var releasedToStudents = xblockInfo.get('released_to_students');
var visibilityState = xblockInfo.get('visibility_state');
var published = xblockInfo.get('published');

var statusMessage = null;
var statusType = null;
if (staffOnlyMessage) {
    statusType = 'staff-only';
    statusMessage = gettext('Contains staff only content');
} else if (visibilityState === 'needs_attention') {
    if (xblockInfo.isVertical()) {
        statusType = 'warning';
        if (published && releasedToStudents) {
            statusMessage = gettext('Unpublished changes to live content');
        } else if (!published) {
            statusMessage = gettext('Unpublished units will not be released');
        } else {
            statusMessage = gettext('Unpublished changes to content that will release in the future');

var statusIconClass = '';
if (statusType === 'warning') {
    statusIconClass = 'fa-file-o';
} else if (statusType === 'error') {
    statusIconClass = 'fa-warning';
} else if (statusType === 'staff-only') {
    statusIconClass = 'fa-lock';

var gradingType = gettext('Not Graded');
if (xblockInfo.get('graded')) {
    gradingType = xblockInfo.get('format')
<% if (parentInfo) { %>
<li class="outline-item outline-<%= xblockType %> <%= visibilityClass %> is-draggable <%= includesChildren ? 'is-collapsible' : '' %> <%= isCollapsed ? 'is-collapsed' : '' %>"
    data-parent="<%= parentInfo.get('id') %>" data-locator="<%= xblockInfo.get('id') %>">

    <span class="draggable-drop-indicator draggable-drop-indicator-before"><i class="icon fa fa-caret-right"></i></span>

    <div class="<%= xblockType %>-header">
        <% if (includesChildren) { %>
            <h3 class="<%= xblockType %>-header-details expand-collapse <%= isCollapsed ? 'expand' : 'collapse' %> ui-toggle-expansion"
                title="<%= interpolate(gettext('Collapse/Expand this %(xblock_type)s'), { xblock_type: xblockTypeDisplayName }, true) %>">
                <i class="icon fa fa-caret-down"></i>
        <% } else { %>
            <h3 class="<%= xblockType %>-header-details">
        <% } %>
                <% if (xblockInfo.isVertical()) { %>
                    <span class="unit-title item-title">
                        <a href="<%= xblockInfo.get('studio_url') %>"><%= xblockInfo.get('display_name') %></a>
                <% } else { %>
                    <span class="wrapper-<%= xblockType %>-title wrapper-xblock-field incontext-editor is-editable" data-field="display_name" data-field-display-name="<%= gettext("Display Name") %>">
                        <span class="<%= xblockType %>-title item-title xblock-field-value incontext-editor-value"><%= xblockInfo.get('display_name') %></span>
                <% } %>

        <div class="<%= xblockType %>-header-actions">
            <ul class="actions-list">
                <% if (xblockInfo.isPublishable()) { %>
                    <li class="action-item action-publish">
                        <a href="#" data-tooltip="<%= gettext('Publish') %>" class="publish-button action-button">
                            <i class="icon fa fa-upload"></i>
                            <span class="sr action-button-text"><%= gettext('Publish') %></span>
                <% } %>
                <% if (xblockInfo.isEditableOnCourseOutline()) { %>
                    <li class="action-item action-configure">
                        <a href="#" data-tooltip="<%= gettext('Configure') %>" class="configure-button action-button">
                            <i class="icon fa fa-gear"></i>
                            <span class="sr action-button-text"><%= gettext('Configure') %></span>
                <% } %>
                <% if (xblockInfo.canBeDeleted()) { %>
                    <li class="action-item action-delete">
                        <a href="#" data-tooltip="<%= gettext('Delete') %>" class="delete-button action-button">
                            <i class="icon fa fa-trash-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                            <span class="sr action-button-text"><%= gettext('Delete') %></span>
                <% } %>
                <li class="action-item action-drag">
                    <span data-tooltip="<%= gettext('Drag to reorder') %>"
                          class="drag-handle <%= xblockType %>-drag-handle action">
                        <span class="sr"><%= gettext('Drag to reorder') %></span>
    <div class="<%= xblockType %>-status">
        <% if (!xblockInfo.isVertical()) { %>
            <div class="status-release">
                    <span class="sr status-release-label"><%= gettext('Release Status:') %></span>
                    <span class="status-release-value">
                        <% if (xblockInfo.get('released_to_students')) { %>
                            <i class="icon fa fa-check-square-o"></i>
                            <%= gettext('Released:') %>
                        <% } else if (xblockInfo.get('release_date')) { %>
                            <i class="icon fa fa-clock-o"></i>
                            <%= gettext('Scheduled:') %>
                        <% } else { %>
                            <i class="icon fa fa-clock-o"></i>
                            <%= gettext('Unscheduled') %>
                        <% } %>
                        <% if (xblockInfo.get('release_date')) { %>
                            <%= xblockInfo.get('release_date') %>
                        <% } %>
            <% if (xblockInfo.get('due_date') || xblockInfo.get('graded')) { %>
                <div class="status-grading">
                        <span class="sr status-grading-label"> <%= gettext('Graded as:') %> </span>
                        <i class="icon fa fa-check"></i>
                        <span class="status-grading-value"> <%= gradingType %> </span>
                        <% if (xblockInfo.get('due_date')) { %>
                            <span class="status-grading-date"> <%= gettext('Due:') %> <%= xblockInfo.get('due_date') %> </span>
                        <% } %>
            <% } %>
        <% } %>

        <% if (statusMessage) { %>
        <div class="status-message">
            <i class="icon fa <%= statusIconClass %>"></i>
            <p class="status-message-copy"><%- statusMessage %></p>
        <% } %>
<% } %>

    <% if (!parentInfo && xblockInfo.get('child_info') && xblockInfo.get('child_info').children.length === 0) { %>
        <div class="no-content add-section">
            <p><%= gettext("You haven't added any content to this course yet.") %>
                <a href="#" class="button button-new" data-category="<%= childCategory %>"
                   data-parent="<%= xblockInfo.get('id') %>" data-default-name="<%= defaultNewChildName %>"
                   title="<%= interpolate(gettext('Click to add a new %(xblock_type)s'), { xblock_type: defaultNewChildName }, true) %>" >
                    <i class="icon fa fa-plus"></i><%= addChildLabel %>
    <% } else if (!xblockInfo.isVertical()) { %>
        <div class="outline-content <%= xblockType %>-content">
            <ol class="<%= typeListClass %> is-sortable">
                <li class="ui-splint ui-splint-indicator">
                    <span class="draggable-drop-indicator draggable-drop-indicator-initial"><i class="icon fa fa-caret-right"></i></span>

            <% if (childType) { %>
                <div class="add-<%= childType %> add-item">
                    <a href="#" class="button button-new" data-category="<%= childCategory %>"
                       data-parent="<%= xblockInfo.get('id') %>" data-default-name="<%= defaultNewChildName %>"
                       title="<%= interpolate(gettext('Click to add a new %(xblock_type)s'), { xblock_type: defaultNewChildName }, true) %>" >
                        <i class="icon fa fa-plus"></i><%= addChildLabel %>
            <% } %>
    <% } %>

<% if (parentInfo) { %>
    <span class="draggable-drop-indicator draggable-drop-indicator-after"><i class="icon fa fa-caret-right"></i></span>
<% } %>