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All inheriting ## templates have access to these functions, and we can import these ## into non-inheriting templates via the %namespace tag. <%def name="theme_enabled()"> <% return settings.FEATURES.get("USE_CUSTOM_THEME", False) %> </%def> <%def name="is_microsite()"> <% return microsite.is_request_in_microsite() %> </%def> <%def name="stanford_theme_enabled()"> <% if not theme_enabled(): return False return getattr(settings, "THEME_NAME", None) == "stanford" %> </%def> ## this needs to be here to prevent the title from mysteriously appearing in the body, in one case <%def name="pagetitle()" /> <%block name="title"> <title> ${page_title_breadcrumbs(self.pagetitle())} </title> </%block> <script type="text/javascript"> /* immediately break out of an iframe if coming from the marketing website */ (function(window) { if (window.location !== window.top.location) { window.top.location = window.location; } })(this); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/jsi18n/"></script> <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="${static.url(microsite.get_value('favicon_path', settings.FAVICON_PATH))}" /> <%static:css group='style-vendor'/> <%static:css group='style-app'/> <%static:css group='style-app-extend1'/> <%static:css group='style-app-extend2'/> % if disable_courseware_js: <%static:js group='base_vendor'/> % else: <%static:js group='main_vendor'/> % endif <script> window.baseUrl = "${settings.STATIC_URL}"; (function (require) { % if settings.DEBUG is True: ## Using what amounts to a random number in the Development environment for cache-busting var urlArgs = "bust=" + (new Date()).getTime(); % else: var urlArgs = "v=${settings.EDX_PLATFORM_REVISION}"; % endif require.config({ baseUrl: baseUrl, urlArgs: urlArgs }); }).call(this, require || RequireJS.require); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url("require-config-lms.js")}"></script> <%block name="headextra"/> <% if theme_enabled() and not is_microsite(): header_extra_file = 'theme-head-extra.html' header_file = 'theme-header.html' google_analytics_file = 'theme-google-analytics.html' style_overrides_file = None else: header_extra_file = None if settings.FEATURES['IS_EDX_DOMAIN'] and not is_microsite(): header_file = microsite.get_template_path('navigation-edx.html') else: header_file = microsite.get_template_path('navigation.html') google_analytics_file = microsite.get_template_path('google_analytics.html') style_overrides_file = microsite.get_value('css_overrides_file') %> % if header_extra_file: <%include file="${header_extra_file}" /> % endif <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="${static.url('js/html5shiv.js')}"></script> <![endif]--> <%include file="widgets/optimizely.html" /> <%include file="widgets/segment-io.html" /> <meta name="path_prefix" content="${EDX_ROOT_URL}"> <meta name="google-site-verification" content="_mipQ4AtZQDNmbtOkwehQDOgCxUUV2fb_C0b6wbiRHY" /> <%include file="${google_analytics_file}" /> % if style_overrides_file: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${static.url(style_overrides_file)}" /> % endif </head> <body class="${dir_rtl} <%block name='bodyclass'/> lang_${LANGUAGE_CODE}"> <div class="window-wrap" dir="${dir_rtl}"> <a class="nav-skip" href="<%block name="nav_skip">#content</%block>">${_("Skip to this view's content")}</a> <%include file="mathjax_accessible.html" /> <%include file="${header_file}" /> <div class="content-wrapper" id="content"> ${self.body()} <%block name="bodyextra"/> </div> <%block name="footer"> ## Can be overridden by child templates wanting to hide the footer. <% if theme_enabled() and not is_microsite(): footer_file = 'theme-footer.html' elif settings.FEATURES['IS_EDX_DOMAIN'] and not is_microsite(): footer_file = microsite.get_template_path('footer-edx-new.html') else: footer_file = microsite.get_template_path('footer.html') %> <%include file="${footer_file}" /> </%block> </div> <script>window.baseUrl = "${settings.STATIC_URL}";</script> % if not disable_courseware_js: <%static:js group='application'/> <%static:js group='module-js'/> % endif <%block name="js_extra"/> </body> </html> <%def name="login_query()">${ u"?course_id={0}&enrollment_action={1}{email_opt_in}".format( urlquote_plus(course_id), urlquote_plus(enrollment_action), email_opt_in=( u"&email_opt_in=" + urlquote_plus(email_opt_in) if email_opt_in else "" ) ) if course_id and enrollment_action else "" }</%def>