<div class="discussion-post"> <header> <div class="group-visibility-label"> <% if (obj.group_name) { %> <%- interpolate( gettext('This post is visible only to %(group_name)s.'), {group_name: obj.group_name}, true ) %> <% } else { %> <%- gettext('This post is visible to everyone.') %> <% } %> </div> <div class="post-header-content"> <h1><%- title %></h1> <p class="posted-details"> <% var timeAgoHtml = interpolate( '<span class="timeago" title="%(created_at)s">%(created_at)s</span>', {created_at: created_at}, true ); %> <%= interpolate( // Translators: post_type describes the kind of post this is (e.g. "question" or "discussion"); // time_ago is how much time has passed since the post was created (e.g. "4 hours ago") _.escape(gettext('%(post_type)s posted %(time_ago)s by %(author)s')), {post_type: thread_type, time_ago: timeAgoHtml, author: author_display}, true ) %> </p> <div class="post-labels"> <span class="post-label-pinned"><i class="icon fa fa-thumb-tack"></i><%- gettext("Pinned") %></span> <span class="post-label-reported"><i class="icon fa fa-flag"></i><%- gettext("Reported") %></span> <span class="post-label-closed"><i class="icon fa fa-lock"></i><%- gettext("Closed") %></span> </div> </div> <div class="post-header-actions post-extended-content"> <%= _.template( $('#forum-actions').html(), { contentId: cid, contentType: 'post', primaryActions: ['vote', 'follow'], secondaryActions: ['pin', 'edit', 'delete', 'report', 'close'] } ) %> </div> </header> <div class="post-body"><%- body %></div> <% if (mode == "tab" && obj.courseware_url) { %> <% var courseware_title_linked = interpolate( '<a href="%(courseware_url)s">%(courseware_title)s</a>', {courseware_url: courseware_url, courseware_title: _.escape(courseware_title)}, true ); %> <div class="post-context"> <%= interpolate( _.escape(gettext('(this post is about %(courseware_title_linked)s)')), {courseware_title_linked: courseware_title_linked}, true ) %> </div> <% } %> </div>