Badge Awarding backend for Badgr-Server.
import hashlib
import logging
import mimetypes

import requests
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from lazy import lazy
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import HTTPError

from badges.backends.base import BadgeBackend
from badges.models import BadgeAssertion
from eventtracking import tracker

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BadgrBackend(BadgeBackend):
    Backend for Badgr-Server by Concentric Sky. http://info.badgr.io/
    badges = []

    def __init__(self):
        super(BadgrBackend, self).__init__()
        if not settings.BADGR_API_TOKEN:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured("BADGR_API_TOKEN not set.")

    def _base_url(self):
        Base URL for all API requests.
        return "{}/v1/issuer/issuers/{}".format(settings.BADGR_BASE_URL, settings.BADGR_ISSUER_SLUG)

    def _badge_create_url(self):
        URL for generating a new Badge specification
        return "{}/badges".format(self._base_url)

    def _badge_url(self, slug):
        Get the URL for a course's badge in a given mode.
        return "{}/{}".format(self._badge_create_url, slug)

    def _assertion_url(self, slug):
        URL for generating a new assertion.
        return "{}/assertions".format(self._badge_url(slug))

    def _slugify(self, badge_class):
        Get a compatible badge slug from the specification.
        slug = badge_class.issuing_component + badge_class.slug
        if badge_class.issuing_component and badge_class.course_id:
            # Make this unique to the course, and down to 64 characters.
            # We don't do this to badges without issuing_component set for backwards compatibility.
            slug = hashlib.sha256(slug + unicode(badge_class.course_id)).hexdigest()
        if len(slug) > MAX_SLUG_LENGTH:
            # Will be 64 characters.
            slug = hashlib.sha256(slug).hexdigest()
        return slug

    def _log_if_raised(self, response, data):
        Log server response if there was an error.
        except HTTPError:
                u"Encountered an error when contacting the Badgr-Server. Request sent to %r with headers %r.\n"
                u"and data values %r\n"
                u"Response status was %s.\n%s",
                response.request.url, response.request.headers,
                response.status_code, response.content

    def _create_badge(self, badge_class):
        Create the badge class on Badgr.
        image = badge_class.image
        # We don't want to bother validating the file any further than making sure we can detect its MIME type,
        # for HTTP. The Badgr-Server should tell us if there's anything in particular wrong with it.
        content_type, __ = mimetypes.guess_type(image.name)
        if not content_type:
            raise ValueError(
                u"Could not determine content-type of image! Make sure it is a properly named .png file. "
                u"Filename was: {}".format(image.name)
        files = {'image': (image.name, image, content_type)}
        data = {
            'name': badge_class.display_name,
            'criteria': badge_class.criteria,
            'slug': self._slugify(badge_class),
            'description': badge_class.description,
        result = requests.post(
            self._badge_create_url, headers=self._get_headers(), data=data, files=files,
        self._log_if_raised(result, data)

    def _send_assertion_created_event(self, user, assertion):
        Send an analytics event to record the creation of a badge assertion.
            'edx.badge.assertion.created', {
                'user_id': user.id,
                'badge_slug': assertion.badge_class.slug,
                'badge_name': assertion.badge_class.display_name,
                'issuing_component': assertion.badge_class.issuing_component,
                'course_id': unicode(assertion.badge_class.course_id),
                'enrollment_mode': assertion.badge_class.mode,
                'assertion_id': assertion.id,
                'assertion_image_url': assertion.image_url,
                'assertion_json_url': assertion.assertion_url,
                'issuer': assertion.data.get('issuer'),

    def _create_assertion(self, badge_class, user, evidence_url):
        Register an assertion with the Badgr server for a particular user for a specific class.
        data = {
            'email': user.email,
            'evidence': evidence_url,
        response = requests.post(
            self._assertion_url(self._slugify(badge_class)), headers=self._get_headers(), data=data,
        self._log_if_raised(response, data)
        assertion, __ = BadgeAssertion.objects.get_or_create(user=user, badge_class=badge_class)
        assertion.data = response.json()
        assertion.backend = 'BadgrBackend'
        assertion.image_url = assertion.data['image']
        assertion.assertion_url = assertion.data['json']['id']
        self._send_assertion_created_event(user, assertion)
        return assertion

    def _get_headers():
        Headers to send along with the request-- used for authentication.
        return {'Authorization': 'Token {}'.format(settings.BADGR_API_TOKEN)}

    def _ensure_badge_created(self, badge_class):
        Verify a badge has been created for this badge class, and create it if not.
        slug = self._slugify(badge_class)
        if slug in BadgrBackend.badges:
        response = requests.get(self._badge_url(slug), headers=self._get_headers(), timeout=settings.BADGR_TIMEOUT)
        if response.status_code != 200:

    def award(self, badge_class, user, evidence_url=None):
        Make sure the badge class has been created on the backend, and then award the badge class to the user.
        return self._create_assertion(badge_class, user, evidence_url)