# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Integration tests for submitting problem responses and getting grades. """ import json import os from textwrap import dedent from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.test.client import RequestFactory from mock import patch from capa.tests.response_xml_factory import ( OptionResponseXMLFactory, CustomResponseXMLFactory, SchematicResponseXMLFactory, CodeResponseXMLFactory, ) from courseware import grades from courseware.models import StudentModule from courseware.tests.helpers import LoginEnrollmentTestCase from lms.djangoapps.lms_xblock.runtime import quote_slashes from student.tests.factories import UserFactory from student.models import anonymous_id_for_user from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory, ItemFactory from xmodule.partitions.partitions import Group, UserPartition from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.tests.factories import UserCourseTagFactory class TestSubmittingProblems(ModuleStoreTestCase, LoginEnrollmentTestCase): """ Check that a course gets graded properly. """ # arbitrary constant COURSE_SLUG = "100" COURSE_NAME = "test_course" def setUp(self): super(TestSubmittingProblems, self).setUp(create_user=False) # Create course self.course = CourseFactory.create(display_name=self.COURSE_NAME, number=self.COURSE_SLUG) assert self.course, "Couldn't load course %r" % self.COURSE_NAME # create a test student self.student = 'view@test.com' self.password = 'foo' self.create_account('u1', self.student, self.password) self.activate_user(self.student) self.enroll(self.course) self.student_user = User.objects.get(email=self.student) self.factory = RequestFactory() def refresh_course(self): """ Re-fetch the course from the database so that the object being dealt with has everything added to it. """ self.course = self.store.get_course(self.course.id) def problem_location(self, problem_url_name): """ Returns the url of the problem given the problem's name """ return self.course.id.make_usage_key('problem', problem_url_name) def modx_url(self, problem_location, dispatch): """ Return the url needed for the desired action. problem_location: location of the problem on which we want some action dispatch: the the action string that gets passed to the view as a kwarg example: 'check_problem' for having responses processed """ return reverse( 'xblock_handler', kwargs={ 'course_id': self.course.id.to_deprecated_string(), 'usage_id': quote_slashes(problem_location.to_deprecated_string()), 'handler': 'xmodule_handler', 'suffix': dispatch, } ) def submit_question_answer(self, problem_url_name, responses): """ Submit answers to a question. Responses is a dict mapping problem ids to answers: {'2_1': 'Correct', '2_2': 'Incorrect'} """ problem_location = self.problem_location(problem_url_name) modx_url = self.modx_url(problem_location, 'problem_check') answer_key_prefix = 'input_{}_'.format(problem_location.html_id()) # format the response dictionary to be sent in the post request by adding the above prefix to each key response_dict = {(answer_key_prefix + k): v for k, v in responses.items()} resp = self.client.post(modx_url, response_dict) return resp def reset_question_answer(self, problem_url_name): """ Reset specified problem for current user. """ problem_location = self.problem_location(problem_url_name) modx_url = self.modx_url(problem_location, 'problem_reset') resp = self.client.post(modx_url) return resp def show_question_answer(self, problem_url_name): """ Shows the answer to the current student. """ problem_location = self.problem_location(problem_url_name) modx_url = self.modx_url(problem_location, 'problem_show') resp = self.client.post(modx_url) return resp def add_dropdown_to_section(self, section_location, name, num_inputs=2): """ Create and return a dropdown problem. section_location: location object of section in which to create the problem (problems must live in a section to be graded properly) name: string name of the problem num_input: the number of input fields to create in the problem """ prob_xml = OptionResponseXMLFactory().build_xml( question_text='The correct answer is Correct', num_inputs=num_inputs, weight=num_inputs, options=['Correct', 'Incorrect', u'ⓤⓝⓘⓒⓞⓓⓔ'], correct_option='Correct' ) problem = ItemFactory.create( parent_location=section_location, category='problem', data=prob_xml, metadata={'rerandomize': 'always'}, display_name=name ) # re-fetch the course from the database so the object is up to date self.refresh_course() return problem def add_graded_section_to_course(self, name, section_format='Homework', late=False, reset=False, showanswer=False): """ Creates a graded homework section within a chapter and returns the section. """ # if we don't already have a chapter create a new one if not(hasattr(self, 'chapter')): self.chapter = ItemFactory.create( parent_location=self.course.location, category='chapter' ) if late: section = ItemFactory.create( parent_location=self.chapter.location, display_name=name, category='sequential', metadata={'graded': True, 'format': section_format, 'due': '2013-05-20T23:30'} ) elif reset: section = ItemFactory.create( parent_location=self.chapter.location, display_name=name, category='sequential', rerandomize='always', metadata={ 'graded': True, 'format': section_format, } ) elif showanswer: section = ItemFactory.create( parent_location=self.chapter.location, display_name=name, category='sequential', showanswer='never', metadata={ 'graded': True, 'format': section_format, } ) else: section = ItemFactory.create( parent_location=self.chapter.location, display_name=name, category='sequential', metadata={'graded': True, 'format': section_format} ) # now that we've added the problem and section to the course # we fetch the course from the database so the object we are # dealing with has these additions self.refresh_course() return section def add_grading_policy(self, grading_policy): """ Add a grading policy to the course. """ self.course.grading_policy = grading_policy self.update_course(self.course, self.student_user.id) self.refresh_course() def get_grade_summary(self): """ calls grades.grade for current user and course. the keywords for the returned object are - grade : A final letter grade. - percent : The final percent for the class (rounded up). - section_breakdown : A breakdown of each section that makes up the grade. (For display) - grade_breakdown : A breakdown of the major components that make up the final grade. (For display) """ fake_request = self.factory.get( reverse('progress', kwargs={'course_id': self.course.id.to_deprecated_string()}) ) return grades.grade(self.student_user, fake_request, self.course) def get_progress_summary(self): """ Return progress summary structure for current user and course. Returns - courseware_summary is a summary of all sections with problems in the course. It is organized as an array of chapters, each containing an array of sections, each containing an array of scores. This contains information for graded and ungraded problems, and is good for displaying a course summary with due dates, etc. """ fake_request = self.factory.get( reverse('progress', kwargs={'course_id': self.course.id.to_deprecated_string()}) ) progress_summary = grades.progress_summary( self.student_user, fake_request, self.course ) return progress_summary def check_grade_percent(self, percent): """ Assert that percent grade is as expected. """ grade_summary = self.get_grade_summary() self.assertEqual(grade_summary['percent'], percent) def earned_hw_scores(self): """ Global scores, each Score is a Problem Set. Returns list of scores: [<points on hw_1>, <points on hw_2>, ..., <points on hw_n>] """ return [s.earned for s in self.get_grade_summary()['totaled_scores']['Homework']] def score_for_hw(self, hw_url_name): """ Returns list of scores for a given url. Returns list of scores for the given homework: [<points on problem_1>, <points on problem_2>, ..., <points on problem_n>] """ # list of grade summaries for each section sections_list = [] for chapter in self.get_progress_summary(): sections_list.extend(chapter['sections']) # get the first section that matches the url (there should only be one) hw_section = next(section for section in sections_list if section.get('url_name') == hw_url_name) return [s.earned for s in hw_section['scores']] class TestCourseGrader(TestSubmittingProblems): """ Suite of tests for the course grader. """ def basic_setup(self, late=False, reset=False, showanswer=False): """ Set up a simple course for testing basic grading functionality. """ grading_policy = { "GRADER": [{ "type": "Homework", "min_count": 1, "drop_count": 0, "short_label": "HW", "weight": 1.0 }], "GRADE_CUTOFFS": { 'A': .9, 'B': .33 } } self.add_grading_policy(grading_policy) # set up a simple course with four problems self.homework = self.add_graded_section_to_course('homework', late=late, reset=reset, showanswer=showanswer) self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework.location, 'p1', 1) self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework.location, 'p2', 1) self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework.location, 'p3', 1) self.refresh_course() def weighted_setup(self): """ Set up a simple course for testing weighted grading functionality. """ grading_policy = { "GRADER": [ { "type": "Homework", "min_count": 1, "drop_count": 0, "short_label": "HW", "weight": 0.25 }, { "type": "Final", "name": "Final Section", "short_label": "Final", "weight": 0.75 } ] } self.add_grading_policy(grading_policy) # set up a structure of 1 homework and 1 final self.homework = self.add_graded_section_to_course('homework') self.problem = self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework.location, 'H1P1') self.final = self.add_graded_section_to_course('Final Section', 'Final') self.final_question = self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.final.location, 'FinalQuestion') def dropping_setup(self): """ Set up a simple course for testing the dropping grading functionality. """ grading_policy = { "GRADER": [ { "type": "Homework", "min_count": 3, "drop_count": 1, "short_label": "HW", "weight": 1 } ] } self.add_grading_policy(grading_policy) # Set up a course structure that just consists of 3 homeworks. # Since the grading policy drops 1 entire homework, each problem is worth 25% # names for the problem in the homeworks self.hw1_names = ['h1p1', 'h1p2'] self.hw2_names = ['h2p1', 'h2p2'] self.hw3_names = ['h3p1', 'h3p2'] self.homework1 = self.add_graded_section_to_course('homework1') self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework1.location, self.hw1_names[0], 1) self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework1.location, self.hw1_names[1], 1) self.homework2 = self.add_graded_section_to_course('homework2') self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework2.location, self.hw2_names[0], 1) self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework2.location, self.hw2_names[1], 1) self.homework3 = self.add_graded_section_to_course('homework3') self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework3.location, self.hw3_names[0], 1) self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework3.location, self.hw3_names[1], 1) def test_submission_late(self): """Test problem for due date in the past""" self.basic_setup(late=True) resp = self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) err_msg = ( "The state of this problem has changed since you loaded this page. " "Please refresh your page." ) self.assertEqual(json.loads(resp.content).get("success"), err_msg) def test_submission_reset(self): """Test problem ProcessingErrors due to resets""" self.basic_setup(reset=True) resp = self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) # submit a second time to draw NotFoundError resp = self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) err_msg = ( "The state of this problem has changed since you loaded this page. " "Please refresh your page." ) self.assertEqual(json.loads(resp.content).get("success"), err_msg) def test_submission_show_answer(self): """Test problem for ProcessingErrors due to showing answer""" self.basic_setup(showanswer=True) resp = self.show_question_answer('p1') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) err_msg = ( "The state of this problem has changed since you loaded this page. " "Please refresh your page." ) self.assertEqual(json.loads(resp.content).get("success"), err_msg) def test_none_grade(self): """ Check grade is 0 to begin with. """ self.basic_setup() self.check_grade_percent(0) self.assertEqual(self.get_grade_summary()['grade'], None) def test_b_grade_exact(self): """ Check that at exactly the cutoff, the grade is B. """ self.basic_setup() self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.check_grade_percent(0.33) self.assertEqual(self.get_grade_summary()['grade'], 'B') def test_b_grade_above(self): """ Check grade between cutoffs. """ self.basic_setup() self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('p2', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.check_grade_percent(0.67) self.assertEqual(self.get_grade_summary()['grade'], 'B') def test_a_grade(self): """ Check that 100 percent completion gets an A """ self.basic_setup() self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('p2', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('p3', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.check_grade_percent(1.0) self.assertEqual(self.get_grade_summary()['grade'], 'A') def test_wrong_answers(self): """ Check that answering incorrectly is graded properly. """ self.basic_setup() self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('p2', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('p3', {'2_1': 'Incorrect'}) self.check_grade_percent(0.67) self.assertEqual(self.get_grade_summary()['grade'], 'B') def test_submissions_api_overrides_scores(self): """ Check that answering incorrectly is graded properly. """ self.basic_setup() self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('p2', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('p3', {'2_1': 'Incorrect'}) self.check_grade_percent(0.67) self.assertEqual(self.get_grade_summary()['grade'], 'B') # But now we mock out a get_scores call, and watch as it overrides the # score read from StudentModule and our student gets an A instead. with patch('submissions.api.get_scores') as mock_get_scores: mock_get_scores.return_value = { self.problem_location('p3').to_deprecated_string(): (1, 1) } self.check_grade_percent(1.0) self.assertEqual(self.get_grade_summary()['grade'], 'A') def test_submissions_api_anonymous_student_id(self): """ Check that the submissions API is sent an anonymous student ID. """ self.basic_setup() self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('p2', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('p3', {'2_1': 'Incorrect'}) with patch('submissions.api.get_scores') as mock_get_scores: mock_get_scores.return_value = { self.problem_location('p3').to_deprecated_string(): (1, 1) } self.get_grade_summary() # Verify that the submissions API was sent an anonymized student ID mock_get_scores.assert_called_with( self.course.id.to_deprecated_string(), anonymous_id_for_user(self.student_user, self.course.id) ) def test_weighted_homework(self): """ Test that the homework section has proper weight. """ self.weighted_setup() # Get both parts correct self.submit_question_answer('H1P1', {'2_1': 'Correct', '2_2': 'Correct'}) self.check_grade_percent(0.25) self.assertEqual(self.earned_hw_scores(), [2.0]) # Order matters self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework'), [2.0]) def test_weighted_exam(self): """ Test that the exam section has the proper weight. """ self.weighted_setup() self.submit_question_answer('FinalQuestion', {'2_1': 'Correct', '2_2': 'Correct'}) self.check_grade_percent(0.75) def test_weighted_total(self): """ Test that the weighted total adds to 100. """ self.weighted_setup() self.submit_question_answer('H1P1', {'2_1': 'Correct', '2_2': 'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('FinalQuestion', {'2_1': 'Correct', '2_2': 'Correct'}) self.check_grade_percent(1.0) def dropping_homework_stage1(self): """ Get half the first homework correct and all of the second """ self.submit_question_answer(self.hw1_names[0], {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer(self.hw1_names[1], {'2_1': 'Incorrect'}) for name in self.hw2_names: self.submit_question_answer(name, {'2_1': 'Correct'}) def test_dropping_grades_normally(self): """ Test that the dropping policy does not change things before it should. """ self.dropping_setup() self.dropping_homework_stage1() self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework1'), [1.0, 0.0]) self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework2'), [1.0, 1.0]) self.assertEqual(self.earned_hw_scores(), [1.0, 2.0, 0]) # Order matters self.check_grade_percent(0.75) def test_dropping_nochange(self): """ Tests that grade does not change when making the global homework grade minimum not unique. """ self.dropping_setup() self.dropping_homework_stage1() self.submit_question_answer(self.hw3_names[0], {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework1'), [1.0, 0.0]) self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework2'), [1.0, 1.0]) self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework3'), [1.0, 0.0]) self.assertEqual(self.earned_hw_scores(), [1.0, 2.0, 1.0]) # Order matters self.check_grade_percent(0.75) def test_dropping_all_correct(self): """ Test that the lowest is dropped for a perfect score. """ self.dropping_setup() self.dropping_homework_stage1() for name in self.hw3_names: self.submit_question_answer(name, {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.check_grade_percent(1.0) self.assertEqual(self.earned_hw_scores(), [1.0, 2.0, 2.0]) # Order matters self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework3'), [1.0, 1.0]) class ProblemWithUploadedFilesTest(TestSubmittingProblems): """Tests of problems with uploaded files.""" def setUp(self): super(ProblemWithUploadedFilesTest, self).setUp() self.section = self.add_graded_section_to_course('section') def problem_setup(self, name, files): """ Create a CodeResponse problem with files to upload. """ xmldata = CodeResponseXMLFactory().build_xml( allowed_files=files, required_files=files, ) ItemFactory.create( parent_location=self.section.location, category='problem', display_name=name, data=xmldata ) # re-fetch the course from the database so the object is up to date self.refresh_course() def test_three_files(self): # Open the test files, and arrange to close them later. filenames = "prog1.py prog2.py prog3.py" fileobjs = [ open(os.path.join(settings.COMMON_TEST_DATA_ROOT, "capa", filename)) for filename in filenames.split() ] for fileobj in fileobjs: self.addCleanup(fileobj.close) self.problem_setup("the_problem", filenames) with patch('courseware.module_render.XQUEUE_INTERFACE.session') as mock_session: resp = self.submit_question_answer("the_problem", {'2_1': fileobjs}) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) json_resp = json.loads(resp.content) self.assertEqual(json_resp['success'], "incorrect") # See how post got called. name, args, kwargs = mock_session.mock_calls[0] self.assertEqual(name, "post") self.assertEqual(len(args), 1) self.assertTrue(args[0].endswith("/submit/")) self.assertItemsEqual(kwargs.keys(), ["files", "data"]) self.assertItemsEqual(kwargs['files'].keys(), filenames.split()) class TestPythonGradedResponse(TestSubmittingProblems): """ Check that we can submit a schematic and custom response, and it answers properly. """ SCHEMATIC_SCRIPT = dedent(""" # for a schematic response, submission[i] is the json representation # of the diagram and analysis results for the i-th schematic tag def get_tran(json,signal): for element in json: if element[0] == 'transient': return element[1].get(signal,[]) return [] def get_value(at,output): for (t,v) in output: if at == t: return v return None output = get_tran(submission[0],'Z') okay = True # output should be 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 if get_value(0.0000004, output) < 2.7: okay = False; if get_value(0.0000009, output) < 2.7: okay = False; if get_value(0.0000014, output) < 2.7: okay = False; if get_value(0.0000019, output) < 2.7: okay = False; if get_value(0.0000024, output) < 2.7: okay = False; if get_value(0.0000029, output) > 0.25: okay = False; if get_value(0.0000034, output) > 0.25: okay = False; if get_value(0.0000039, output) > 0.25: okay = False; correct = ['correct' if okay else 'incorrect']""").strip() SCHEMATIC_CORRECT = json.dumps( [['transient', {'Z': [ [0.0000004, 2.8], [0.0000009, 2.8], [0.0000014, 2.8], [0.0000019, 2.8], [0.0000024, 2.8], [0.0000029, 0.2], [0.0000034, 0.2], [0.0000039, 0.2] ]}]] ) SCHEMATIC_INCORRECT = json.dumps( [['transient', {'Z': [ [0.0000004, 2.8], [0.0000009, 0.0], # wrong. [0.0000014, 2.8], [0.0000019, 2.8], [0.0000024, 2.8], [0.0000029, 0.2], [0.0000034, 0.2], [0.0000039, 0.2] ]}]] ) CUSTOM_RESPONSE_SCRIPT = dedent(""" def test_csv(expect, ans): # Take out all spaces in expected answer expect = [i.strip(' ') for i in str(expect).split(',')] # Take out all spaces in student solution ans = [i.strip(' ') for i in str(ans).split(',')] def strip_q(x): # Strip quotes around strings if students have entered them stripped_ans = [] for item in x: if item[0] == "'" and item[-1]=="'": item = item.strip("'") elif item[0] == '"' and item[-1] == '"': item = item.strip('"') stripped_ans.append(item) return stripped_ans return strip_q(expect) == strip_q(ans)""").strip() CUSTOM_RESPONSE_CORRECT = "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'Outside of loop', 6" CUSTOM_RESPONSE_INCORRECT = "Reading my code I see. I hope you like it :)" COMPUTED_ANSWER_SCRIPT = dedent(""" if submission[0] == "a shout in the street": correct = ['correct'] else: correct = ['incorrect']""").strip() COMPUTED_ANSWER_CORRECT = "a shout in the street" COMPUTED_ANSWER_INCORRECT = "because we never let them in" def setUp(self): super(TestPythonGradedResponse, self).setUp() self.section = self.add_graded_section_to_course('section') self.correct_responses = {} self.incorrect_responses = {} def schematic_setup(self, name): """ set up an example Circuit_Schematic_Builder problem """ script = self.SCHEMATIC_SCRIPT xmldata = SchematicResponseXMLFactory().build_xml(answer=script) ItemFactory.create( parent_location=self.section.location, category='problem', boilerplate='circuitschematic.yaml', display_name=name, data=xmldata ) # define the correct and incorrect responses to this problem self.correct_responses[name] = self.SCHEMATIC_CORRECT self.incorrect_responses[name] = self.SCHEMATIC_INCORRECT # re-fetch the course from the database so the object is up to date self.refresh_course() def custom_response_setup(self, name): """ set up an example custom response problem using a check function """ test_csv = self.CUSTOM_RESPONSE_SCRIPT expect = self.CUSTOM_RESPONSE_CORRECT cfn_problem_xml = CustomResponseXMLFactory().build_xml(script=test_csv, cfn='test_csv', expect=expect) ItemFactory.create( parent_location=self.section.location, category='problem', boilerplate='customgrader.yaml', data=cfn_problem_xml, display_name=name ) # define the correct and incorrect responses to this problem self.correct_responses[name] = expect self.incorrect_responses[name] = self.CUSTOM_RESPONSE_INCORRECT # re-fetch the course from the database so the object is up to date self.refresh_course() def computed_answer_setup(self, name): """ set up an example problem using an answer script''' """ script = self.COMPUTED_ANSWER_SCRIPT computed_xml = CustomResponseXMLFactory().build_xml(answer=script) ItemFactory.create( parent_location=self.section.location, category='problem', boilerplate='customgrader.yaml', data=computed_xml, display_name=name ) # define the correct and incorrect responses to this problem self.correct_responses[name] = self.COMPUTED_ANSWER_CORRECT self.incorrect_responses[name] = self.COMPUTED_ANSWER_INCORRECT # re-fetch the course from the database so the object is up to date self.refresh_course() def _check_correct(self, name): """ check that problem named "name" gets evaluated correctly correctly """ resp = self.submit_question_answer(name, {'2_1': self.correct_responses[name]}) respdata = json.loads(resp.content) self.assertEqual(respdata['success'], 'correct') def _check_incorrect(self, name): """ check that problem named "name" gets evaluated incorrectly correctly """ resp = self.submit_question_answer(name, {'2_1': self.incorrect_responses[name]}) respdata = json.loads(resp.content) self.assertEqual(respdata['success'], 'incorrect') def _check_ireset(self, name): """ Check that the problem can be reset """ # first, get the question wrong resp = self.submit_question_answer(name, {'2_1': self.incorrect_responses[name]}) # reset the question self.reset_question_answer(name) # then get it right resp = self.submit_question_answer(name, {'2_1': self.correct_responses[name]}) respdata = json.loads(resp.content) self.assertEqual(respdata['success'], 'correct') def test_schematic_correct(self): name = "schematic_problem" self.schematic_setup(name) self._check_correct(name) def test_schematic_incorrect(self): name = "schematic_problem" self.schematic_setup(name) self._check_incorrect(name) def test_schematic_reset(self): name = "schematic_problem" self.schematic_setup(name) self._check_ireset(name) def test_check_function_correct(self): name = 'cfn_problem' self.custom_response_setup(name) self._check_correct(name) def test_check_function_incorrect(self): name = 'cfn_problem' self.custom_response_setup(name) self._check_incorrect(name) def test_check_function_reset(self): name = 'cfn_problem' self.custom_response_setup(name) self._check_ireset(name) def test_computed_correct(self): name = 'computed_answer' self.computed_answer_setup(name) self._check_correct(name) def test_computed_incorrect(self): name = 'computed_answer' self.computed_answer_setup(name) self._check_incorrect(name) def test_computed_reset(self): name = 'computed_answer' self.computed_answer_setup(name) self._check_ireset(name) class TestAnswerDistributions(TestSubmittingProblems): """Check that we can pull answer distributions for problems.""" def setUp(self): """Set up a simple course with four problems.""" super(TestAnswerDistributions, self).setUp() self.homework = self.add_graded_section_to_course('homework') self.p1_html_id = self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework.location, 'p1', 1).location.html_id() self.p2_html_id = self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework.location, 'p2', 1).location.html_id() self.p3_html_id = self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework.location, 'p3', 1).location.html_id() self.refresh_course() def test_empty(self): # Just make sure we can process this without errors. empty_distribution = grades.answer_distributions(self.course.id) self.assertFalse(empty_distribution) # should be empty def test_one_student(self): # Basic test to make sure we have simple behavior right for a student # Throw in a non-ASCII answer self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': u'ⓤⓝⓘⓒⓞⓓⓔ'}) self.submit_question_answer('p2', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) distributions = grades.answer_distributions(self.course.id) self.assertEqual( distributions, { ('p1', 'p1', '{}_2_1'.format(self.p1_html_id)): { u'ⓤⓝⓘⓒⓞⓓⓔ': 1 }, ('p2', 'p2', '{}_2_1'.format(self.p2_html_id)): { 'Correct': 1 } } ) def test_multiple_students(self): # Our test class is based around making requests for a particular user, # so we're going to cheat by creating another user and copying and # modifying StudentModule entries to make them from other users. It's # a little hacky, but it seemed the simpler way to do this. self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': u'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('p2', {'2_1': u'Incorrect'}) self.submit_question_answer('p3', {'2_1': u'Correct'}) # Make the above submissions owned by user2 user2 = UserFactory.create() problems = StudentModule.objects.filter( course_id=self.course.id, student=self.student_user ) for problem in problems: problem.student_id = user2.id problem.save() # Now make more submissions by our original user self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': u'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('p2', {'2_1': u'Correct'}) self.assertEqual( grades.answer_distributions(self.course.id), { ('p1', 'p1', '{}_2_1'.format(self.p1_html_id)): { 'Correct': 2 }, ('p2', 'p2', '{}_2_1'.format(self.p2_html_id)): { 'Correct': 1, 'Incorrect': 1 }, ('p3', 'p3', '{}_2_1'.format(self.p3_html_id)): { 'Correct': 1 } } ) def test_other_data_types(self): # We'll submit one problem, and then muck with the student_answers # dict inside its state to try different data types (str, int, float, # none) self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': u'Correct'}) # Now fetch the state entry for that problem. student_module = StudentModule.objects.get( course_id=self.course.id, student=self.student_user ) for val in ('Correct', True, False, 0, 0.0, 1, 1.0, None): state = json.loads(student_module.state) state["student_answers"]['{}_2_1'.format(self.p1_html_id)] = val student_module.state = json.dumps(state) student_module.save() self.assertEqual( grades.answer_distributions(self.course.id), { ('p1', 'p1', '{}_2_1'.format(self.p1_html_id)): { str(val): 1 }, } ) def test_missing_content(self): # If there's a StudentModule entry for content that no longer exists, # we just quietly ignore it (because we can't display a meaningful url # or name for it). self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': 'Incorrect'}) # Now fetch the state entry for that problem and alter it so it points # to a non-existent problem. student_module = StudentModule.objects.get( course_id=self.course.id, student=self.student_user ) student_module.module_state_key = student_module.module_state_key.replace( name=student_module.module_state_key.name + "_fake" ) student_module.save() # It should be empty (ignored) empty_distribution = grades.answer_distributions(self.course.id) self.assertFalse(empty_distribution) # should be empty def test_broken_state(self): # Missing or broken state for a problem should be skipped without # causing the whole answer_distribution call to explode. # Submit p1 self.submit_question_answer('p1', {'2_1': u'Correct'}) # Now fetch the StudentModule entry for p1 so we can corrupt its state prb1 = StudentModule.objects.get( course_id=self.course.id, student=self.student_user ) # Submit p2 self.submit_question_answer('p2', {'2_1': u'Incorrect'}) for new_p1_state in ('{"student_answers": {}}', "invalid json!", None): prb1.state = new_p1_state prb1.save() # p1 won't show up, but p2 should still work self.assertEqual( grades.answer_distributions(self.course.id), { ('p2', 'p2', '{}_2_1'.format(self.p2_html_id)): { 'Incorrect': 1 }, } ) class TestConditionalContent(TestSubmittingProblems): """ Check that conditional content works correctly with grading. """ def setUp(self): """ Set up a simple course with a grading policy, a UserPartition, and 2 sections, both graded as "homework". One section is pre-populated with a problem (with 2 inputs), visible to all students. The second section is empty. Test cases should add conditional content to it. """ super(TestConditionalContent, self).setUp() self.user_partition_group_0 = 0 self.user_partition_group_1 = 1 self.partition = UserPartition( 0, 'first_partition', 'First Partition', [ Group(self.user_partition_group_0, 'alpha'), Group(self.user_partition_group_1, 'beta') ] ) self.course = CourseFactory.create( display_name=self.COURSE_NAME, number=self.COURSE_SLUG, user_partitions=[self.partition] ) grading_policy = { "GRADER": [{ "type": "Homework", "min_count": 2, "drop_count": 0, "short_label": "HW", "weight": 1.0 }] } self.add_grading_policy(grading_policy) self.homework_all = self.add_graded_section_to_course('homework1') self.p1_all_html_id = self.add_dropdown_to_section(self.homework_all.location, 'H1P1', 2).location.html_id() self.homework_conditional = self.add_graded_section_to_course('homework2') def split_setup(self, user_partition_group): """ Setup for tests using split_test module. Creates a split_test instance as a child of self.homework_conditional with 2 verticals in it, and assigns self.student_user to the specified user_partition_group. The verticals are returned. """ vertical_0_url = self.course.id.make_usage_key("vertical", "split_test_vertical_0") vertical_1_url = self.course.id.make_usage_key("vertical", "split_test_vertical_1") group_id_to_child = {} for index, url in enumerate([vertical_0_url, vertical_1_url]): group_id_to_child[str(index)] = url split_test = ItemFactory.create( parent_location=self.homework_conditional.location, category="split_test", display_name="Split test", user_partition_id='0', group_id_to_child=group_id_to_child, ) vertical_0 = ItemFactory.create( parent_location=split_test.location, category="vertical", display_name="Condition 0 vertical", location=vertical_0_url, ) vertical_1 = ItemFactory.create( parent_location=split_test.location, category="vertical", display_name="Condition 1 vertical", location=vertical_1_url, ) # Now add the student to the specified group. UserCourseTagFactory( user=self.student_user, course_id=self.course.id, key='xblock.partition_service.partition_{0}'.format(self.partition.id), # pylint: disable=no-member value=str(user_partition_group) ) return vertical_0, vertical_1 def split_different_problems_setup(self, user_partition_group): """ Setup for the case where the split test instance contains problems for each group (so both groups do have graded content, though it is different). Group 0 has 2 problems, worth 1 and 3 points respectively. Group 1 has 1 problem, worth 1 point. This method also assigns self.student_user to the specified user_partition_group and then submits answers for the problems in section 1, which are visible to all students. The submitted answers give the student 1 point out of a possible 2 points in the section. """ vertical_0, vertical_1 = self.split_setup(user_partition_group) # Group 0 will have 2 problems in the section, worth a total of 4 points. self.add_dropdown_to_section(vertical_0.location, 'H2P1_GROUP0', 1).location.html_id() self.add_dropdown_to_section(vertical_0.location, 'H2P2_GROUP0', 3).location.html_id() # Group 1 will have 1 problem in the section, worth a total of 1 point. self.add_dropdown_to_section(vertical_1.location, 'H2P1_GROUP1', 1).location.html_id() # Submit answers for problem in Section 1, which is visible to all students. self.submit_question_answer('H1P1', {'2_1': 'Correct', '2_2': 'Incorrect'}) def test_split_different_problems_group_0(self): """ Tests that users who see different problems in a split_test module instance are graded correctly. This is the test case for a user in user partition group 0. """ self.split_different_problems_setup(self.user_partition_group_0) self.submit_question_answer('H2P1_GROUP0', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.submit_question_answer('H2P2_GROUP0', {'2_1': 'Correct', '2_2': 'Incorrect', '2_3': 'Correct'}) self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework1'), [1.0]) self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework2'), [1.0, 2.0]) self.assertEqual(self.earned_hw_scores(), [1.0, 3.0]) # Grade percent is .63. Here is the calculation homework_1_score = 1.0 / 2 homework_2_score = (1.0 + 2.0) / 4 self.check_grade_percent(round((homework_1_score + homework_2_score) / 2, 2)) def test_split_different_problems_group_1(self): """ Tests that users who see different problems in a split_test module instance are graded correctly. This is the test case for a user in user partition group 1. """ self.split_different_problems_setup(self.user_partition_group_1) self.submit_question_answer('H2P1_GROUP1', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework1'), [1.0]) self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework2'), [1.0]) self.assertEqual(self.earned_hw_scores(), [1.0, 1.0]) # Grade percent is .75. Here is the calculation homework_1_score = 1.0 / 2 homework_2_score = 1.0 / 1 self.check_grade_percent(round((homework_1_score + homework_2_score) / 2, 2)) def split_one_group_no_problems_setup(self, user_partition_group): """ Setup for the case where the split test instance contains problems on for one group. Group 0 has no problems. Group 1 has 1 problem, worth 1 point. This method also assigns self.student_user to the specified user_partition_group and then submits answers for the problems in section 1, which are visible to all students. The submitted answers give the student 2 points out of a possible 2 points in the section. """ [_, vertical_1] = self.split_setup(user_partition_group) # Group 1 will have 1 problem in the section, worth a total of 1 point. self.add_dropdown_to_section(vertical_1.location, 'H2P1_GROUP1', 1).location.html_id() self.submit_question_answer('H1P1', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) def test_split_one_group_no_problems_group_0(self): """ Tests what happens when a given group has no problems in it (students receive 0 for that section). """ self.split_one_group_no_problems_setup(self.user_partition_group_0) self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework1'), [1.0]) self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework2'), []) self.assertEqual(self.earned_hw_scores(), [1.0, 0.0]) # Grade percent is .25. Here is the calculation. homework_1_score = 1.0 / 2 homework_2_score = 0.0 self.check_grade_percent(round((homework_1_score + homework_2_score) / 2, 2)) def test_split_one_group_no_problems_group_1(self): """ Verifies students in the group that DOES have a problem receive a score for their problem. """ self.split_one_group_no_problems_setup(self.user_partition_group_1) self.submit_question_answer('H2P1_GROUP1', {'2_1': 'Correct'}) self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework1'), [1.0]) self.assertEqual(self.score_for_hw('homework2'), [1.0]) self.assertEqual(self.earned_hw_scores(), [1.0, 1.0]) # Grade percent is .75. Here is the calculation. homework_1_score = 1.0 / 2 homework_2_score = 1.0 / 1 self.check_grade_percent(round((homework_1_score + homework_2_score) / 2, 2))