""" This is the default template for our main set of AWS servers. """ import json from .common import * from logsettings import get_logger_config import os # specified as an environment variable. Typically this is set # in the service's upstart script and corresponds exactly to the service name. # Service variants apply config differences via env and auth JSON files, # the names of which correspond to the variant. SERVICE_VARIANT = os.environ.get('SERVICE_VARIANT', None) # when not variant is specified we attempt to load an unvaried # config set. CONFIG_PREFIX = "" if SERVICE_VARIANT: CONFIG_PREFIX = SERVICE_VARIANT + "." ############### ALWAYS THE SAME ################################ DEBUG = False TEMPLATE_DEBUG = False EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django_ses.SESBackend' SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache' DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto.S3BotoStorage' ############# NON-SECURE ENV CONFIG ############################## # Things like server locations, ports, etc. with open(ENV_ROOT / CONFIG_PREFIX + "env.json") as env_file: ENV_TOKENS = json.load(env_file) LMS_BASE = ENV_TOKENS.get('LMS_BASE') SITE_NAME = ENV_TOKENS['SITE_NAME'] LOG_DIR = ENV_TOKENS['LOG_DIR'] CACHES = ENV_TOKENS['CACHES'] SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = ENV_TOKENS.get('SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN') for feature, value in ENV_TOKENS.get('MITX_FEATURES', {}).items(): MITX_FEATURES[feature] = value LOGGING = get_logger_config(LOG_DIR, logging_env=ENV_TOKENS['LOGGING_ENV'], syslog_addr=(ENV_TOKENS['SYSLOG_SERVER'], 514), debug=False, service_variant=SERVICE_VARIANT) ################ SECURE AUTH ITEMS ############################### # Secret things: passwords, access keys, etc. with open(ENV_ROOT / CONFIG_PREFIX + "auth.json") as auth_file: AUTH_TOKENS = json.load(auth_file) AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = AUTH_TOKENS["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = AUTH_TOKENS["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] DATABASES = AUTH_TOKENS['DATABASES'] MODULESTORE = AUTH_TOKENS['MODULESTORE'] CONTENTSTORE = AUTH_TOKENS['CONTENTSTORE']