@shard_1 Feature: CMS.Course checklists Scenario: A course author sees checklists defined by edX Given I have opened a new course in Studio When I select Checklists from the Tools menu Then I see the four default edX checklists Scenario: A course author can mark tasks as complete Given I have opened Checklists Then I can check and uncheck tasks in a checklist And I reload the page Then the tasks are correctly selected # There are issues getting link to be active in browsers other than chrome @skip_firefox @skip_internetexplorer @skip_safari Scenario: A task can link to a location within Studio Given I have opened Checklists When I select a link to the course outline Then I am brought to the course outline page And I press the browser back button Then I am brought back to the course outline in the correct state # There are issues getting link to be active in browsers other than chrome @skip_firefox @skip_internetexplorer @skip_safari Scenario: A task can link to a location outside Studio Given I have opened Checklists When I select a link to help page Then I am brought to the help page in a new window