<problem attempts="10" weight="null" max_attempts="null" markdown="null"> <script type="loncapa/python"> def two_d_grader(expect,ans): import json ans=json.loads(ans) if "ERROR" in ans["protex_answer"]: raise ValueError("Protex did not understand your answer... try folding the protein") return ans["protex_answer"]=="CORRECT" </script> <text> <customresponse cfn="two_d_grader"> <designprotein2dinput width="855" height="500" target_shape="W;W;W;W;W;W;W"/> </customresponse> </text> <p>Be sure to click "Fold" to fold your protein before you click "Check".</p> <solution> <p> There are many protein sequences that will fold to the shape we asked you about. Here is a sample sequence that will work. You can play around with it if you are curious. </p> <ul> <li> Stick: RRRRRRR </li> </ul> </solution> </problem>