""" This config file extends the test environment configuration so that we can run the lettuce acceptance tests on SauceLabs. """ from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities import os PORTS = [ 2000, 2001, 2020, 2109, 2222, 2310, 3000, 3001, 3030, 3210, 3333, 4000, 4001, 4040, 4321, 4502, 4503, 5050, 5555, 5432, 6060, 6666, 6543, 7000, 7070, 7774, 7777, 8003, 8031, 8080, 8081, 8765, 8888, 9080, 9090, 9876, 9999, 49221, 55001 ] DESIRED_CAPABILITIES = { 'chrome': DesiredCapabilities.CHROME, 'internetexplorer': DesiredCapabilities.INTERNETEXPLORER, 'firefox': DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX, 'opera': DesiredCapabilities.OPERA, 'iphone': DesiredCapabilities.IPHONE, 'ipad': DesiredCapabilities.IPAD, 'safari': DesiredCapabilities.SAFARI, 'android': DesiredCapabilities.ANDROID } # All keys must be URL and JSON encodable # PLATFORM-BROWSER-VERSION_NUM-DEVICE ALL_CONFIG = { 'Linux-chrome--': ['Linux', 'chrome', '', ''], 'Windows 8-chrome--': ['Windows 8', 'chrome', '', ''], 'Windows 7-chrome--': ['Windows 7', 'chrome', '', ''], 'Windows XP-chrome--': ['Windows XP', 'chrome', '', ''], 'OS X 10.8-chrome--': ['OS X 10.8', 'chrome', '', ''], 'OS X 10.6-chrome--': ['OS X 10.6', 'chrome', '', ''], 'Linux-firefox-23-': ['Linux', 'firefox', '23', ''], 'Windows 8-firefox-23-': ['Windows 8', 'firefox', '23', ''], 'Windows 7-firefox-23-': ['Windows 7', 'firefox', '23', ''], 'Windows XP-firefox-23-': ['Windows XP', 'firefox', '23', ''], 'OS X 10.8-safari-6-': ['OS X 10.8', 'safari', '6', ''], 'Windows 8-internetexplorer-10-': ['Windows 8', 'internetexplorer', '10', ''], } SAUCE_INFO = ALL_CONFIG.get(os.environ.get('SAUCE_INFO', 'Linux-chrome--')) # Information needed to utilize Sauce Labs. SAUCE = { 'USERNAME': os.environ.get('SAUCE_USER_NAME'), 'ACCESS_ID': os.environ.get('SAUCE_API_KEY'), 'PLATFORM': SAUCE_INFO[0], 'BROWSER': DESIRED_CAPABILITIES.get(SAUCE_INFO[1]), 'VERSION': SAUCE_INFO[2], 'DEVICE': SAUCE_INFO[3], 'SESSION': 'Jenkins Acceptance Tests', 'BUILD': os.environ.get('BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME', 'LETTUCE TESTS'), }