define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'gettext', 'js/views/modals/base_modal'], function($, _, gettext, BaseModal) { var ValidationErrorModal = BaseModal.extend({ events: { 'click .action-cancel': 'cancel', 'click .action-undo': 'resetAction' }, initialize: function() {; this.template = this.loadTemplate('validation-error-modal'); }, options: $.extend({}, BaseModal.prototype.options, { modalName: 'Validation Error Modal', title: gettext('Validation Error While Saving'), modalSize: 'md' }), addActionButtons: function() { this.addActionButton('undo', gettext('Undo Changes'), true); this.addActionButton('cancel', gettext('Change Manually')); }, render: function() {; }, /* Set the JSON object of error_models that will be displayed * it must be an object, not json string. */ setContent: function(json_object) { this.response = json_object; }, /* Create the content HTML for this modal by passing necessary * parameters to template (validation-error-modal) */ getContentHtml: function() { return this.template({ response: this.response, num_errors: this.response.length }); }, /* Receive calback function from the view, so that it can be * invoked when the user clicks the reset button */ setResetCallback: function(reset_callback) { this.reset_callback = reset_callback; }, /* Upon receiving a user's clicking event on the reset button, * resets all setting changes, and hide the modal */ resetAction: function() { // reset page content this.reset_callback(); // hide the modal; } }); return ValidationErrorModal; } );