"""EdX Branding API

Provides a way to retrieve "branded" parts of the site,
such as the site footer.

This information exposed to:
1) Templates in the LMS.
2) Consumers of the branding API.

This ensures that branded UI elements such as the footer
are consistent across the LMS and other sites (such as
the marketing site and blog).

import logging
import urlparse

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from staticfiles.storage import staticfiles_storage

from microsite_configuration import microsite
from edxmako.shortcuts import marketing_link
from branding.models import BrandingApiConfig

log = logging.getLogger("edx.footer")

def is_enabled():
    """Check whether the branding API is enabled. """
    return BrandingApiConfig.current().enabled

def get_footer(is_secure=True):
    """Retrieve information used to render the footer.

    This will handle both the OpenEdX and EdX.org versions
    of the footer.  All user-facing text is internationalized.

    Currently, this does NOT support theming.

    Keyword Arguments:
        is_secure (bool): If True, use https:// in URLs.

    Returns: dict

    >>> get_footer()
        "copyright": "(c) 2015 EdX Inc",
        "logo_image": "http://www.example.com/logo.png",
        "social_links": [
                "name": "facebook",
                "title": "Facebook",
                "url": "http://www.facebook.com/example",
                "icon-class": "fa-facebook-square",
                "action": "Sign up on Facebook!"
        "navigation_links": [
                "name": "about",
                "title": "About",
                "url": "http://www.example.com/about.html"
        "mobile_links": [
                "name": "apple",
                "title": "Apple",
                "url": "http://store.apple.com/example_app",
                "image": "http://example.com/static/apple_logo.png"
        "legal_links": [
                "url": "http://example.com/terms-of-service.html",
                "name": "terms_of_service",
                "title': "Terms of Service"
            # ...
        "openedx_link": {
            "url": "http://open.edx.org",
            "title": "Powered by Open edX",
            "image": "http://example.com/openedx.png"

    return {
        "copyright": _footer_copyright(),
        "logo_image": _footer_logo_img(is_secure),
        "social_links": _footer_social_links(),
        "navigation_links": _footer_navigation_links(),
        "mobile_links": _footer_mobile_links(is_secure),
        "legal_links": _footer_legal_links(),
        "openedx_link": _footer_openedx_link(),

def _footer_copyright():
    """Return the copyright to display in the footer.

    Returns: unicode

    org_name = (
        "edX Inc" if settings.FEATURES.get('IS_EDX_DOMAIN', False)
        else microsite.get_value('PLATFORM_NAME', settings.PLATFORM_NAME)

    # Translators: 'EdX', 'edX', and 'Open edX' are trademarks of 'edX Inc.'.
    # Please do not translate any of these trademarks and company names.
    return _(
        u"\u00A9 {org_name}.  All rights reserved except where noted.  "
        u"EdX, Open edX and the edX and Open EdX logos are registered trademarks "
        u"or trademarks of edX Inc."

def _footer_openedx_link():
    """Return the image link for "powered by OpenEdX".

        is_secure (bool): Whether the request is using TLS.

    Returns: dict

    # Translators: 'Open edX' is a brand, please keep this untranslated.
    # See http://openedx.org for more information.
    title = _("Powered by Open edX")
    return {
        "url": settings.FOOTER_OPENEDX_URL,
        "title": title,
        "image": settings.FOOTER_OPENEDX_LOGO_IMAGE,

def _footer_social_links():
    """Return the social media links to display in the footer.

    Returns: list

    platform_name = microsite.get_value('platform_name', settings.PLATFORM_NAME)
    links = []

    for social_name in settings.SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_NAMES:
        display = settings.SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_DISPLAY.get(social_name, {})
                "name": social_name,
                "title": unicode(display.get("title", "")),
                "url": settings.SOCIAL_MEDIA_FOOTER_URLS.get(social_name, "#"),
                "icon-class": display.get("icon", ""),
                "action": unicode(display.get("action", "")).format(platform_name=platform_name),
    return links

def _footer_navigation_links():
    """Return the navigation links to display in the footer. """
    return [
            "name": link_name,
            "title": link_title,
            "url": link_url,
        for link_name, link_url, link_title in [
            ("about", marketing_link("ABOUT"), _("About")),
            ("blog", marketing_link("BLOG"), _("Blog")),
            ("news", marketing_link("NEWS"), _("News")),
            ("faq", marketing_link("FAQ"), _("FAQs")),
            ("contact", marketing_link("CONTACT"), _("Contact")),
            ("jobs", marketing_link("JOBS"), _("Jobs")),
            ("donate", marketing_link("DONATE"), _("Donate")),
            ("sitemap", marketing_link("SITE_MAP"), _("Sitemap")),
        if link_url and link_url != "#"

def _footer_legal_links():
    """Return the legal footer links (e.g. terms of service). """

    links = [
        ("terms_of_service_and_honor_code", marketing_link("TOS_AND_HONOR"), _("Terms of Service & Honor Code")),
        ("privacy_policy", marketing_link("PRIVACY"), _("Privacy Policy")),
        ("accessibility_policy", marketing_link("ACCESSIBILITY"), _("Accessibility Policy")),

    # Backwards compatibility: If a combined "terms of service and honor code"
    # link isn't provided, add separate TOS and honor code links.
    tos_and_honor_link = marketing_link("TOS_AND_HONOR")
    if not (tos_and_honor_link and tos_and_honor_link != "#"):
            ("terms_of_service", marketing_link("TOS"), _("Terms of Service")),
            ("honor_code", marketing_link("HONOR"), _("Honor Code")),

    return [
            "name": link_name,
            "title": link_title,
            "url": link_url,
        for link_name, link_url, link_title in links
        if link_url and link_url != "#"

def _footer_mobile_links(is_secure):
    """Return the mobile app store links.

        is_secure (bool): Whether the request is using TLS.

    Returns: list

    platform_name = microsite.get_value('platform_name', settings.PLATFORM_NAME)

    mobile_links = []
        mobile_links = [
                "name": "apple",
                "title": _(
                    "Download the {platform_name} mobile app from the Apple App Store"
                "url": settings.MOBILE_STORE_URLS.get('apple', '#'),
                "image": _absolute_url_staticfile(is_secure, 'images/app/app_store_badge_135x40.svg'),
                "name": "google",
                "title": _(
                    "Download the {platform_name} mobile app from Google Play"
                "url": settings.MOBILE_STORE_URLS.get('google', '#'),
                "image": _absolute_url_staticfile(is_secure, 'images/app/google_play_badge_45.png'),
    return mobile_links

def _footer_logo_img(is_secure):
    """Return the logo used for footer about link

        is_secure (bool): Whether the request is using TLS.

        Absolute url to logo
    logo_name = microsite.get_value('FOOTER_ORGANIZATION_IMAGE', settings.FOOTER_ORGANIZATION_IMAGE)
    return _absolute_url_staticfile(is_secure, logo_name)

def _absolute_url(is_secure, url_path):
    """Construct an absolute URL back to the site.

        is_secure (bool): If true, use HTTPS as the protocol.
        url_path (unicode): The path of the URL.


    site_name = microsite.get_value('SITE_NAME', settings.SITE_NAME)
    parts = ("https" if is_secure else "http", site_name, url_path, '', '', '')
    return urlparse.urlunparse(parts)

def _absolute_url_staticfile(is_secure, name):
    """Construct an absolute URL to a static resource on the site.

        is_secure (bool): If true, use HTTPS as the protocol.
        name (unicode): The name of the static resource to retrieve.


    url_path = staticfiles_storage.url(name)

    # In production, the static files URL will be an absolute
    # URL pointing to a CDN.  If this happens, we can just
    # return the URL.
    if urlparse.urlparse(url_path).netloc:
        return url_path

    # For local development, the returned URL will be relative,
    # so we need to make it absolute.
    return _absolute_url(is_secure, url_path)