node = flist[0]; var values = results[node]; var fvlist = []; // for each requested freq, interpolate response value for (var k = 1; k < flist.length; k++) { var f = flist[k]; var v = interpolate(f,x_values,values); // convert to dB fvlist.push([f,v == undefined ? 'undefined' : 20.0 * Math.log(v)/Math.LN10]); } // save results as list of [f,response] paris this.ac_results[node] = fvlist; } } } // set up plot values for each node with a probe var y_values = []; // list of [color, result_array] var z_values = []; // list of [color, result_array] var probes = this.find_probes(); var probe_maxv = []; var probe_color = []; // Check for probe with near zero transfer function and warn for (var i = probes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (probes[i][3] != 'voltage') continue; probe_color[i] = probes[i][0]; var label = probes[i][1]; var v = results[label]; probe_maxv[i] = array_max(v); // magnitudes always > 0 } var all_max = array_max(probe_maxv); if (all_max < 1.0e-16) { alert('Zero ac response, -infinity on DB scale.'); } else { for (var i = probes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (probes[i][3] != 'voltage') continue; if ((probe_maxv[i] / all_max) < 1.0e-10) { alert('Near zero ac response, remove ' + probe_color[i] + ' probe'); return; } } } for (var i = probes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (probes[i][3] != 'voltage') continue; var color = probes[i][0]; var label = probes[i][1]; var offset = cktsim.parse_number(probes[i][2]); var v = results[label]; // convert values into dB relative to source amplitude var v_max = 1; for (var j = v.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) // convert each value to dB relative to max v[j] = 20.0 * Math.log(v[j]/v_max)/Math.LN10; y_values.push([color,offset,v]); var v = results[label+'_phase']; z_values.push([color,0,v]); } // graph the result and display in a window var graph2 = this.graph(x_values,'log(Frequency in Hz)',z_values,'degrees'); this.window('AC Analysis - Phase',graph2); var graph1 = this.graph(x_values,'log(Frequency in Hz)',y_values,'dB'); this.window('AC Analysis - Magnitude',graph1,50); } } Schematic.prototype.transient_analysis = function() { this.unselect_all(-1); this.redraw_background(); var npts_lbl = 'Minimum number of timepoints'; var tstop_lbl = 'Stop Time (seconds)'; var probes = this.find_probes(); if (probes.length == 0) { alert("Transient Analysis: there are no probes in the diagram!"); return; } var fields = new Array(); //fields[npts_lbl] = build_input('text',10,this.tran_npts); fields[tstop_lbl] = build_input('text',10,this.tran_tstop); var content = build_table(fields); content.fields = fields; content.sch = this; this.dialog('Transient Analysis',content,function(content) { var sch = content.sch; var ckt = sch.extract_circuit(); if (ckt === null) return; // retrieve parameters, remember for next time //sch.tran_npts = content.fields[npts_lbl].value; sch.tran_tstop = content.fields[tstop_lbl].value; // gather a list of nodes that are being probed. These // will be added to the list of nodes checked during the // LTE calculations in transient analysis var probe_list = sch.find_probes(); var probe_names = new Array(probe_list.length); for (var i = probe_list.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) probe_names[i] = probe_list[i][1]; // run the analysis var results = ckt.tran(ckt.parse_number(sch.tran_npts), 0, ckt.parse_number(sch.tran_tstop), probe_names, false); if (typeof results == 'string') sch.message(results); else { if (sch.submit_analyses != undefined) { var submit = sch.submit_analyses['tran']; if (submit != undefined) { // save a copy of the results for submission sch.transient_results = {}; var times = results['_time_']; // save requested values for each requested node for (var j = 0; j < submit.length; j++) { var tlist = submit[j]; // [node_name,t1,t2,...] var node = tlist[0]; var values = results[node]; var tvlist = []; // for each requested time, interpolate waveform value for (var k = 1; k < tlist.length; k++) { var t = tlist[k]; var v = interpolate(t,times,values); tvlist.push([t,v == undefined ? 'undefined' : v]); } // save results as list of [t,value] pairs sch.transient_results[node] = tvlist; } } } var x_values = results['_time_']; var x_legend = 'Time'; // set up plot values for each node with a probe var v_values = []; // voltage values: list of [color, result_array] var i_values = []; // current values: list of [color, result_array] var probes = sch.find_probes(); for (var i = probes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var color = probes[i][0]; var label = probes[i][1]; var offset = cktsim.parse_number(probes[i][2]); var v = results[label]; if (v == undefined) { alert('The ' + color + ' probe is connected to node ' + '"' + label + '"' + ' which is not an actual circuit node'); } else if (probes[i][3] == 'voltage') { if (color == 'x-axis') { x_values = v; x_legend = 'Voltage'; } else v_values.push([color,offset,v]); } else { if (color == 'x-axis') { x_values = v; x_legend = 'Current'; } else i_values.push([color,offset,v]); } } // graph the result and display in a window var graph = sch.graph(x_values,x_legend,v_values,'Voltage',i_values,'Current'); sch.window('Results of Transient Analysis',graph); } }) } // t is the time at which we want a value // times is a list of timepoints from the simulation function interpolate(t,times,values) { if (values == undefined) return undefined; for (var i = 0; i < times.length; i++) if (t < times[i]) { // t falls between times[i-1] and times[i] var t1 = (i == 0) ? times[0] : times[i-1]; var t2 = times[i]; if (t2 == undefined) return undefined; var v1 = (i == 0) ? values[0] : values[i-1]; var v2 = values[i]; var v = v1; if (t != t1) v += (t - t1)*(v2 - v1)/(t2 - t1); return v; } } // external interface for setting the property value of a named component Schematic.prototype.set_property = function(component_name,property,value) { this.unselect_all(-1); for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var component = this.components[i]; if (component.properties['name'] == component_name) { component.properties[property] = value.toString(); break; } } // update diagram this.redraw_background(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Drawing support -- deals with scaling and scrolling of diagrama // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // here to redraw background image containing static portions of the schematic. // Also redraws dynamic portion. Schematic.prototype.redraw_background = function() { var c = this.bg_image.getContext('2d'); c.lineCap = 'round'; // paint background color c.fillStyle = element_style; c.fillRect(0,0,this.width,this.height); if (!this.diagram_only) { // grid c.strokeStyle = grid_style; var first_x = this.origin_x; var last_x = first_x + this.width/this.scale; var first_y = this.origin_y; var last_y = first_y + this.height/this.scale; for (var i = this.grid*Math.ceil(first_x/this.grid); i < last_x; i += this.grid) this.draw_line(c,i,first_y,i,last_y,0.1); for (var i = this.grid*Math.ceil(first_y/this.grid); i < last_y; i += this.grid) this.draw_line(c,first_x,i,last_x,i,0.1); } // unselected components var min_x = Infinity; // compute bounding box for diagram var max_x = -Infinity; var min_y = Infinity; var max_y = -Infinity; for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var component = this.components[i]; if (!component.selected) { component.draw(c); min_x = Math.min(component.bbox[0],min_x); max_x = Math.max(component.bbox[2],max_x); min_y = Math.min(component.bbox[1],min_y); max_y = Math.max(component.bbox[3],max_y); } } this.unsel_bbox = [min_x,min_y,max_x,max_y]; this.redraw(); // background changed, redraw on screen } // redraw what user sees = static image + dynamic parts Schematic.prototype.redraw = function() { var c = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); // put static image in the background c.drawImage(this.bg_image, 0, 0); // selected components var min_x = this.unsel_bbox[0]; // compute bounding box for diagram var max_x = this.unsel_bbox[2]; var min_y = this.unsel_bbox[1]; var max_y = this.unsel_bbox[3]; var selections = false; for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var component = this.components[i]; if (component.selected) { component.draw(c); selections = true; min_x = Math.min(component.bbox[0],min_x); max_x = Math.max(component.bbox[2],max_x); min_y = Math.min(component.bbox[1],min_y); max_y = Math.max(component.bbox[3],max_y); } } this.enable_tool('cut',selections); this.enable_tool('copy',selections); this.enable_tool('paste',sch_clipboard.length > 0); // include a margin for diagram bounding box var dx = (max_x - min_x)/4; var dy = (max_y - min_y)/4; this.bbox = [min_x - dx,min_y - dy,max_x + dx,max_y + dy]; // connection points: draw one at each location for (var location in this.connection_points) { var cplist = this.connection_points[location]; cplist[0].draw(c,cplist.length); } // draw new wire if (this.wire) { var r = this.wire; c.strokeStyle = selected_style; this.draw_line(c,r[0],r[1],r[2],r[3],1); } // draw selection rectangle if (this.select_rect) { var r = this.select_rect; c.lineWidth = 1; c.strokeStyle = selected_style; c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(r[0],r[1]); c.lineTo(r[0],r[3]); c.lineTo(r[2],r[3]); c.lineTo(r[2],r[1]); c.lineTo(r[0],r[1]); c.stroke(); } // display operating point results if (this.operating_point) { if (typeof this.operating_point == 'string') this.message(this.operating_point); else { // make a copy of the operating_point info so we can mess with it var temp = new Array(); for (var i in this.operating_point) temp[i] = this.operating_point[i]; // run through connection points displaying (once) the voltage // for each electrical node for (var location in this.connection_points) (this.connection_points[location])[0].display_voltage(c,temp); // let components display branch current info if available for (var i = this.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) this.components[i].display_current(c,temp) } } // finally overlay cursor if (this.drawCursor && this.draw_cursor) { //var x = this.cursor_x; //var y = this.cursor_y; //this.draw_text(c,'('+x+','+y+')',x+this.grid,y-this.grid,10); this.draw_cursor(c,this.cursor_x,this.cursor_y); } } // draws a cross cursor Schematic.prototype.cross_cursor = function(c,x,y) { this.draw_line(c,x-this.grid,y,x+this.grid,y,1); this.draw_line(c,x,y-this.grid,x,y+this.grid,1); } Schematic.prototype.moveTo = function(c,x,y) { c.moveTo((x - this.origin_x) * this.scale,(y - this.origin_y) * this.scale); } Schematic.prototype.lineTo = function(c,x,y) { c.lineTo((x - this.origin_x) * this.scale,(y - this.origin_y) * this.scale); } Schematic.prototype.draw_line = function(c,x1,y1,x2,y2,width) { c.lineWidth = width*this.scale; c.beginPath(); c.moveTo((x1 - this.origin_x) * this.scale,(y1 - this.origin_y) * this.scale); c.lineTo((x2 - this.origin_x) * this.scale,(y2 - this.origin_y) * this.scale); c.stroke(); } Schematic.prototype.draw_arc = function(c,x,y,radius,start_radians,end_radians,anticlockwise,width,filled) { c.lineWidth = width*this.scale; c.beginPath(); c.arc((x - this.origin_x)*this.scale,(y - this.origin_y)*this.scale,radius*this.scale, start_radians,end_radians,anticlockwise); if (filled) c.fill(); else c.stroke(); } Schematic.prototype.draw_text = function(c,text,x,y,size) { c.font = size*this.scale+'pt sans-serif' c.fillText(text,(x - this.origin_x) * this.scale,(y - this.origin_y) * this.scale); } // add method to canvas to compute relative coords for event HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.relMouseCoords = function(event){ // run up the DOM tree to figure out coords for top,left of canvas var totalOffsetX = 0; var totalOffsetY = 0; var currentElement = this; do { totalOffsetX += currentElement.offsetLeft; totalOffsetY += currentElement.offsetTop; } while (currentElement = currentElement.offsetParent); // now compute relative position of click within the canvas this.mouse_x = event.pageX - totalOffsetX; this.mouse_y = event.pageY - totalOffsetY; this.page_x = event.pageX; this.page_y = event.pageY; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Event handling // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // process keystrokes, consuming those that are meaningful to us function schematic_key_down(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var sch = (window.event) ? event.srcElement.schematic : event.target.schematic; var code = event.keyCode; // keep track of modifier key state if (code == 16) sch.shiftKey = true; else if (code == 17) sch.ctrlKey = true; else if (code == 18) sch.altKey = true; else if (code == 91) sch.cmdKey = true; // backspace or delete: delete selected components else if (code == 8 || code == 46) { // delete selected components for (var i = sch.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var component = sch.components[i]; if (component.selected) component.remove(); } sch.clean_up_wires(); sch.redraw_background(); event.preventDefault(); return false; } // cmd/ctrl x: cut else if ((sch.ctrlKey || sch.cmdKey) && code == 88) { sch.cut(); event.preventDefault(); return false; } // cmd/ctrl c: copy else if ((sch.ctrlKey || sch.cmdKey) && code == 67) { sch.copy(); event.preventDefault(); return false; } // cmd/ctrl v: paste else if ((sch.ctrlKey || sch.cmdKey) && code == 86) { sch.paste(); event.preventDefault(); return false; } // 'r': rotate component else if (!sch.ctrlKey && !sch.altKey && !sch.cmdKey && code == 82) { // rotate for (var i = sch.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var component = sch.components[i]; if (component.selected) { component.rotate(1); sch.check_wires(component); } } sch.clean_up_wires(); sch.redraw_background(); event.preventDefault(); return false; } else return true; // consume keystroke sch.redraw(); event.preventDefault(); return false; } function schematic_key_up(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var sch = (window.event) ? event.srcElement.schematic : event.target.schematic; var code = event.keyCode; if (code == 16) sch.shiftKey = false; else if (code == 17) sch.ctrlKey = false; else if (code == 18) sch.altKey = false; else if (code == 91) sch.cmdKey = false; } function schematic_mouse_enter(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var sch = (window.event) ? event.srcElement.schematic : event.target.schematic; // see if user has selected a new part if (sch.new_part) { // grab incoming part, turn off selection of parts bin var part = sch.new_part; sch.new_part = undefined; part.select(false); // unselect everything else in the schematic, add part and select it sch.unselect_all(-1); sch.redraw_background(); // so we see any components that got unselected // make a clone of the component in the parts bin part = part.component.clone(sch.cursor_x,sch.cursor_y); part.add(sch); // add it to schematic part.set_select(true); // and start dragging it sch.drag_begin(); } sch.drawCursor = true; sch.redraw(); sch.canvas.focus(); // capture key strokes return false; } function schematic_mouse_leave(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var sch = (window.event) ? event.srcElement.schematic : event.target.schematic; sch.drawCursor = false; sch.redraw(); return false; } function schematic_mouse_down(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; else event.preventDefault(); var sch = (window.event) ? event.srcElement.schematic : event.target.schematic; // determine where event happened in schematic coordinates sch.canvas.relMouseCoords(event); var x = sch.canvas.mouse_x/sch.scale + sch.origin_x; var y = sch.canvas.mouse_y/sch.scale + sch.origin_y; sch.cursor_x = Math.round(x/sch.grid) * sch.grid; sch.cursor_y = Math.round(y/sch.grid) * sch.grid; // is mouse over a connection point? If so, start dragging a wire var cplist = sch.connection_points[sch.cursor_x + ',' + sch.cursor_y]; if (cplist && !event.shiftKey) { sch.unselect_all(-1); sch.wire = [sch.cursor_x,sch.cursor_y,sch.cursor_x,sch.cursor_y]; } else { // give all components a shot at processing the selection event var which = -1; for (var i = sch.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (sch.components[i].select(x,y,event.shiftKey)) { if (sch.components[i].selected) { sch.drag_begin(); which = i; // keep track of component we found } break; } // did we just click on a previously selected component? var reselect = which!=-1 && sch.components[which].was_previously_selected; if (!event.shiftKey) { // if shift key isn't pressed and we didn't click on component // that was already selected, unselect everyone except component // we just clicked on if (!reselect) sch.unselect_all(which); // if there's nothing to drag, set up a selection rectangle if (!sch.dragging) sch.select_rect = [sch.canvas.mouse_x,sch.canvas.mouse_y, sch.canvas.mouse_x,sch.canvas.mouse_y]; } } sch.redraw_background(); return false; } function schematic_mouse_move(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var sch = (window.event) ? event.srcElement.schematic : event.target.schematic; sch.canvas.relMouseCoords(event); var x = sch.canvas.mouse_x/sch.scale + sch.origin_x; var y = sch.canvas.mouse_y/sch.scale + sch.origin_y; sch.cursor_x = Math.round(x/sch.grid) * sch.grid; sch.cursor_y = Math.round(y/sch.grid) * sch.grid; if (sch.wire) { // update new wire end point sch.wire[2] = sch.cursor_x; sch.wire[3] = sch.cursor_y; } else if (sch.dragging) { // see how far we moved var dx = sch.cursor_x - sch.drag_x; var dy = sch.cursor_y - sch.drag_y; if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { // update position for next time sch.drag_x = sch.cursor_x; sch.drag_y = sch.cursor_y; // give all components a shot at processing the event for (var i = sch.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var component = sch.components[i]; if (component.selected) component.move(dx,dy); } } } else if (sch.select_rect) { // update moving corner of selection rectangle sch.select_rect[2] = sch.canvas.mouse_x; sch.select_rect[3] = sch.canvas.mouse_y; //sch.message(sch.select_rect.toString()); } // just redraw dynamic components sch.redraw(); //sch.message(sch.canvas.page_x + ',' + sch.canvas.page_y + ';' + sch.canvas.mouse_x + ',' + sch.canvas.mouse_y + ';' + sch.cursor_x + ',' + sch.cursor_y); return false; } function schematic_mouse_up(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; else event.preventDefault(); var sch = (window.event) ? event.srcElement.schematic : event.target.schematic; // drawing a new wire if (sch.wire) { var r = sch.wire; sch.wire = undefined; if (r[0]!=r[2] || r[1]!=r[3]) { // insert wire component sch.add_wire(r[0],r[1],r[2],r[3]); sch.clean_up_wires(); sch.redraw_background(); } else sch.redraw(); } // dragging if (sch.dragging) sch.drag_end(); // selection rectangle if (sch.select_rect) { var r = sch.select_rect; // if select_rect is a point, we've already dealt with selection // in mouse_down handler if (r[0]!=r[2] || r[1]!=r[3]) { // convert to schematic coordinates var s = [r[0]/sch.scale + sch.origin_x, r[1]/sch.scale + sch.origin_y, r[2]/sch.scale + sch.origin_x, r[3]/sch.scale + sch.origin_y]; canonicalize(s); if (!event.shiftKey) sch.unselect_all(); // select components that intersect selection rectangle for (var i = sch.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) sch.components[i].select_rect(s,event.shiftKey); } sch.select_rect = undefined; sch.redraw_background(); } return false; } function schematic_double_click(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; else event.preventDefault(); var sch = (window.event) ? event.srcElement.schematic : event.target.schematic; // determine where event happened in schematic coordinates sch.canvas.relMouseCoords(event); var x = sch.canvas.mouse_x/sch.scale + sch.origin_x; var y = sch.canvas.mouse_y/sch.scale + sch.origin_y; sch.cursor_x = Math.round(x/sch.grid) * sch.grid; sch.cursor_y = Math.round(y/sch.grid) * sch.grid; // see if we double-clicked a component. If so, edit it's properties for (var i = sch.components.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (sch.components[i].edit_properties(x,y)) break; return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Status message and dialogs // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Schematic.prototype.message = function(message) { this.status.nodeValue = message; } Schematic.prototype.append_message = function(message) { this.status.nodeValue += ' / '+message; } // set up a dialog with specified title, content and two buttons at // the bottom: OK and Cancel. If Cancel is clicked, dialog goes away // and we're done. If OK is clicked, dialog goes away and the // callback function is called with the content as an argument (so // that the values of any fields can be captured). Schematic.prototype.dialog = function(title,content,callback) { // create the div for the top level of the dialog, add to DOM var dialog = document.createElement('div'); dialog.sch = this; dialog.content = content; dialog.callback = callback; // look for property input fields in the content and give // them a keypress listener that interprets ENTER as // clicking OK. var plist = content.getElementsByClassName('property'); for (var i = plist.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var field = plist[i]; field.dialog = dialog; // help event handler find us... field.addEventListener('keypress',dialog_check_for_ENTER,false); } // div to hold the content var body = document.createElement('div'); content.style.marginBotton = '5px'; body.appendChild(content); body.style.padding = '5px'; dialog.appendChild(body); // OK button var ok_button = document.createElement('span'); ok_button.appendChild(document.createTextNode('OK')); ok_button.dialog = dialog; // for the handler to use ok_button.addEventListener('click',dialog_okay,false); ok_button.style.display = 'inline'; ok_button.style.border = '1px solid'; ok_button.style.padding = '5px'; ok_button.style.margin = '10px'; // cancel button var cancel_button = document.createElement('span'); cancel_button.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Cancel')); cancel_button.dialog = dialog; // for the handler to use cancel_button.addEventListener('click',dialog_cancel,false); cancel_button.style.display = 'inline'; cancel_button.style.border = '1px solid'; cancel_button.style.padding = '5px'; cancel_button.style.margin = '10px'; // div to hold the two buttons var buttons = document.createElement('div'); buttons.style.textAlign = 'center'; buttons.appendChild(ok_button); buttons.appendChild(cancel_button); buttons.style.padding = '5px'; buttons.style.margin = '10px'; dialog.appendChild(buttons); // put into an overlay window this.window(title,dialog); } // callback when user click "Cancel" in a dialog function dialog_cancel(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var dialog = (window.event) ? event.srcElement.dialog : event.target.dialog; window_close(dialog.win); } // callback when user click "OK" in a dialog function dialog_okay(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var dialog = (window.event) ? event.srcElement.dialog : event.target.dialog; window_close(dialog.win); // invoke the callback with the dialog contents as the argument if (dialog.callback) dialog.callback(dialog.content); } // callback for keypress in input fields: if user typed ENTER, act // like they clicked OK button. function dialog_check_for_ENTER(event) { var key = (window.event) ? window.event.keyCode : event.keyCode; if (key == 13) dialog_okay(event); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Draggable, resizeable, closeable window // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // build a 2-column HTML table from an associative array (keys as text in // column 1, values in column 2). function build_table(a) { var tbl = document.createElement('table'); // build a row for each element in associative array for (var i in a) { var label = document.createTextNode(i + ': '); var col1 = document.createElement('td'); col1.appendChild(label); var col2 = document.createElement('td'); col2.appendChild(a[i]); var row = document.createElement('tr'); row.appendChild(col1); row.appendChild(col2); row.style.verticalAlign = 'center'; tbl.appendChild(row); } return tbl; } // build an input field function build_input(type,size,value) { var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = type; input.size = size; input.className = 'property'; // make this easier to find later if (value == undefined) input.value = ''; else input.value = value.toString(); return input; } // build a select widget using the strings found in the options array function build_select(options,selected) { var select = document.createElement('select'); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = options[i]; select.add(option); if (options[i] == selected) select.selectedIndex = i; } return select; } Schematic.prototype.window = function(title,content,offset) { // create the div for the top level of the window var win = document.createElement('div'); win.sch = this; win.content = content; win.drag_x = undefined; win.draw_y = undefined; // div to hold the title var head = document.createElement('div'); head.style.backgroundColor = 'black'; head.style.color = 'white'; head.style.textAlign = 'center'; head.style.padding = '5px'; head.appendChild(document.createTextNode(title)); head.win = win; win.head = head; var close_button = new Image(); close_button.src = close_icon; close_button.style.cssFloat = 'right'; close_button.addEventListener('click',window_close_button,false); close_button.win = win; head.appendChild(close_button); win.appendChild(head); // capture mouse events in title bar head.addEventListener('mousedown',window_mouse_down,false); // div to hold the content //var body = document.createElement('div'); //body.appendChild(content); win.appendChild(content); content.win = win; // so content can contact us // compute location relative to canvas if (offset == undefined) offset = 0; win.left = this.canvas.mouse_x + offset; win.top = this.canvas.mouse_y + offset; // add to DOM win.style.background = 'white'; //win.style.zIndex = '1000'; win.style.position = 'absolute'; win.style.left = win.left + 'px'; win.style.top = win.top + 'px'; win.style.border = '2px solid'; this.canvas.parentNode.insertBefore(win,this.canvas); bring_to_front(win,true); } // adjust zIndex of pop-up window so that it is in front function bring_to_front(win,insert) { var wlist = win.sch.window_list; var i = wlist.indexOf(win); // remove from current position (if any) in window list if (i != -1) wlist.splice(i,1); // if requested, add to end of window list if (insert) wlist.push(win); // adjust all zIndex values for (i = 0; i < wlist.length; i += 1) wlist[i].style.zIndex = 1000 + i; } // close the window function window_close(win) { // remove the window from the top-level div of the schematic win.parentNode.removeChild(win); // remove from list of pop-up windows bring_to_front(win,false); } function window_close_button(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var src = (window.event) ? event.srcElement : event.target; window_close(src.win); } // capture mouse events in title bar of window function window_mouse_down(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var src = (window.event) ? event.srcElement : event.target; var win = src.win; bring_to_front(win,true); // add handlers to document so we capture them no matter what document.addEventListener('mousemove',window_mouse_move,false); document.addEventListener('mouseup',window_mouse_up,false); document.tracking_window = win; // remember where mouse is so we can compute dx,dy during drag win.drag_x = event.pageX; win.drag_y = event.pageY; return false; } function window_mouse_up(event) { var win = document.tracking_window; // show's over folks... document.removeEventListener('mousemove',window_mouse_move,false); document.removeEventListener('mouseup',window_mouse_up,false); document.tracking_window = undefined; win.drag_x = undefined; win.drag_y = undefined; return true; // consume event } function window_mouse_move(event) { var win = document.tracking_window; if (win.drag_x) { var dx = event.pageX - win.drag_x; var dy = event.pageY - win.drag_y; // move the window win.left += dx; win.top += dy; win.style.left = win.left + 'px'; win.style.top = win.top + 'px'; // update reference point win.drag_x += dx; win.drag_y += dy; return true; // consume event } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Toolbar // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Schematic.prototype.add_tool = function(icon,tip,callback) { var tool; if (icon.search('data:image') != -1) { tool = document.createElement('img'); tool.src = icon; } else { tool = document.createElement('span'); tool.style.font = 'small-caps small sans-serif'; var label = document.createTextNode(icon); tool.appendChild(label); } // decorate tool tool.style.borderWidth = '1px'; tool.style.borderStyle = 'solid'; tool.style.borderColor = background_style; tool.style.padding = '2px'; // set up event processing tool.addEventListener('mouseover',tool_enter,false); tool.addEventListener('mouseout',tool_leave,false); tool.addEventListener('click',tool_click,false); // add to toolbar tool.sch = this; tool.tip = tip; tool.callback = callback; this.toolbar.push(tool); tool.enabled = false; tool.style.opacity = 0.2; return tool; } Schematic.prototype.enable_tool = function(tname,which) { var tool = this.tools[tname]; if (tool != undefined) { tool.style.opacity = which ? 1.0 : 0.2; tool.enabled = which; // if disabling tool, remove border and tip if (!which) { tool.style.borderColor = background_style; tool.sch.message(''); } } } // highlight tool button by turning on border, changing background function tool_enter(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var tool = (window.event) ? event.srcElement : event.target; if (tool.enabled) { tool.style.borderColor = normal_style; tool.sch.message(tool.tip); tool.opacity = 1.0; } } // unhighlight tool button by turning off border, reverting to normal background function tool_leave(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var tool = (window.event) ? event.srcElement : event.target; if (tool.enabled) { tool.style.borderColor = background_style; tool.sch.message(''); } } // handle click on a tool function tool_click(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var tool = (window.event) ? event.srcElement : event.target; if (tool.enabled) { tool.sch.canvas.relMouseCoords(event); // so we can position pop-up window correctly tool.callback.call(tool.sch); } } help_icon = ''; cut_icon = ''; copy_icon = ''; paste_icon = ''; close_icon = ''; zoomall_icon = ''; zoomin_icon = ''; zoomout_icon = ''; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Graphing // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // add dashed lines! // from http://davidowens.wordpress.com/2010/09/07/html-5-canvas-and-dashed-lines/ CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.dashedLineTo = function(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, pattern) { // Our growth rate for our line can be one of the following: // (+,+), (+,-), (-,+), (-,-) // Because of this, our algorithm needs to understand if the x-coord and // y-coord should be getting smaller or larger and properly cap the values // based on (x,y). var lt = function (a, b) { return a <= b; }; var gt = function (a, b) { return a >= b; }; var capmin = function (a, b) { return Math.min(a, b); }; var capmax = function (a, b) { return Math.max(a, b); }; var checkX = { thereYet: gt, cap: capmin }; var checkY = { thereYet: gt, cap: capmin }; if (fromY - toY > 0) { checkY.thereYet = lt; checkY.cap = capmax; } if (fromX - toX > 0) { checkX.thereYet = lt; checkX.cap = capmax; } this.moveTo(fromX, fromY); var offsetX = fromX; var offsetY = fromY; var idx = 0, dash = true; while (!(checkX.thereYet(offsetX, toX) && checkY.thereYet(offsetY, toY))) { var ang = Math.atan2(toY - fromY, toX - fromX); var len = pattern[idx]; offsetX = checkX.cap(toX, offsetX + (Math.cos(ang) * len)); offsetY = checkY.cap(toY, offsetY + (Math.sin(ang) * len)); if (dash) this.lineTo(offsetX, offsetY); else this.moveTo(offsetX, offsetY); idx = (idx + 1) % pattern.length; dash = !dash; } }; // given a range of values, return a new range [vmin',vmax'] where the limits // have been chosen "nicely". Taken from matplotlib.ticker.LinearLocator function view_limits(vmin,vmax) { // deal with degenerate case... if (vmin == vmax) { if (vmin == 0) { vmin = -0.5; vmax = 0.5; } else { vmin = vmin > 0 ? 0.9*vmin : 1.1*vmin; vmax = vmax > 0 ? 1.1*vmax : 0.9*vmax; } } var log_range = Math.log(vmax - vmin)/Math.LN10; var exponent = Math.floor(log_range); //if (log_range - exponent < 0.5) exponent -= 1; var scale = Math.pow(10,-exponent); vmin = Math.floor(scale*vmin)/scale; vmax = Math.ceil(scale*vmax)/scale; return [vmin,vmax,1.0/scale]; } function engineering_notation(n,nplaces,trim) { if (n == 0) return '0'; if (n == undefined) return 'undefined'; if (trim == undefined) trim = true; var sign = n < 0 ? -1 : 1; var log10 = Math.log(sign*n)/Math.LN10; var exp = Math.floor(log10/3); // powers of 1000 var mantissa = sign*Math.pow(10,log10 - 3*exp); // keep specified number of places following decimal point var mstring = (mantissa + sign*0.5*Math.pow(10,-nplaces)).toString(); var mlen = mstring.length; var endindex = mstring.indexOf('.'); if (endindex != -1) { if (nplaces > 0) { endindex += nplaces + 1; if (endindex > mlen) endindex = mlen; if (trim) { while (mstring.charAt(endindex-1) == '0') endindex -= 1; if (mstring.charAt(endindex-1) == '.') endindex -= 1; } } if (endindex < mlen) mstring = mstring.substring(0,endindex); } switch(exp) { case -5: return mstring+"f"; case -4: return mstring+"p"; case -3: return mstring+"n"; case -2: return mstring+"u"; case -1: return mstring+"m"; case 0: return mstring; case 1: return mstring+"K"; case 2: return mstring+"M"; case 3: return mstring+"G"; } // don't have a good suffix, so just print the number return n.toString(); } var grid_pattern = [1,2]; var cursor_pattern = [5,5]; // x_values is an array of x coordinates for each of the plots // y_values is an array of [color, value_array], one entry for each plot on left vertical axis // z_values is an array of [color, value_array], one entry for each plot on right vertical axis Schematic.prototype.graph = function(x_values,x_legend,y_values,y_legend,z_values,z_legend) { var pwidth = 400; // dimensions of actual plot var pheight = 300; // dimensions of actual plot var left_margin = (y_values != undefined && y_values.length > 0) ? 55 : 25; var top_margin = 25; var right_margin = (z_values != undefined && z_values.length > 0) ? 55 : 25; var bottom_margin = 45; var tick_length = 5; var w = pwidth + left_margin + right_margin; var h = pheight + top_margin + bottom_margin; var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = w; canvas.height = h; // the graph itself will be drawn here and this image will be copied // onto canvas, where it can be overlayed with mouse cursors, etc. var bg_image = document.createElement('canvas'); bg_image.width = w; bg_image.height = h; canvas.bg_image = bg_image; // so we can find it during event handling // start by painting an opaque background var c = bg_image.getContext('2d'); c.fillStyle = background_style; c.fillRect(0,0,w,h); c.fillStyle = element_style; c.fillRect(left_margin,top_margin,pwidth,pheight); // figure out scaling for plots var x_min = array_min(x_values); var x_max = array_max(x_values); var x_limits = view_limits(x_min,x_max); x_min = x_limits[0]; x_max = x_limits[1]; var x_scale = pwidth/(x_max - x_min); function plot_x(x) { return (x - x_min)*x_scale + left_margin; } // draw x grid c.strokeStyle = grid_style; c.lineWidth = 1; c.fillStyle = normal_style; c.font = '10pt sans-serif'; c.textAlign = 'center'; c.textBaseline = 'top'; var end = top_margin + pheight; for (var x = x_min; x <= x_max; x += x_limits[2]) { var temp = plot_x(x) + 0.5; // keep lines crisp! // grid line c.beginPath(); if (x == x_min) { c.moveTo(temp,top_margin); c.lineTo(temp,end); } else c.dashedLineTo(temp,top_margin,temp,end,grid_pattern); c.stroke(); // tick mark c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(temp,end); c.lineTo(temp,end + tick_length); c.stroke(); c.fillText(engineering_notation(x,2),temp,end + tick_length); } if (y_values != undefined && y_values.length > 0) { var y_min = Infinity; var y_max = -Infinity; var plot; for (plot = y_values.length - 1; plot >= 0; --plot) { var values = y_values[plot][2]; if (values == undefined) continue; // no data points var offset = y_values[plot][1]; var temp = array_min(values) + offset; if (temp < y_min) y_min = temp; temp = array_max(values) + offset; if (temp > y_max) y_max = temp; } var y_limits = view_limits(y_min,y_max); y_min = y_limits[0]; y_max = y_limits[1]; var y_scale = pheight/(y_max - y_min); function plot_y(y) { return (y_max - y)*y_scale + top_margin; } // draw y grid c.textAlign = 'right'; c.textBaseline = 'middle'; for (var y = y_min; y <= y_max; y += y_limits[2]) { if (Math.abs(y/y_max) < 0.001) y = 0.0; // Just 3 digits var temp = plot_y(y) + 0.5; // keep lines crisp! // grid line c.beginPath(); if (y == y_min) { c.moveTo(left_margin,temp); c.lineTo(left_margin + pwidth,temp); } else c.dashedLineTo(left_margin,temp,left_margin + pwidth,temp,grid_pattern); c.stroke(); // tick mark c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(left_margin - tick_length,temp); c.lineTo(left_margin,temp); c.stroke(); c.fillText(engineering_notation(y,2),left_margin - tick_length -2,temp); } // now draw each plot var x,y; var nx,ny; c.lineWidth = 3; c.lineCap = 'round'; for (plot = y_values.length - 1; plot >= 0; --plot) { var color = probe_colors_rgb[y_values[plot][0]]; if (color == undefined) continue; // no plot color (== x-axis) c.strokeStyle = color; var values = y_values[plot][2]; if (values == undefined) continue; // no data points var offset = y_values[plot][1]; x = plot_x(x_values[0]); y = plot_y(values[0] + offset); c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(x,y); for (var i = 1; i < x_values.length; i++) { nx = plot_x(x_values[i]); ny = plot_y(values[i] + offset); c.lineTo(nx,ny); x = nx; y = ny; if (i % 100 == 99) { // too many lineTo's cause canvas to break c.stroke(); c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(x,y); } } c.stroke(); } } if (z_values != undefined && z_values.length > 0) { var z_min = Infinity; var z_max = -Infinity; for (plot = z_values.length - 1; plot >= 0; --plot) { var values = z_values[plot][2]; if (values == undefined) continue; // no data points var offset = z_values[plot][1]; var temp = array_min(values) + offset; if (temp < z_min) z_min = temp; temp = array_max(values) + offset; if (temp > z_max) z_max = temp; } var z_limits = view_limits(z_min,z_max); z_min = z_limits[0]; z_max = z_limits[1]; var z_scale = pheight/(z_max - z_min); function plot_z(z) { return (z_max - z)*z_scale + top_margin; } // draw z ticks c.textAlign = 'left'; c.textBaseline = 'middle'; c.lineWidth = 1; c.strokeStyle = normal_style; var tick_length_half = Math.floor(tick_length/2); var tick_delta = tick_length - tick_length_half; for (var z = z_min; z <= z_max; z += z_limits[2]) { if (Math.abs(z/z_max) < 0.001) z = 0.0; // Just 3 digits var temp = plot_z(z) + 0.5; // keep lines crisp! // tick mark c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(left_margin + pwidth - tick_length_half,temp); c.lineTo(left_margin + pwidth + tick_delta,temp); c.stroke(); c.fillText(engineering_notation(z,2),left_margin + pwidth + tick_length + 2,temp); } var z; var nz; c.lineWidth = 3; for (plot = z_values.length - 1; plot >= 0; --plot) { var color = probe_colors_rgb[z_values[plot][0]]; if (color == undefined) continue; // no plot color (== x-axis) c.strokeStyle = color; var values = z_values[plot][2]; if (values == undefined) continue; // no data points var offset = z_values[plot][1]; x = plot_x(x_values[0]); z = plot_z(values[0] + offset); c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(x,z); for (var i = 1; i < x_values.length; i++) { nx = plot_x(x_values[i]); nz = plot_z(values[i] + offset); c.lineTo(nx,nz); x = nx; z = nz; if (i % 100 == 99) { // too many lineTo's cause canvas to break c.stroke(); c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(x,z); } } c.stroke(); } } // draw legends c.font = '12pt sans-serif'; c.textAlign = 'center'; c.textBaseline = 'bottom'; c.fillText(x_legend,left_margin + pwidth/2,h - 5); if (y_values != undefined && y_values.length > 0) { c.textBaseline = 'top'; c.save(); c.translate(5 ,top_margin + pheight/2); c.rotate(-Math.PI/2); c.fillText(y_legend,0,0); c.restore(); } if (z_values != undefined && z_values.length > 0) { c.textBaseline = 'bottom'; c.save(); c.translate(w-5 ,top_margin + pheight/2); c.rotate(-Math.PI/2); c.fillText(z_legend,0,0); c.restore(); } // save info need for interactions with the graph canvas.x_values = x_values; canvas.y_values = y_values; canvas.z_values = z_values; canvas.x_legend = x_legend; canvas.y_legend = y_legend; canvas.z_legend = y_legend; canvas.x_min = x_min; canvas.x_scale = x_scale; canvas.y_min = y_min; canvas.y_scale = y_scale; canvas.z_min = z_min; canvas.z_scale = z_scale; canvas.left_margin = left_margin; canvas.top_margin = top_margin; canvas.pwidth = pwidth; canvas.pheight = pheight; canvas.tick_length = tick_length; canvas.cursor1_x = undefined; canvas.cursor2_x = undefined; canvas.sch = this; // do something useful when user mouses over graph canvas.addEventListener('mousemove',graph_mouse_move,false); // return our masterpiece redraw_plot(canvas); return canvas; } function array_max(a) { max = -Infinity; for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (a[i] > max) max = a[i]; return max; } function array_min(a) { min = Infinity; for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (a[i] < min) min = a[i]; return min; } function plot_cursor(c,graph,cursor_x,left_margin) { // draw dashed vertical marker that follows mouse var x = graph.left_margin + cursor_x; var end_y = graph.top_margin + graph.pheight + graph.tick_length; c.strokeStyle = grid_style; c.lineWidth = 1; c.beginPath(); c.dashedLineTo(x,graph.top_margin,x,end_y,cursor_pattern); c.stroke(); // add x label at bottom of marker var graph_x = cursor_x/graph.x_scale + graph.x_min; c.font = '10pt sans-serif'; c.textAlign = 'center'; c.textBaseline = 'top'; c.fillStyle = background_style; c.fillText('\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588',x,end_y); c.fillStyle = normal_style; c.fillText(engineering_notation(graph_x,3,false),x,end_y); // compute which points marker is between var x_values = graph.x_values; var len = x_values.length; var index = 0; while (index < len && graph_x >= x_values[index]) index += 1; var x1 = (index == 0) ? x_values[0] : x_values[index-1]; var x2 = x_values[index]; if (x2 != undefined) { // for each plot, interpolate and output value at intersection with marker c.textAlign = 'left'; var tx = graph.left_margin + left_margin; var ty = graph.top_margin; if (graph.y_values != undefined) { for (var plot = 0; plot < graph.y_values.length; plot++) { var values = graph.y_values[plot][2]; var color = probe_colors_rgb[graph.y_values[plot][0]]; if (values == undefined || color == undefined) continue; // no data points or x-axis // interpolate signal value at graph_x using values[index-1] and values[index] var y1 = (index == 0) ? values[0] : values[index-1]; var y2 = values[index]; var y = y1; if (graph_x != x1) y += (graph_x - x1)*(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1); // annotate plot with value of signal at marker c.fillStyle = element_style; c.fillText('\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588',tx-3,ty); c.fillStyle = color; c.fillText(engineering_notation(y,3,false),tx,ty); ty += 14; } } c.textAlign = 'right'; if (graph.z_values != undefined) { var tx = graph.left_margin + graph.pwidth - left_margin; var ty = graph.top_margin; for (var plot = 0; plot < graph.z_values.length; plot++) { var values = graph.z_values[plot][2]; var color = probe_colors_rgb[graph.z_values[plot][0]]; if (values == undefined || color == undefined) continue; // no data points or x-axis // interpolate signal value at graph_x using values[index-1] and values[index] var z1 = (index == 0) ? values[0]: values[index-1]; var z2 = values[index]; var z = z1; if (graph_x != x1) z += (graph_x - x1)*(z2 - z1)/(x2 - x1); // annotate plot with value of signal at marker c.fillStyle = element_style; c.fillText('\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588',tx+3,ty); c.fillStyle = color; c.fillText(engineering_notation(z,3,false),tx,ty); ty += 14; } } } } function redraw_plot(graph) { var c = graph.getContext('2d'); c.drawImage(graph.bg_image,0,0); if (graph.cursor1_x != undefined) plot_cursor(c,graph,graph.cursor1_x,4); if (graph.cursor2_x != undefined) plot_cursor(c,graph,graph.cursor2_x,30); /* if (graph.cursor1_x != undefined) { // draw dashed vertical marker that follows mouse var x = graph.left_margin + graph.cursor1_x; var end_y = graph.top_margin + graph.pheight + graph.tick_length; c.strokeStyle = grid_style; c.lineWidth = 1; c.beginPath(); c.dashedLineTo(x,graph.top_margin,x,end_y,cursor_pattern); c.stroke(); // add x label at bottom of marker var graph_x = graph.cursor1_x/graph.x_scale + graph.x_min; c.font = '10pt sans-serif'; c.textAlign = 'center'; c.textBaseline = 'top'; c.fillStyle = background_style; c.fillText('\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588',x,end_y); c.fillStyle = normal_style; c.fillText(engineering_notation(graph_x,3,false),x,end_y); // compute which points marker is between var x_values = graph.x_values; var len = x_values.length; var index = 0; while (index < len && graph_x >= x_values[index]) index += 1; var x1 = (index == 0) ? x_values[0] : x_values[index-1]; var x2 = x_values[index]; if (x2 != undefined) { // for each plot, interpolate and output value at intersection with marker c.textAlign = 'left'; var tx = graph.left_margin + 4; var ty = graph.top_margin; for (var plot = 0; plot < graph.y_values.length; plot++) { var values = graph.y_values[plot][1]; // interpolate signal value at graph_x using values[index-1] and values[index] var y1 = (index == 0) ? values[0] : values[index-1]; var y2 = values[index]; var y = y1; if (graph_x != x1) y += (graph_x - x1)*(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1); // annotate plot with value of signal at marker c.fillStyle = element_style; c.fillText('\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588',tx-3,ty); c.fillStyle = probe_colors_rgb[graph.y_values[plot][0]]; c.fillText(engineering_notation(y,3,false),tx,ty); ty += 14; } } } */ } function graph_mouse_move(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var g = (window.event) ? event.srcElement : event.target; g.relMouseCoords(event); // not sure yet where the 3,-3 offset correction comes from (borders? padding?) var gx = g.mouse_x - g.left_margin - 3; var gy = g.pheight - (g.mouse_y - g.top_margin) + 3; if (gx >= 0 && gx <= g.pwidth && gy >=0 && gy <= g.pheight) { //g.sch.message('button: '+event.button+', which: '+event.which); g.cursor1_x = gx; } else { g.cursor1_x = undefined; g.cursor2_x = undefined; } redraw_plot(g); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Parts bin // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // one instance will be created for each part in the parts bin function Part(sch) { this.sch = sch; this.component = undefined; this.selected = false; // set up canvas this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.canvas.style.borderStyle = 'solid'; this.canvas.style.borderWidth = '1px'; this.canvas.style.borderColor = background_style; //this.canvas.style.position = 'absolute'; this.canvas.style.cursor = 'default'; this.canvas.height = part_w; this.canvas.width = part_h; this.canvas.part = this; this.canvas.addEventListener('mouseover',part_enter,false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mouseout',part_leave,false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown',part_mouse_down,false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mouseup',part_mouse_up,false); // make the part "clickable" by registering a dummy click handler // this should make things work on the iPad this.canvas.addEventListener('click',function(){},false); } Part.prototype.set_location = function(left,top) { this.canvas.style.left = left + 'px'; this.canvas.style.top = top + 'px'; } Part.prototype.right = function() { return this.canvas.offsetLeft + this.canvas.offsetWidth; } Part.prototype.bottom = function() { return this.canvas.offsetTop + this.canvas.offsetHeight; } Part.prototype.set_component = function(component,tip) { component.sch = this; this.component = component; this.tip = tip; // figure out scaling and centering of parts icon var b = component.bounding_box; var dx = b[2] - b[0]; var dy = b[3] - b[1]; this.scale = 0.8; //Math.min(part_w/(1.2*dx),part_h/(1.2*dy)); this.origin_x = b[0] + dx/2.0 - part_w/(2.0*this.scale); this.origin_y = b[1] + dy/2.0 - part_h/(2.0*this.scale); this.redraw(); } Part.prototype.redraw = function(part) { var c = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); // paint background color c.fillStyle = this.selected ? selected_style : background_style; c.fillRect(0,0,part_w,part_h); if (this.component) this.component.draw(c); } Part.prototype.select = function(which) { this.selected = which; this.redraw(); } Part.prototype.update_connection_point = function(cp,old_location) { // no connection points in the parts bin } Part.prototype.moveTo = function(c,x,y) { c.moveTo((x - this.origin_x) * this.scale,(y - this.origin_y) * this.scale); } Part.prototype.lineTo = function(c,x,y) { c.lineTo((x - this.origin_x) * this.scale,(y - this.origin_y) * this.scale); } Part.prototype.draw_line = function(c,x1,y1,x2,y2,width) { c.lineWidth = width*this.scale; c.beginPath(); c.moveTo((x1 - this.origin_x) * this.scale,(y1 - this.origin_y) * this.scale); c.lineTo((x2 - this.origin_x) * this.scale,(y2 - this.origin_y) * this.scale); c.stroke(); } Part.prototype.draw_arc = function(c,x,y,radius,start_radians,end_radians,anticlockwise,width,filled) { c.lineWidth = width*this.scale; c.beginPath(); c.arc((x - this.origin_x)*this.scale,(y - this.origin_y)*this.scale,radius*this.scale, start_radians,end_radians,anticlockwise); if (filled) c.fill(); else c.stroke(); } Part.prototype.draw_text = function(c,text,x,y,size) { // no text displayed for the parts icon } function part_enter(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var canvas = (window.event) ? event.srcElement : event.target; var part = canvas.part; // avoid Chrome bug that changes to text cursor whenever // drag starts. We'll restore the default handler at // the appropriate point so behavior in other parts of // the document are unaffected. //part.sch.saved_onselectstart = document.onselectstart; //document.onselectstart = function () { return false; }; canvas.style.borderColor = normal_style; part.sch.message(part.tip+': drag onto diagram to insert'); return false; } function part_leave(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var canvas = (window.event) ? event.srcElement : event.target; var part = canvas.part; if (typeof part.sch.new_part == 'undefined') { // leaving with no part selected? revert handler //document.onselectstart = part.sch.saved_onselectstart; } canvas.style.borderColor = background_style; part.sch.message(''); return false; } function part_mouse_down(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var part = (window.event) ? event.srcElement.part : event.target.part; part.select(true); part.sch.new_part = part; return false; } function part_mouse_up(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var part = (window.event) ? event.srcElement.part : event.target.part; part.select(false); part.sch.new_part = undefined; return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Rectangle helper functions // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // rect is an array of the form [left,top,right,bottom] // ensure left < right, top < bottom function canonicalize(r) { var temp; // canonicalize bounding box if (r[0] > r[2]) { temp = r[0]; r[0] = r[2]; r[2] = temp; } if (r[1] > r[3]) { temp = r[1]; r[1] = r[3]; r[3] = temp; } } function between(x,x1,x2) { return x1 <= x && x <= x2; } function inside(rect,x,y) { return between(x,rect[0],rect[2]) && between(y,rect[1],rect[3]); } // only works for manhattan rectangles function intersect(r1,r2) { // look for non-intersection, negate result var result = !(r2[0] > r1[2] || r2[2] < r1[0] || r2[1] > r1[3] || r2[3] < r1[1]); // if I try to return the above expression, javascript returns undefined!!! return result; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Component base class // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Component(type,x,y,rotation) { this.sch = undefined; this.type = type; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.rotation = rotation; this.selected = false; this.properties = new Array(); this.bounding_box = [0,0,0,0]; // in device coords [left,top,right,bottom] this.bbox = this.bounding_box; // in absolute coords this.connections = []; } Component.prototype.json = function(index) { this.properties['_json_'] = index; // remember where we are in the JSON list var props = {}; for (var p in this.properties) props[p] = this.properties[p]; var conns = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.connections.length; i++) conns.push(this.connections[i].json()); var json = [this.type,[this.x, this.y, this.rotation],props,conns]; return json; } Component.prototype.add_connection = function(offset_x,offset_y) { this.connections.push(new ConnectionPoint(this,offset_x,offset_y)); } Component.prototype.update_coords = function() { var x = this.x; var y = this.y; // update bbox var b = this.bounding_box; this.bbox[0] = this.transform_x(b[0],b[1]) + x; this.bbox[1] = this.transform_y(b[0],b[1]) + y; this.bbox[2] = this.transform_x(b[2],b[3]) + x; this.bbox[3] = this.transform_y(b[2],b[3]) + y; canonicalize(this.bbox); // update connections for (var i = this.connections.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) this.connections[i].update_location(); } Component.prototype.rotate = function(amount) { var old_rotation = this.rotation; this.rotation = (this.rotation + amount) % 8; this.update_coords(); // create an undoable edit record here // using old_rotation } Component.prototype.move_begin = function() { // remember where we started this move this.move_x = this.x; this.move_y = this.y; } Component.prototype.move = function(dx,dy) { // update coordinates this.x += dx; this.y += dy; this.update_coords(); } Component.prototype.move_end = function() { var dx = this.x - this.move_x; var dy = this.y - this.move_y; if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { // create an undoable edit record here this.sch.check_wires(this); } } Component.prototype.add = function(sch) { this.sch = sch; // we now belong to a schematic! sch.add_component(this); this.update_coords(); } Component.prototype.remove = function() { // remove connection points from schematic for (var i = this.connections.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var cp = this.connections[i]; this.sch.remove_connection_point(cp,cp.location); } // remove component from schematic this.sch.remove_component(this); this.sch = undefined; // create an undoable edit record here } Component.prototype.transform_x = function(x,y) { var rot = this.rotation; if (rot == 0 || rot == 6) return x; else if (rot == 1 || rot == 5) return -y; else if (rot == 2 || rot == 4) return -x; else return y; } Component.prototype.transform_y = function(x,y) { var rot = this.rotation; if (rot == 1 || rot == 7) return x; else if (rot == 2 || rot == 6) return -y; else if (rot == 3 || rot == 5) return -x; else return y; } Component.prototype.moveTo = function(c,x,y) { var nx = this.transform_x(x,y) + this.x; var ny = this.transform_y(x,y) + this.y; this.sch.moveTo(c,nx,ny); } Component.prototype.lineTo = function(c,x,y) { var nx = this.transform_x(x,y) + this.x; var ny = this.transform_y(x,y) + this.y; this.sch.lineTo(c,nx,ny); } Component.prototype.draw_line = function(c,x1,y1,x2,y2) { c.strokeStyle = this.selected ? selected_style : this.type == 'w' ? normal_style : component_style; var nx1 = this.transform_x(x1,y1) + this.x; var ny1 = this.transform_y(x1,y1) + this.y; var nx2 = this.transform_x(x2,y2) + this.x; var ny2 = this.transform_y(x2,y2) + this.y; this.sch.draw_line(c,nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2,1); } Component.prototype.draw_circle = function(c,x,y,radius,filled) { if (filled) c.fillStyle = this.selected ? selected_style : normal_style; else c.strokeStyle = this.selected ? selected_style : this.type == 'w' ? normal_style : component_style; var nx = this.transform_x(x,y) + this.x; var ny = this.transform_y(x,y) + this.y; this.sch.draw_arc(c,nx,ny,radius,0,2*Math.PI,false,1,filled); } rot_angle = [ 0.0, // NORTH (identity) Math.PI/2, // EAST (rot270) Math.PI, // SOUTH (rot180) 3*Math.PI/2, // WEST (rot90) 0.0, // RNORTH (negy) Math.PI/2, // REAST (int-neg) Math.PI, // RSOUTH (negx) 3*Math.PI/2, // RWEST (int-pos) ]; Component.prototype.draw_arc = function(c,x,y,radius,start_radians,end_radians) { c.strokeStyle = this.selected ? selected_style : this.type == 'w' ? normal_style : component_style; var nx = this.transform_x(x,y) + this.x; var ny = this.transform_y(x,y) + this.y; this.sch.draw_arc(c,nx,ny,radius, start_radians+rot_angle[this.rotation],end_radians+rot_angle[this.rotation], false,1,false); } Component.prototype.draw = function(c) { /* for (var i = this.connections.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var cp = this.connections[i]; cp.draw_x(c); } */ } // result of rotating an alignment [rot*9 + align] aOrient = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, // NORTH (identity) 2, 5, 8, 1, 4, 7, 0, 3, 6, // EAST (rot270) 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, // SOUTH (rot180) 6, 3, 0, 7, 4, 1, 8, 5, 3, // WEST (rot90) 2, 1, 0, 5, 4, 3, 8, 7, 6, // RNORTH (negy) 8, 5, 2, 7, 4, 1, 6, 3, 0, // REAST (int-neg) 6, 7, 8, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, // RSOUTH (negx) 0, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8 // RWEST (int-pos) ]; textAlign = [ 'left', 'center', 'right', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'left', 'center', 'right' ]; textBaseline = [ 'top', 'top', 'top', 'middle', 'middle', 'middle', 'bottom', 'bottom', 'bottom' ]; Component.prototype.draw_text = function(c,text,x,y,alignment,size,fill) { var a = aOrient[this.rotation*9 + alignment]; c.textAlign = textAlign[a]; c.textBaseline = textBaseline[a]; if (fill == undefined) c.fillStyle = this.selected ? selected_style : normal_style; else c.fillStyle = fill; this.sch.draw_text(c,text, this.transform_x(x,y) + this.x, this.transform_y(x,y) + this.y, size); } Component.prototype.set_select = function(which) { if (which != this.selected) { this.selected = which; // create an undoable edit record here } } Component.prototype.select = function(x,y,shiftKey) { this.was_previously_selected = this.selected; if (this.near(x,y)) { this.set_select(shiftKey ? !this.selected : true); return true; } else return false; } Component.prototype.select_rect = function(s) { this.was_previously_selected = this.selected; if (intersect(this.bbox,s)) this.set_select(true); } // if connection point of component c bisects the // wire represented by this compononent, return that // connection point. Otherwise return null. Component.prototype.bisect = function(c) { return null; } // does mouse click fall on this component? Component.prototype.near = function(x,y) { return inside(this.bbox,x,y); } Component.prototype.edit_properties = function(x,y) { if (this.near(x,y)) { // make an <input> widget for each property var fields = new Array(); for (var i in this.properties) // underscore at beginning of property name => system property if (i.charAt(0) != '_') fields[i] = build_input('text',10,this.properties[i]); var content = build_table(fields); content.fields = fields; content.component = this; this.sch.dialog('Edit Properties',content,function(content) { for (var i in content.fields) content.component.properties[i] = content.fields[i].value; content.component.sch.redraw_background(); }); return true; } else return false; } // clear the labels on all connections Component.prototype.clear_labels = function() { for (var i = this.connections.length - 1; i >=0; --i) { this.connections[i].clear_label(); } } // default action: don't propagate label Component.prototype.propagate_label = function(label) { } // give components a chance to generate default labels for their connection(s) // default action: do nothing Component.prototype.add_default_labels = function() { } // component should generate labels for all unlabeled connections Component.prototype.label_connections = function() { for (var i = this.connections.length - 1; i >=0; --i) { var cp = this.connections[i]; if (!cp.label) cp.propagate_label(this.sch.get_next_label()); } } // default behavior: no probe info Component.prototype.probe_info = function() { return undefined; } // default behavior: nothing to display for DC analysis Component.prototype.display_current = function(c,vmap) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Connection point // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// connection_point_radius = 2; function ConnectionPoint(parent,x,y) { this.parent = parent; this.offset_x = x; this.offset_y = y; this.location = ''; this.update_location(); this.label = undefined; } ConnectionPoint.prototype.toString = function() { return '<ConnectionPoint ('+this.offset_x+','+this.offset_y+') '+this.parent.toString()+'>'; } ConnectionPoint.prototype.json = function() { return this.label; } ConnectionPoint.prototype.clear_label = function() { this.label = undefined; } ConnectionPoint.prototype.propagate_label = function(label) { // should we check if existing label is the same? it should be... if (this.label === undefined) { // label this connection point this.label = label; // propagate label to coincident connection points this.parent.sch.propagate_label(label,this.location); // possibly label other cp's for this device? this.parent.propagate_label(label); } else if (this.label != '0' && label != '0' && this.label != label) alert("Node has two conflicting labels: "+this.label+", "+label); } ConnectionPoint.prototype.update_location = function() { // update location string which we use as a key to find coincident connection points var old_location = this.location; var parent = this.parent; var nx = parent.transform_x(this.offset_x,this.offset_y) + parent.x; var ny = parent.transform_y(this.offset_x,this.offset_y) + parent.y; this.x = nx; this.y = ny; this.location = nx + ',' + ny; // add ourselves to the connection list for the new location if (parent.sch) parent.sch.update_connection_point(this,old_location); } ConnectionPoint.prototype.coincident = function(x,y) { return this.x==x && this.y==y; } ConnectionPoint.prototype.draw = function(c,n) { if (n != 2) this.parent.draw_circle(c,this.offset_x,this.offset_y,connection_point_radius,n > 2); } ConnectionPoint.prototype.draw_x = function(c) { this.parent.draw_line(c,this.offset_x-2,this.offset_y-2,this.offset_x+2,this.offset_y+2,grid_style); this.parent.draw_line(c,this.offset_x+2,this.offset_y-2,this.offset_x-2,this.offset_y+2,grid_style); } ConnectionPoint.prototype.display_voltage = function(c,vmap) { var v = vmap[this.label]; if (v != undefined) { var label = v.toFixed(2) + 'V'; // first draw some solid blocks in the background c.globalAlpha = 0.85; this.parent.draw_text(c,'\u2588\u2588\u2588',this.offset_x,this.offset_y, 4,annotation_size,element_style); c.globalAlpha = 1.0; // display the node voltage at this connection point this.parent.draw_text(c,label,this.offset_x,this.offset_y, 4,annotation_size,annotation_style); // only display each node voltage once delete vmap[this.label]; } } // see if three connection points are collinear function collinear(p1,p2,p3) { // from http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Collinear.html var area = p1.x*(p2.y - p3.y) + p2.x*(p3.y - p1.y) + p3.x*(p1.y - p2.y); return area == 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Wire // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// near_distance = 2; // how close to wire counts as "near by" function Wire(x1,y1,x2,y2) { // arbitrarily call x1,y1 the origin Component.call(this,'w',x1,y1,0); this.dx = x2 - x1; this.dy = y2 - y1; this.add_connection(0,0); this.add_connection(this.dx,this.dy); // compute bounding box (expanded slightly) var r = [0,0,this.dx,this.dy]; canonicalize(r); r[0] -= near_distance; r[1] -= near_distance; r[2] += near_distance; r[3] += near_distance; this.bounding_box = r; this.update_coords(); // update bbox // used in selection calculations this.len = Math.sqrt(this.dx*this.dx + this.dy*this.dy); } Wire.prototype = new Component(); Wire.prototype.constructor = Wire; Wire.prototype.toString = function() { return '<Wire ('+this.x+','+this.y+') ('+(this.x+this.dx)+','+(this.y+this.dy)+')>'; } // return connection point at other end of wire from specified cp Wire.prototype.other_end = function(cp) { if (cp == this.connections[0]) return this.connections[1]; else if (cp == this.connections[1]) return this.connections[0]; else return undefined; } Wire.prototype.json = function(index) { var json = ['w',[this.x, this.y, this.x+this.dx, this.y+this.dy]]; return json; } Wire.prototype.draw = function(c) { this.draw_line(c,0,0,this.dx,this.dy); } Wire.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new Wire(x,y,x+this.dx,y+this.dy); } Wire.prototype.near = function(x,y) { // crude check: (x,y) within expanded bounding box of wire if (inside(this.bbox,x,y)) { // compute distance between x,y and nearst point on line // http://www.allegro.cc/forums/thread/589720 var D = Math.abs((x - this.x)*this.dy - (y - this.y)*this.dx)/this.len; if (D <= near_distance) return true; } return false; } // selection rectangle selects wire only if it includes // one of the end points Wire.prototype.select_rect = function(s) { this.was_previously_selected = this.selected; if (inside(s,this.x,this.y) || inside(s,this.x+this.dx,this.y+this.dy)) this.set_select(true); } // if connection point cp bisects the // wire represented by this compononent, return true Wire.prototype.bisect_cp = function(cp) { var x = cp.x; var y = cp.y; // crude check: (x,y) within expanded bounding box of wire if (inside(this.bbox,x,y)) { // compute distance between x,y and nearst point on line // http://www.allegro.cc/forums/thread/589720 var D = Math.abs((x - this.x)*this.dy - (y - this.y)*this.dx)/this.len; // final check: ensure point isn't an end point of the wire if (D < 1 && !this.connections[0].coincident(x,y) && !this.connections[1].coincident(x,y)) return true; } return false; } // if some connection point of component c bisects the // wire represented by this compononent, return that // connection point. Otherwise return null. Wire.prototype.bisect = function(c) { if (c == undefined) return; for (var i = c.connections.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var cp = c.connections[i]; if (this.bisect_cp(cp)) return cp; } return null; } Wire.prototype.move_end = function() { // look for wires bisected by this wire this.sch.check_wires(this); // look for connection points that might bisect us this.sch.check_connection_points(this); } // wires "conduct" their label to the other end Wire.prototype.propagate_label = function(label) { // don't worry about relabeling a cp, it won't recurse! this.connections[0].propagate_label(label); this.connections[1].propagate_label(label); } // Wires have no properties to edit Wire.prototype.edit_properties = function(x,y) { return false; } // some actual component will start the labeling of electrical nodes, // so do nothing here Wire.prototype.label_connections = function() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Ground // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Ground(x,y,rotation) { Component.call(this,'g',x,y,rotation); this.add_connection(0,0); this.bounding_box = [-6,0,6,8]; this.update_coords(); } Ground.prototype = new Component(); Ground.prototype.constructor = Ground; Ground.prototype.toString = function() { return '<Ground ('+this.x+','+this.y+')>'; } Ground.prototype.draw = function(c) { Component.prototype.draw.call(this,c); // give superclass a shot this.draw_line(c,0,0,0,8); this.draw_line(c,-6,8,6,8); } Ground.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new Ground(x,y,this.rotation); } // Grounds no properties to edit Ground.prototype.edit_properties = function(x,y) { return false; } // give components a chance to generate a label for their connection(s) // default action: do nothing Ground.prototype.add_default_labels = function() { this.connections[0].propagate_label('0'); // canonical label for GND node } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Label // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Label(x,y,rotation,label) { Component.call(this,'L',x,y,rotation); this.properties['label'] = label ? label : '???'; this.add_connection(0,0); this.bounding_box = [-2,0,2,8]; this.update_coords(); } Label.prototype = new Component(); Label.prototype.constructor = Label; Label.prototype.toString = function() { return '<Label'+' ('+this.x+','+this.y+')>'; } Label.prototype.draw = function(c) { Component.prototype.draw.call(this,c); // give superclass a shot this.draw_line(c,0,0,0,8); this.draw_text(c,this.properties['label'],0,9,1,property_size); } Label.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new Label(x,y,this.rotation,this.properties['label']); } // give components a chance to generate a label for their connection(s) // default action: do nothing Label.prototype.add_default_labels = function() { this.connections[0].propagate_label(this.properties['label']); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Voltage Probe // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// probe_colors = ['red','green','blue','cyan','magenta','yellow','black','x-axis']; probe_colors_rgb = { 'red': 'rgb(255,64,64)', 'green': 'rgb(64,255,64)', 'blue': 'rgb(64,64,255)', 'cyan': 'rgb(64,255,255)', 'magenta' : 'rgb(255,64,255)', 'yellow': 'rgb(255,255,64)', 'black': 'rgb(0,0,0)', 'x-axis': undefined, }; function Probe(x,y,rotation,color,offset) { Component.call(this,'s',x,y,rotation); this.add_connection(0,0); this.properties['color'] = color ? color : 'cyan'; this.properties['offset'] = (offset==undefined || offset=='') ? '0' : offset; this.bounding_box = [0,0,27,-21]; this.update_coords(); } Probe.prototype = new Component(); Probe.prototype.constructor = Probe; Probe.prototype.toString = function() { return '<Probe ('+this.x+','+this.y+')>'; } Probe.prototype.draw = function(c) { // draw outline this.draw_line(c,0,0,4,-4); this.draw_line(c,2,-6,6,-2); this.draw_line(c,2,-6,17,-21); this.draw_line(c,6,-2,21,-17); this.draw_line(c,17,-21,21,-17); this.draw_arc(c,19,-11,8,3*Math.PI/2,0); // fill body with plot color var color = probe_colors_rgb[this.properties['color']]; if (color != undefined) { c.fillStyle = color; c.beginPath(); this.moveTo(c,2,-6); this.lineTo(c,6,-2); this.lineTo(c,21,-17); this.lineTo(c,17,-21); this.lineTo(c,2,-6); c.fill(); } else { this.draw_text(c,this.properties['color'],27,-11,1,property_size); } } Probe.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new Probe(x,y,this.rotation,this.properties['color'],this.properties['offset']); } Probe.prototype.edit_properties = function(x,y) { if (inside(this.bbox,x,y)) { var fields = new Array(); fields['Plot color'] = build_select(probe_colors,this.properties['color']); fields['Plot offset'] = build_input('text',10,this.properties['offset']); var content = build_table(fields); content.fields = fields; content.component = this; this.sch.dialog('Edit Properties',content,function(content) { var color_choice = content.fields['Plot color']; content.component.properties['color'] = probe_colors[color_choice.selectedIndex]; content.component.properties['offset'] = content.fields['Plot offset'].value; content.component.sch.redraw_background(); }); return true; } else return false; } // return [color, node_label, offset, type] for this probe Probe.prototype.probe_info = function() { var color = this.properties['color']; var offset = this.properties['offset']; if (offset==undefined || offset=="") offset = '0'; return [color,this.connections[0].label,offset,'voltage']; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Ammeter Probe // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Ammeter(x,y,rotation,color,offset) { Component.call(this,'a',x,y,rotation); this.add_connection(0,0); // pos this.add_connection(16,0); // neg this.properties['color'] = color ? color : 'magenta'; this.properties['offset'] = (offset==undefined || offset=='') ? '0' : offset; this.bounding_box = [-3,0,16,3]; this.update_coords(); } Ammeter.prototype = new Component(); Ammeter.prototype.constructor = Ammeter; Ammeter.prototype.toString = function() { return '<Ammeter ('+this.x+','+this.y+')>'; } Ammeter.prototype.move_end = function() { Component.prototype.move_end.call(this); // do the normal processing // special for current probes: see if probe has been placed // in the middle of wire, creating three wire segments one // of which is shorting the two terminals of the probe. If // so, auto remove the shorting segment. var e1 = this.connections[0].location; var e2 = this.connections[1].location; var cplist = this.sch.find_connections(this.connections[0]); for (var i = cplist.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var c = cplist[i].parent; // a component connected to ammeter terminal // look for a wire whose end points match those of the ammeter if (c.type == 'w') { var c_e1 = c.connections[0].location; var c_e2 = c.connections[1].location; if ((e1 == c_e1 && c2 == c_e2) || (e1 == c_e2 && e2 == c_e1)) { c.remove(); break; } } } } Ammeter.prototype.draw = function(c) { this.draw_line(c,0,0,16,0); // draw chevron in probe color c.strokeStyle = probe_colors_rgb[this.properties['color']]; if (c.strokeStyle != undefined) { c.beginPath(); this.moveTo(c,6,-3); this.lineTo(c,10,0); this.lineTo(c,6,3); c.stroke(); } } Ammeter.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new Ammeter(x,y,this.rotation,this.properties['color'],this.properties['offset']); } // share code with voltage probe Ammeter.prototype.edit_properties = Probe.prototype.edit_properties; Ammeter.prototype.label = function() { var name = this.properties['name']; var label = 'I(' + (name ? name : '_' + this.properties['_json_']) + ')'; return label; } // display current for DC analysis Ammeter.prototype.display_current = function(c,vmap) { var label = this.label(); var v = vmap[label]; if (v != undefined) { var i = engineering_notation(v,2) + 'A'; this.draw_text(c,i,8,-5,7,annotation_size,annotation_style); // only display each current once delete vmap[label]; } } // return [color, current_label, offset, type] for this probe Ammeter.prototype.probe_info = function() { var color = this.properties['color']; var offset = this.properties['offset']; if (offset==undefined || offset=="") offset = '0'; return [color,this.label(),offset,'current']; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Resistor // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Resistor(x,y,rotation,name,r) { Component.call(this,'r',x,y,rotation); this.properties['name'] = name; this.properties['r'] = r ? r : '1'; this.add_connection(0,0); this.add_connection(0,48); this.bounding_box = [-5,0,5,48]; this.update_coords(); } Resistor.prototype = new Component(); Resistor.prototype.constructor = Resistor; Resistor.prototype.toString = function() { return '<Resistor '+this.properties['r']+' ('+this.x+','+this.y+')>'; } Resistor.prototype.draw = function(c) { Component.prototype.draw.call(this,c); // give superclass a shot this.draw_line(c,0,0,0,12); this.draw_line(c,0,12,4,14); this.draw_line(c,4,14,-4,18); this.draw_line(c,-4,18,4,22); this.draw_line(c,4,22,-4,26); this.draw_line(c,-4,26,4,30); this.draw_line(c,4,30,-4,34); this.draw_line(c,-4,34,0,36); this.draw_line(c,0,36,0,48); if (this.properties['r']) this.draw_text(c,this.properties['r']+'\u03A9',5,24,3,property_size); if (this.properties['name']) this.draw_text(c,this.properties['name'],-5,24,5,property_size); } Resistor.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new Resistor(x,y,this.rotation,this.properties['name'],this.properties['r']); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Capacitor // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Capacitor(x,y,rotation,name,c) { Component.call(this,'c',x,y,rotation); this.properties['name'] = name; this.properties['c'] = c ? c : '1p'; this.add_connection(0,0); this.add_connection(0,48); this.bounding_box = [-8,0,8,48]; this.update_coords(); } Capacitor.prototype = new Component(); Capacitor.prototype.constructor = Capacitor; Capacitor.prototype.toString = function() { return '<Capacitor '+this.properties['r']+' ('+this.x+','+this.y+')>'; } Capacitor.prototype.draw = function(c) { Component.prototype.draw.call(this,c); // give superclass a shot this.draw_line(c,0,0,0,22); this.draw_line(c,-8,22,8,22); this.draw_line(c,-8,26,8,26); this.draw_line(c,0,26,0,48); if (this.properties['c']) this.draw_text(c,this.properties['c']+'F',9,24,3,property_size); if (this.properties['name']) this.draw_text(c,this.properties['name'],-9,24,5,property_size); } Capacitor.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new Capacitor(x,y,this.rotation,this.properties['name'],this.properties['c']); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Inductor // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Inductor(x,y,rotation,name,l) { Component.call(this,'l',x,y,rotation); this.properties['name'] = name; this.properties['l'] = l ? l : '1n'; this.add_connection(0,0); this.add_connection(0,48); this.bounding_box = [-4,0,5,48]; this.update_coords(); } Inductor.prototype = new Component(); Inductor.prototype.constructor = Inductor; Inductor.prototype.toString = function() { return '<Inductor '+this.properties['l']+' ('+this.x+','+this.y+')>'; } Inductor.prototype.draw = function(c) { Component.prototype.draw.call(this,c); // give superclass a shot this.draw_line(c,0,0,0,14); this.draw_arc(c,0,18,4,6*Math.PI/4,3*Math.PI/4); this.draw_arc(c,0,24,4,5*Math.PI/4,3*Math.PI/4); this.draw_arc(c,0,30,4,5*Math.PI/4,2*Math.PI/4); this.draw_line(c,0,34,0,48); if (this.properties['l']) this.draw_text(c,this.properties['l']+'H',6,24,3,property_size); if (this.properties['name']) this.draw_text(c,this.properties['name'],-3,24,5,property_size); } Inductor.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new Inductor(x,y,this.rotation,this.properties['name'],this.properties['l']); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Diode // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// diode_types = ['normal','ideal']; function Diode(x,y,rotation,name,area,type) { Component.call(this,'d',x,y,rotation); this.properties['name'] = name; this.properties['area'] = area ? area : '1'; this.properties['type'] = type ? type : 'normal'; this.add_connection(0,0); // anode this.add_connection(0,48); // cathode this.bounding_box = (type == 'ideal') ? [-12,0,12,48] : [-8,0,8,48]; this.update_coords(); } Diode.prototype = new Component(); Diode.prototype.constructor = Diode; Diode.prototype.toString = function() { return '<Diode '+this.properties['area']+' ('+this.x+','+this.y+')>'; } Diode.prototype.draw = function(c) { Component.prototype.draw.call(this,c); // give superclass a shot this.draw_line(c,0,0,0,16); this.draw_line(c,-8,16,8,16); this.draw_line(c,-8,16,0,32); this.draw_line(c,8,16,0,32); this.draw_line(c,-8,32,8,32); this.draw_line(c,0,32,0,48); if (this.properties['type'] == 'ideal') { // put a box around an ideal diode this.draw_line(c,-10,12,10,12); this.draw_line(c,-10,12,-10,36); this.draw_line(c,10,12,10,36); this.draw_line(c,-10,36,10,36); } if (this.properties['area']) this.draw_text(c,this.properties['area'],10,24,3,property_size); if (this.properties['name']) this.draw_text(c,this.properties['name'],-10,24,5,property_size); } Diode.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new Diode(x,y,this.rotation,this.properties['name'],this.properties['area'],this.properties['type']); } Diode.prototype.edit_properties = function(x,y) { if (inside(this.bbox,x,y)) { var fields = new Array(); fields['name'] = build_input('text',10,this.properties['name']); fields['area'] = build_input('text',10,this.properties['area']); fields['type'] = build_select(diode_types,this.properties['type']); var content = build_table(fields); content.fields = fields; content.component = this; this.sch.dialog('Edit Properties',content,function(content) { content.component.properties['name'] = content.fields['name'].value; content.component.properties['area'] = content.fields['area'].value; content.component.properties['type'] = diode_types[content.fields['type'].selectedIndex]; content.component.sch.redraw_background(); }); return true; } else return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // N-channel Mosfet // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NFet(x,y,rotation,name,w_over_l) { Component.call(this,'n',x,y,rotation); this.properties['name'] = name; this.properties['W/L'] = w_over_l ? w_over_l : '2'; this.add_connection(0,0); // drain this.add_connection(-24,24); // gate this.add_connection(0,48); // source this.bounding_box = [-24,0,8,48]; this.update_coords(); } NFet.prototype = new Component(); NFet.prototype.constructor = NFet; NFet.prototype.toString = function() { return '<NFet '+this.properties['W/L']+' ('+this.x+','+this.y+')>'; } NFet.prototype.draw = function(c) { Component.prototype.draw.call(this,c); // give superclass a shot this.draw_line(c,0,0,0,16); this.draw_line(c,-8,16,0,16); this.draw_line(c,-8,16,-8,32); this.draw_line(c,-8,32,0,32); this.draw_line(c,0,32,0,48); this.draw_line(c,-24,24,-12,24); this.draw_line(c,-12,16,-12,32); var dim = this.properties['W/L']; if (this.properties['name']) { this.draw_text(c,this.properties['name'],2,22,6,property_size); this.draw_text(c,dim,2,26,0,property_size); } else this.draw_text(c,dim,2,24,3,property_size); } NFet.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new NFet(x,y,this.rotation,this.properties['name'],this.properties['W/L']); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // P-channel Mosfet // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function PFet(x,y,rotation,name,w_over_l) { Component.call(this,'p',x,y,rotation); this.properties['name'] = name; this.properties['W/L'] = w_over_l ? w_over_l : '2'; this.add_connection(0,0); // drain this.add_connection(-24,24); // gate this.add_connection(0,48); // source this.bounding_box = [-24,0,8,48]; this.update_coords(); } PFet.prototype = new Component(); PFet.prototype.constructor = PFet; PFet.prototype.toString = function() { return '<PFet '+this.properties['W/L']+' ('+this.x+','+this.y+')>'; } PFet.prototype.draw = function(c) { Component.prototype.draw.call(this,c); // give superclass a shot this.draw_line(c,0,0,0,16); this.draw_line(c,-8,16,0,16); this.draw_line(c,-8,16,-8,32); this.draw_line(c,-8,32,0,32); this.draw_line(c,0,32,0,48); this.draw_line(c,-24,24,-16,24); this.draw_circle(c,-14,24,2,false); this.draw_line(c,-12,16,-12,32); var dim = this.properties['W/L']; if (this.properties['name']) { this.draw_text(c,this.properties['name'],2,22,6,property_size); this.draw_text(c,dim,2,26,0,property_size); } else this.draw_text(c,dim,2,24,3,property_size); } PFet.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new PFet(x,y,this.rotation,this.properties['name'],this.properties['W/L']); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Op Amp // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OpAmp(x,y,rotation,name,A) { Component.call(this,'o',x,y,rotation); this.properties['name'] = name; this.properties['A'] = A ? A : '30000'; this.add_connection(0,0); // + this.add_connection(0,16); // - this.add_connection(48,8); // output this.add_connection(24,32); // ground this.bounding_box = [0,-8,48,32]; this.update_coords(); } OpAmp.prototype = new Component(); OpAmp.prototype.constructor = OpAmp; OpAmp.prototype.toString = function() { return '<OpAmp'+this.properties['A']+' ('+this.x+','+this.y+')>'; } OpAmp.prototype.draw = function(c) { Component.prototype.draw.call(this,c); // give superclass a shot // triangle this.draw_line(c,8,-8,8,24); this.draw_line(c,8,-8,40,8); this.draw_line(c,8,24,40,8); // inputs and output this.draw_line(c,0,0,8,0); this.draw_line(c,0,16,8,16); this.draw_text(c,'gnd',37,18,property_size); this.draw_line(c,40,8,48,8); this.draw_line(c,24,16,24,32); // + and - this.draw_line(c,10,0,16,0); this.draw_line(c,13,-3,13,3); this.draw_line(c,10,16,16,16); if (this.properties['name']) this.draw_text(c,this.properties['name'],32,16,0,property_size); } OpAmp.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new OpAmp(x,y,this.rotation,this.properties['name'],this.properties['A']); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Source // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Source(x,y,rotation,name,type,value) { Component.call(this,type,x,y,rotation); this.properties['name'] = name; if (value == undefined) value = 'dc(1)'; this.properties['value'] = value; this.add_connection(0,0); this.add_connection(0,48); this.bounding_box = [-12,0,12,48]; this.update_coords(); this.content = document.createElement('div'); // used by edit_properties } Source.prototype = new Component(); Source.prototype.constructor = Source; Source.prototype.toString = function() { return '<'+this.type+'source '+this.properties['params']+' ('+this.x+','+this.y+')>'; } Source.prototype.draw = function(c) { Component.prototype.draw.call(this,c); // give superclass a shot this.draw_line(c,0,0,0,12); this.draw_circle(c,0,24,12,false); this.draw_line(c,0,36,0,48); if (this.type == 'v') { // voltage source //this.draw_text(c,'+',0,12,1,property_size); //this.draw_text(c,'\u2013',0,36,7,property_size); // minus sign // draw + and - this.draw_line(c,0,15,0,21); this.draw_line(c,-3,18,3,18); this.draw_line(c,-3,30,3,30); // draw V //this.draw_line(c,-3,20,0,28); //this.draw_line(c,3,20,0,28); } else if (this.type == 'i') { // current source // draw arrow: pos to neg this.draw_line(c,0,15,0,32); this.draw_line(c,-3,26,0,32); this.draw_line(c,3,26,0,32); } if (this.properties['name']) this.draw_text(c,this.properties['name'],-13,24,5,property_size); if (this.properties['value']) this.draw_text(c,this.properties['value'],13,24,3,property_size); } // map source function name to labels for each source parameter source_functions = { 'dc': ['DC value'], 'impulse': ['Height', 'Width (secs)'], 'step': ['Initial value', 'Plateau value', 'Delay until step (secs)', 'Rise time (secs)'], 'square': ['Initial value', 'Plateau value', 'Frequency (Hz)', 'Duty cycle (%)'], 'triangle': ['Initial value', 'Plateau value', 'Frequency (Hz)'], 'pwl': ['Comma-separated list of alternating times and values'], 'pwl_repeating': ['Comma-separated list of alternating times and values'], 'pulse': ['Initial value', 'Plateau value', 'Delay until pulse (secs)', 'Time for first transition (secs)', 'Time for second transition (secs)', 'Pulse width (secs)', 'Period (secs)'], 'sin': ['Offset value', 'Amplitude', 'Frequency (Hz)', 'Delay until sin starts (secs)', 'Phase offset (degrees)'], } // build property editor div Source.prototype.build_content = function(src) { // make an <input> widget for each property var fields = [] fields['name'] = build_input('text',10,this.properties['name']); if (src == undefined) { fields['value'] = this.properties['value']; } else { // fancy version: add select tag for source type var src_types = []; for (var t in source_functions) src_types.push(t); var type_select = build_select(src_types,src.fun); type_select.component = this; type_select.addEventListener('change',source_type_changed,false) fields['type'] = type_select; if (src.fun == 'pwl' || src.run == 'pwl_repeating') { var v = ''; var first = true; for (var i = 0; i < src.args.length; i++) { if (first) first = false; else v += ','; v += engineering_notation(src.args[i],3); if (i % 2 == 0) v += 's'; } fields[source_functions[src.fun][0]] = build_input('text',30,v); } else { // followed separate input tag for each parameter var labels = source_functions[src.fun]; for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { var v = engineering_notation(src.args[i],3); fields[labels[i]] = build_input('text',10,v); } } } var div = this.content; if (div.hasChildNodes()) div.removeChild(div.firstChild); // remove table of input fields div.appendChild(build_table(fields)); div.fields = fields; div.component = this; return div; } function source_type_changed(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var select = (window.event) ? event.srcElement : event.target; // see where to get source parameters from var type = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value; var src = undefined; if (this.src != undefined && type == this.src.fun) src = this.src; else if (typeof cktsim != 'undefined') src = cktsim.parse_source(type+'()'); select.component.build_content(src); } Source.prototype.edit_properties = function(x,y) { if (this.near(x,y)) { this.src = undefined; if (typeof cktsim != 'undefined') this.src = cktsim.parse_source(this.properties['value']); var content = this.build_content(this.src); this.sch.dialog('Edit Properties',content,function(content) { var c = content.component; var fields = content.fields; var first = true; var value = ''; for (var label in fields) { if (label == 'name') c.properties['name'] = fields['name'].value; else if (label == 'value') { // if unknown source type value = fields['value'].value; c.sch.redraw_background(); return; } else if (label == 'type') { var select = fields['type']; value = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value + '('; } else { if (first) first = false; else value += ','; value += fields[label].value; } } c.properties['value'] = value + ')'; c.sch.redraw_background(); }); return true; } else return false; } function VSource(x,y,rotation,name,value) { Source.call(this,x,y,rotation,name,'v',value); this.type = 'v'; } VSource.prototype = new Component(); VSource.prototype.constructor = VSource; VSource.prototype.toString = Source.prototype.toString; VSource.prototype.draw = Source.prototype.draw; VSource.prototype.clone = Source.prototype.clone; VSource.prototype.build_content = Source.prototype.build_content; VSource.prototype.edit_properties = Source.prototype.edit_properties; // display current for DC analysis VSource.prototype.display_current = function(c,vmap) { var name = this.properties['name']; var label = 'I(' + (name ? name : '_' + this.properties['_json_']) + ')'; var v = vmap[label]; if (v != undefined) { // first draw some solid blocks in the background c.globalAlpha = 0.5; this.draw_text(c,'\u2588\u2588\u2588',-8,8,4,annotation_size,element_style); c.globalAlpha = 1.0; // display the element current var i = engineering_notation(v,2) + 'A'; this.draw_text(c,i,-3,5,5,annotation_size,annotation_style); // draw arrow for current this.draw_line(c,-3,4,0,8); this.draw_line(c,3,4,0,8); // only display each current once delete vmap[label]; } } VSource.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new VSource(x,y,this.rotation,this.properties['name'],this.properties['value']); } function ISource(x,y,rotation,name,value) { Source.call(this,x,y,rotation,name,'i',value); this.type = 'i'; } ISource.prototype = new Component(); ISource.prototype.constructor = ISource; ISource.prototype.toString = Source.prototype.toString; ISource.prototype.draw = Source.prototype.draw; ISource.prototype.clone = Source.prototype.clone; ISource.prototype.build_content = Source.prototype.build_content; ISource.prototype.edit_properties = Source.prototype.edit_properties; ISource.prototype.clone = function(x,y) { return new ISource(x,y,this.rotation,this.properties['name'],this.properties['value']); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // JQuery slider support for setting a component value // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function component_slider(event,ui) { var sname = $(this).slider("option","schematic"); // set value of specified component var cname = $(this).slider("option","component"); var pname = $(this).slider("option","property"); var suffix = $(this).slider("option","suffix"); if (typeof suffix != "string") suffix = ""; var v = ui.value; $(this).slider("value",v); // move slider's indicator var choices = $(this).slider("option","choices"); if (choices instanceof Array) v = choices[v]; // selector may match several schematics $("." + sname).each(function(index,element) { element.schematic.set_property(cname,pname,v.toString() + suffix); }) // perform requested analysis var analysis = $(this).slider("option","analysis"); if (analysis == "dc") $("." + sname).each(function(index,element) { element.schematic.dc_analysis(); }) return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Module definition // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var module = { 'Schematic': Schematic, 'component_slider': component_slider, } return module; }());