define([ 'js/views/import', 'jquery', 'gettext', 'jquery.fileupload', 'jquery.cookie' ], function(CourseImport, $, gettext) { 'use strict'; return function (feedbackUrl) { var bar = $('.progress-bar'), fill = $('.progress-fill'), submitBtn = $('.submit-button'), chooseBtn = $('.choose-file-button'), defaults = [ gettext('There was an error during the upload process.') + '\n', gettext('There was an error while unpacking the file.') + '\n', gettext('There was an error while verifying the file you submitted.') + '\n', gettext('There was an error while importing the new course to our database.') + '\n' ], // Display the status of last file upload on page load lastFileUpload = $.cookie('lastfileupload'), file; if (lastFileUpload){ CourseImport.getAndStartUploadFeedback(feedbackUrl.replace('fillerName', lastFileUpload), lastFileUpload); } $('#fileupload').fileupload({ dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', maxChunkSize: 20 * 1000000, // 20 MB autoUpload: false, add: function(e, data) { CourseImport.clearImportDisplay(); CourseImport.okayToNavigateAway = false; submitBtn.unbind('click'); file = data.files[0]; if (\.gz$/)) {{ event.preventDefault(); $.cookie('lastfileupload',; submitBtn.hide(); CourseImport.startUploadFeedback(); data.submit().complete(function(result, textStatus, xhr) { window.onbeforeunload = null; if (xhr.status != 200) { var serverMsg, errMsg, stage; try{ serverMsg = $.parseJSON(result.responseText); } catch (e) { return; } errMsg = serverMsg.hasOwnProperty('ErrMsg') ? serverMsg.ErrMsg : '' ; if (serverMsg.hasOwnProperty('Stage')) { stage = Math.abs(serverMsg.Stage); CourseImport.stageError(stage, defaults[stage] + errMsg); } else { alert(gettext('Your import has failed.') + '\n\n' + errMsg); } chooseBtn.html(gettext('Choose new file')).show(); bar.hide(); } CourseImport.stopGetStatus = true; chooseBtn.html(gettext('Choose new file')).show(); bar.hide(); }); }); } else { data.files = []; } }, progressall: function(e, data){ var percentInt = data.loaded / * 100, percentVal = parseInt(percentInt, 10) + '%', doneAt; // Firefox makes ProgressEvent.loaded equal only // after receiving a response from the server (see Mozilla bug 637002), // so for Firefox we jump the gun a little. if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) { doneAt = 95; } else { doneAt = 99; } if (percentInt >= doneAt) { bar.hide(); // Start feedback with delay so that current stage of import properly updates in session setTimeout( function () { CourseImport.startServerFeedback(feedbackUrl.replace('fillerName',;}, 3000 ); } else {; fill.width(percentVal).html(percentVal); } }, done: function(event, data){ bar.hide(); window.onbeforeunload = null; CourseImport.displayFinishedImport(); }, start: function(event) { window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (!CourseImport.okayToNavigateAway) { return "${_('Your import is in progress; navigating away will abort it.')}"; } }; }, sequentialUploads: true, notifyOnError: false }); }; });