// studio - views - container // ========================== // The container view renders xblocks at three levels: Page Level, Nesting Level, and Element Level. // For containers rendered at the element level, the container is rendered in a way that allows the user to navigate to a separate container page for that container making its children populate the nesting and element levels. // ==================== // view-specific utilities // -------------------- %status-value-base { @extend %t-title7; @extend %t-strong; } %status-value-sub1 { @extend %t-title8; display: block; } // UI: container page view // -------------------- .view-container { @extend %two-col-1; .wrapper-mast { .mast { border-bottom: none; padding-bottom: 0; .page-header { .page-header-title { @extend %t-title4; @extend %t-strong; } .is-editable { // TOOD: abstract this out into a Sass placeholder .incontext-editor-input { @include transition(box-shadow $tmg-f1 ease-in-out 0, color $tmg-f1 ease-in-out 0); @extend %t-title4; @extend %t-strong; width: 100%; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 $white; border: 0; box-shadow: 0 0 2px 2px $shadow inset; // STATE: focus &:focus { box-shadow: 0 0 2px 2px rgba($ui-action-primary-color-focus, 0.50) inset; color: $ui-action-primary-color-focus; } } } } &.has-actions { .nav-actions { .button { @extend %t-action3; @extend %t-regular; padding: ($baseline/4) ($baseline*0.75); } } } } } .content-primary { .no-container-content { @extend %no-content; padding: ($baseline*1.5) ($baseline*2); // custom rules to reuse xblock validation styling in ui-well context .fa-warning { display: none; } } .container-message { .message { border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0; } } // dragging bits .ui-sortable-helper { article { display: none; } } // drop target .component-placeholder { height: ($baseline*2.5); opacity: .5; margin: $baseline; background-color: $gray-l5; border-radius: ($baseline/2); border: 2px dashed $gray-l2; } } .content-supplementary { label { @extend %t-title8; } // UI: publishing details/summary .bit-publishing { @extend %bar-module; // CASE: content is ready to be made live &.is-ready { @extend %bar-module-green; } // CASE: content is live &.is-live { @extend %bar-module-blue; } // CASE: content has warnings &.has-warnings { @extend %bar-module-yellow; } // CASE: content has erors &.has-errors { @extend %bar-module-red; } // CASE: content is staff only &.staff-only, &.is-staff-only { @extend %bar-module-black; &.is-scheduled .wrapper-release .copy { text-decoration: line-through; } } // CASE: content is gated &.is-gated { @extend %bar-module-black; } .bar-mod-content { border: 0; padding: ($baseline/2) ($baseline*0.75) ($baseline/4) ($baseline*0.75); .title { margin-bottom: ($baseline/10); } } .wrapper-last-draft { .date, .user { @extend %t-strong; } .user { @extend %cont-text-wrap; } } .wrapper-release { .release-date { @extend %status-value-base; } .release-with { @extend %status-value-sub1; } } .wrapper-visibility { .copy { @extend %status-value-base; margin-bottom: ($baseline/10); } .icon { color: $gray-d1; } .inherited-from { @extend %status-value-sub1; } // UI: note about specific access .note-visibility { @extend %status-value-sub1; .icon { @include margin-right($baseline/4); } } } .wrapper-pub-actions { border-top: 1px solid $gray-l4; margin-top: ($baseline/2); padding: $baseline ($baseline*0.75) ($baseline*0.75) ($baseline*0.75); .action-publish { @extend %btn-primary-blue; display: block; padding: ($baseline/4) ($baseline/2) ($baseline/3) ($baseline/2); } .action-discard { @extend %t-copy-sub1; display: block; margin-top: ($baseline/2); text-align: right; &.is-disabled { pointer-events: none; color: $gray-l1; } } } } // versioning widget .unit-publish-history { .wrapper-last-publish { margin-bottom: $baseline; padding: ($baseline*0.75); background-color: $white; .copy { @extend %t-copy-sub2; color: $gray; } .date, .user { @extend %t-strong; } .user { @extend %cont-text-wrap; } } } // location widget .unit-location, .library-location { @extend %bar-module; border-top: none; .wrapper-unit-id, .wrapper-library-id { .unit-id-value, .library-id-value { @extend %status-value-base; display: inline-block; width: 100%; } .tip { @extend %t-copy-sub2; display: inline-block; margin: ($baseline/4) 0; color: $gray-d1; } } .wrapper-unit-tree-location { .item-title { @extend %cont-text-wrap; a { color: $blue; &:hover { color: $orange-d1; } } } // CASE: is current item being edited/viewed .is-current { background: $gray-l4; .unit-title a { @extend %ui-disabled; @extend %t-strong; color: $color-heading-base; } } // typographical overrides (based off of outline-simple) .section-header, .subsection-header { line-height: 0; margin-bottom: ($baseline/2); } .section-header { border-bottom: 1px solid $gray-l4; padding-bottom: ($baseline/2); } // subsections overrides (based off of outline-simple) .outline-subsection { border: none; padding: 0; } // units overrides (based off of outline-simple) .outline-unit { padding: 3px 6px; } } } } }