<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%page args="section_data"/>

<div id="set-extension">
  <h2>${_("Individual due date extensions")}</h2>
    ${_("In this section, you have the ability to grant extensions on specific "
        "units to individual students. Please note that the latest date is always "
        "taken; you cannot use this tool to make an assignment due earlier for a "
        "particular student.")}
    ${_("Specify the {platform_name} email address or username of a student "
    <input type="text" name="student" placeholder="${_("Student Email or Username")}">
    ${_("Choose the graded unit:")}
    <select name="url">
      <option value="">Choose one</option>
      %for title, url in section_data['units_with_due_dates']:
      <option value="${url}">${title}</option>
  <% format_string="MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM" %>
    ## Translators: "format_string" is the string MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM, as that is the format the system requires.
    ${_("Specify the extension due date and time (in UTC; please specify {format_string}).").format(format_string=format_string)}</p>
  <p><input type="text" name="due_datetime" 
  <p class="request-response"></p>
  <p class="request-response-error"></p>
    <input type="button" name="change-due-date" 
           value="${_("Change due date for student")}"
<div id="view-granted-extensions">
  <h2>${_("Viewing granted extensions")}</h2>
    ${_("Here you can see what extensions have been granted on particular "
        "units or for a particular student.")}
    ${_("Choose a graded unit and click the button to obtain a list of all "
        "students who have extensions for the given unit.")}
    ${_("Choose the graded unit:")}
    <select name="url">
      <option value="">Choose one</option>
      %for title, url in section_data['units_with_due_dates']:
      <option value="${url}">${title}</option>
    <input type="button" name="show-unit-extensions" 
           value="${_("List all students with due date extensions")}"
    ${_("Specify a student to see all of that student's extensions.")}
    ${_("Specify the {platform_name} email address or username of a student "
    <input type="text" name="student" placeholder="${_("Student Email or Username")}">
    <input type="button" name="show-student-extensions" 
           value="${_("List date extensions for student")}"
  <p class="request-response"></p>
  <p class="request-response-error"></p>
  <div class="data-display">
    <p class="data-display-text"></p>
    <p class="data-display-table"></p>
<div id="reset-extension">
  <h2>${_("Resetting extensions")}</h2>
    ${_("Resetting a problem's due date rescinds a due date extension for a "
        "student on a particular unit. This will revert the due date for the "
        "student back to the problem's original due date.")}
    ${_("Specify the {platform_name} email address or username of a student "
    <input type="text" name="student" placeholder="${_("Student Email or Username")}">
    ${_("Choose the graded unit:")}
    <select name="url">
      <option value="">Choose one</option>
      %for title, url in section_data['units_with_due_dates']:
      <option value="${url}">${title}</option>
  <p class="request-response"></p>
  <p class="request-response-error"></p>
    <input type="button" name="reset-due-date" 
           value="${_("Reset due date for student")}"