# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CCX coach dashboard page
from bok_choy.promise import EmptyPromise
from common.test.acceptance.pages.lms.course_page import CoursePage

class CoachDashboardPage(CoursePage):
    CCX coach dashboard, where ccx coach can manage a course.
    url_path = "ccx_coach"

    def is_browser_on_page(self):
        check if ccx dashboard is open.
        return self.q(css='div.instructor-dashboard-wrapper-2').present

    def is_browser_on_enrollment_page(self):
        check if enrollment page in ccx dashboard is open.
        return self.q(css='div.batch-enrollment').present

    def fill_ccx_name_text_box(self, ccx_name):
        Fill in the form with the provided ccx name and submit it.
        ccx_name_selector = "#ccx_name"
        create_ccx_button = "#create-ccx"

        # Fill the ccx_name.
        self.wait_for_element_visibility(ccx_name_selector, 'CCX name field is visible')

        # Verify create ccx button is present before clicking.
            lambda: self.q(css=create_ccx_button).present, "Create a new Custom Course for edX"

    def is_button_view_unit_in_studio_visible(self):
        check if the View Unit in Studio button is on the page
        return self.q(css='instructor-info-action').present