""" Check code quality using pep8, pylint, and diff_quality. """ from paver.easy import sh, task, cmdopts, needs, BuildFailure import os import re from .utils.envs import Env ALL_SYSTEMS = 'lms,cms,common,openedx,pavelib' def top_python_dirs(dirname): """ Find the directories to start from in order to find all the Python files in `dirname`. """ top_dirs = [] dir_init = os.path.join(dirname, "__init__.py") if os.path.exists(dir_init): top_dirs.append(dirname) for directory in ['djangoapps', 'lib']: subdir = os.path.join(dirname, directory) subdir_init = os.path.join(subdir, "__init__.py") if os.path.exists(subdir) and not os.path.exists(subdir_init): dirs = os.listdir(subdir) top_dirs.extend(d for d in dirs if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(subdir, d))) return top_dirs @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs') @cmdopts([ ("system=", "s", "System to act on"), ]) def find_fixme(options): """ Run pylint on system code, only looking for fixme items. """ num_fixme = 0 systems = getattr(options, 'system', ALL_SYSTEMS).split(',') for system in systems: # Directory to put the pylint report in. # This makes the folder if it doesn't already exist. report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / system).makedirs_p() apps_list = ' '.join(top_python_dirs(system)) pythonpath_prefix = ( "PYTHONPATH={system}:{system}/lib" "common/djangoapps:common/lib".format( system=system ) ) sh( "{pythonpath_prefix} pylint --disable R,C,W,E --enable=fixme " "--msg-template={msg_template} {apps} " "| tee {report_dir}/pylint_fixme.report".format( pythonpath_prefix=pythonpath_prefix, msg_template='"{path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}"', apps=apps_list, report_dir=report_dir ) ) num_fixme += _count_pylint_violations( "{report_dir}/pylint_fixme.report".format(report_dir=report_dir)) print "Number of pylint fixmes: " + str(num_fixme) @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs') @cmdopts([ ("system=", "s", "System to act on"), ("errors", "e", "Check for errors only"), ("limit=", "l", "limit for number of acceptable violations"), ]) def run_pylint(options): """ Run pylint on system code. When violations limit is passed in, fail the task if too many violations are found. """ num_violations = 0 violations_limit = int(getattr(options, 'limit', -1)) errors = getattr(options, 'errors', False) systems = getattr(options, 'system', ALL_SYSTEMS).split(',') # Make sure the metrics subdirectory exists Env.METRICS_DIR.makedirs_p() for system in systems: # Directory to put the pylint report in. # This makes the folder if it doesn't already exist. report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / system).makedirs_p() flags = [] if errors: flags.append("--errors-only") apps_list = ' '.join(top_python_dirs(system)) pythonpath_prefix = ( "PYTHONPATH={system}:{system}/djangoapps:{system}/" "lib:common/djangoapps:common/lib".format( system=system ) ) sh( "{pythonpath_prefix} pylint {flags} --msg-template={msg_template} {apps} | " "tee {report_dir}/pylint.report".format( pythonpath_prefix=pythonpath_prefix, flags=" ".join(flags), msg_template='"{path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}"', apps=apps_list, report_dir=report_dir ) ) num_violations += _count_pylint_violations( "{report_dir}/pylint.report".format(report_dir=report_dir)) # Print number of violations to log violations_count_str = "Number of pylint violations: " + str(num_violations) print violations_count_str # Also write the number of violations to a file with open(Env.METRICS_DIR / "pylint", "w") as f: f.write(violations_count_str) # Fail number of violations is greater than the limit if num_violations > violations_limit > -1: raise Exception("Failed. Too many pylint violations. " "The limit is {violations_limit}.".format(violations_limit=violations_limit)) def _count_pylint_violations(report_file): """ Parses a pylint report line-by-line and determines the number of violations reported """ num_violations_report = 0 # An example string: # common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/tests/test_conditional.py:21: [C0111(missing-docstring), DummySystem] Missing docstring # More examples can be found in the unit tests for this method pylint_pattern = re.compile(r".(\d+):\ \[(\D\d+.+\]).") for line in open(report_file): violation_list_for_line = pylint_pattern.split(line) # If the string is parsed into four parts, then we've found a violation. Example of split parts: # test file, line number, violation name, violation details if len(violation_list_for_line) == 4: num_violations_report += 1 return num_violations_report def _get_pep8_violations(): """ Runs pep8. Returns a tuple of (number_of_violations, violations_string) where violations_string is a string of all pep8 violations found, separated by new lines. """ report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / 'pep8') report_dir.rmtree(ignore_errors=True) report_dir.makedirs_p() # Make sure the metrics subdirectory exists Env.METRICS_DIR.makedirs_p() sh('pep8 . | tee {report_dir}/pep8.report -a'.format(report_dir=report_dir)) count, violations_list = _pep8_violations( "{report_dir}/pep8.report".format(report_dir=report_dir) ) return (count, violations_list) def _pep8_violations(report_file): """ Returns a tuple of (num_violations, violations_list) for all pep8 violations in the given report_file. """ with open(report_file) as f: violations_list = f.readlines() num_lines = len(violations_list) return num_lines, violations_list @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs') @cmdopts([ ("system=", "s", "System to act on"), ]) def run_pep8(options): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Run pep8 on system code. Fail the task if any violations are found. """ (count, violations_list) = _get_pep8_violations() violations_list = ''.join(violations_list) # Print number of violations to log violations_count_str = "Number of pep8 violations: {count}".format(count=count) print violations_count_str print violations_list # Also write the number of violations to a file with open(Env.METRICS_DIR / "pep8", "w") as f: f.write(violations_count_str + '\n\n') f.write(violations_list) # Fail if any violations are found if count: failure_string = "Too many pep8 violations. " + violations_count_str failure_string += "\n\nViolations:\n{violations_list}".format(violations_list=violations_list) raise Exception(failure_string) @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs') def run_complexity(): """ Uses radon to examine cyclomatic complexity. For additional details on radon, see http://radon.readthedocs.org/ """ system_string = 'cms/ lms/ common/ openedx/' complexity_report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / "complexity") complexity_report = complexity_report_dir / "python_complexity.log" # Ensure directory structure is in place: metrics dir, and an empty complexity report dir. Env.METRICS_DIR.makedirs_p() _prepare_report_dir(complexity_report_dir) print "--> Calculating cyclomatic complexity of python files..." try: sh( "radon cc {system_string} --total-average > {complexity_report}".format( system_string=system_string, complexity_report=complexity_report ) ) complexity_metric = _get_count_from_last_line(complexity_report, "python_complexity") _write_metric( complexity_metric, (Env.METRICS_DIR / "python_complexity") ) print "--> Python cyclomatic complexity report complete." print "radon cyclomatic complexity score: {metric}".format(metric=str(complexity_metric)) except BuildFailure: print "ERROR: Unable to calculate python-only code-complexity." @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_node_prereqs') @cmdopts([ ("limit=", "l", "limit for number of acceptable violations"), ]) def run_jshint(options): """ Runs jshint on static asset directories """ violations_limit = int(getattr(options, 'limit', -1)) jshint_report_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / "jshint") jshint_report = jshint_report_dir / "jshint.report" _prepare_report_dir(jshint_report_dir) jshint_directories = ["common/static/js", "cms/static/js", "lms/static/js"] sh( "jshint {list} --config .jshintrc >> {jshint_report}".format( list=(" ".join(jshint_directories)), jshint_report=jshint_report ), ignore_error=True ) try: num_violations = int(_get_count_from_last_line(jshint_report, "jshint")) except TypeError: raise BuildFailure( "Error. Number of jshint violations could not be found in {jshint_report}".format( jshint_report=jshint_report ) ) # Record the metric _write_metric(num_violations, (Env.METRICS_DIR / "jshint")) # Fail if number of violations is greater than the limit if num_violations > violations_limit > -1: raise Exception( "JSHint Failed. Too many violations ({count}).\nThe limit is {violations_limit}.".format( count=num_violations, violations_limit=violations_limit ) ) def _write_metric(metric, filename): """ Write a given metric to a given file Used for things like reports/metrics/jshint, which will simply tell you the number of jshint violations found """ with open(filename, "w") as metric_file: metric_file.write(str(metric)) def _prepare_report_dir(dir_name): """ Sets a given directory to a created, but empty state """ dir_name.rmtree_p() dir_name.mkdir_p() def _get_last_report_line(filename): """ Returns the last line of a given file. Used for getting output from quality output files. """ file_not_found_message = "The following log file could not be found: {file}".format(file=filename) if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as report_file: lines = report_file.readlines() return lines[len(lines) - 1] else: # Raise a build error if the file is not found raise BuildFailure(file_not_found_message) def _get_count_from_last_line(filename, file_type): """ This will return the number in the last line of a file. It is returning only the value (as a floating number). """ last_line = _get_last_report_line(filename) if file_type is "python_complexity": # Example of the last line of a complexity report: "Average complexity: A (1.93953443446)" regex = r'\d+.\d+' else: # Example of the last line of a jshint report (for example): "3482 errors" regex = r'^\d+' try: return float(re.search(regex, last_line).group(0)) # An AttributeError will occur if the regex finds no matches. # A ValueError will occur if the returned regex cannot be cast as a float. except (AttributeError, ValueError): return None @task @needs('pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs') @cmdopts([ ("compare-branch=", "b", "Branch to compare against, defaults to origin/master"), ("percentage=", "p", "fail if diff-quality is below this percentage"), ]) def run_quality(options): """ Build the html diff quality reports, and print the reports to the console. :param: b, the branch to compare against, defaults to origin/master :param: p, diff-quality will fail if the quality percentage calculated is below this percentage. For example, if p is set to 80, and diff-quality finds quality of the branch vs the compare branch is less than 80%, then this task will fail. This threshold would be applied to both pep8 and pylint. """ # Directory to put the diff reports in. # This makes the folder if it doesn't already exist. dquality_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / "diff_quality").makedirs_p() # Save the pass variable. It will be set to false later if failures are detected. diff_quality_percentage_pass = True def _pep8_output(count, violations_list, is_html=False): """ Given a count & list of pep8 violations, pretty-print the pep8 output. If `is_html`, will print out with HTML markup. """ if is_html: lines = ['<body>\n'] sep = '-------------<br/>\n' title = "<h1>Quality Report: pep8</h1>\n" violations_bullets = ''.join( ['<li>{violation}</li><br/>\n'.format(violation=violation) for violation in violations_list] ) violations_str = '<ul>\n{bullets}</ul>\n'.format(bullets=violations_bullets) violations_count_str = "<b>Violations</b>: {count}<br/>\n" fail_line = "<b>FAILURE</b>: pep8 count should be 0<br/>\n" else: lines = [] sep = '-------------\n' title = "Quality Report: pep8\n" violations_str = ''.join(violations_list) violations_count_str = "Violations: {count}\n" fail_line = "FAILURE: pep8 count should be 0\n" violations_count_str = violations_count_str.format(count=count) lines.extend([sep, title, sep, violations_str, sep, violations_count_str]) if count > 0: lines.append(fail_line) lines.append(sep + '\n') if is_html: lines.append('</body>') return ''.join(lines) # Run pep8 directly since we have 0 violations on master (count, violations_list) = _get_pep8_violations() # Print number of violations to log print _pep8_output(count, violations_list) # Also write the number of violations to a file with open(dquality_dir / "diff_quality_pep8.html", "w") as f: f.write(_pep8_output(count, violations_list, is_html=True)) if count > 0: diff_quality_percentage_pass = False # ----- Set up for diff-quality pylint call ----- # Set the string, if needed, to be used for the diff-quality --compare-branch switch. compare_branch = getattr(options, 'compare_branch', None) compare_branch_string = u'' if compare_branch: compare_branch_string = u'--compare-branch={0}'.format(compare_branch) # Set the string, if needed, to be used for the diff-quality --fail-under switch. diff_threshold = int(getattr(options, 'percentage', -1)) percentage_string = u'' if diff_threshold > -1: percentage_string = u'--fail-under={0}'.format(diff_threshold) # Generate diff-quality html report for pylint, and print to console # If pylint reports exist, use those # Otherwise, `diff-quality` will call pylint itself pylint_files = get_violations_reports("pylint") pylint_reports = u' '.join(pylint_files) pythonpath_prefix = ( "PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:lms:lms/djangoapps:lms/lib:cms:cms/djangoapps:cms/lib:" "common:common/djangoapps:common/lib" ) # run diff-quality for pylint. if not run_diff_quality( violations_type="pylint", prefix=pythonpath_prefix, reports=pylint_reports, percentage_string=percentage_string, branch_string=compare_branch_string, dquality_dir=dquality_dir ): diff_quality_percentage_pass = False # run diff-quality for jshint. if not run_diff_quality( violations_type="jshint", prefix=pythonpath_prefix, reports=pylint_reports, percentage_string=percentage_string, branch_string=compare_branch_string, dquality_dir=dquality_dir ): diff_quality_percentage_pass = False # If one of the quality runs fails, then paver exits with an error when it is finished if not diff_quality_percentage_pass: raise BuildFailure("Diff-quality failure(s).") def run_diff_quality( violations_type=None, prefix=None, reports=None, percentage_string=None, branch_string=None, dquality_dir=None ): """ This executes the diff-quality commandline tool for the given violation type (e.g., pylint, jshint). If diff-quality fails due to quality issues, this method returns False. """ try: sh( "{pythonpath_prefix} diff-quality --violations={type} " "{reports} {percentage_string} {compare_branch_string} " "--html-report {dquality_dir}/diff_quality_{type}.html ".format( type=violations_type, pythonpath_prefix=prefix, reports=reports, percentage_string=percentage_string, compare_branch_string=branch_string, dquality_dir=dquality_dir, ) ) return True except BuildFailure, error_message: if is_percentage_failure(error_message): return False else: raise BuildFailure(error_message) def is_percentage_failure(error_message): """ When diff-quality is run with a threshold percentage, it ends with an exit code of 1. This bubbles up to paver with a subprocess return code error. If the subprocess exits with anything other than 1, raise a paver exception. """ if "Subprocess return code: 1" not in error_message: return False else: return True def get_violations_reports(violations_type): """ Finds violations reports files by naming convention (e.g., all "pep8.report" files) """ violations_files = [] for subdir, _dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(Env.REPORT_DIR)): for f in files: if f == "{violations_type}.report".format(violations_type=violations_type): violations_files.append(os.path.join(subdir, f)) return violations_files