<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %> % if display_name is not UNDEFINED and display_name is not None: <h2>${display_name}</h2> % endif <div id="video_${id}" class="video" data-streams="${youtube_streams}" ${'data-sub="{}"'.format(sub) if sub else ''} ${'data-autoplay="{}"'.format(autoplay) if autoplay else ''} ${'data-mp4-source="{}"'.format(sources.get('mp4')) if sources.get('mp4') else ''} ${'data-webm-source="{}"'.format(sources.get('webm')) if sources.get('webm') else ''} ${'data-ogg-source="{}"'.format(sources.get('ogv')) if sources.get('ogv') else ''} data-caption-data-dir="${data_dir}" data-show-captions="${show_captions}" data-start="${start}" data-end="${end}" data-caption-asset-path="${caption_asset_path}" data-autoplay="${autoplay}" data-yt-test-timeout="${yt_test_timeout}" data-yt-test-url="${yt_test_url}" ## For now, the option "data-autohide-html5" is hard coded. This option ## either enables or disables autohiding of controls and captions on mouse ## inactivity. If set to true, controls and captions will autohide for ## HTML5 sources (non-YouTube) after a period of mouse inactivity over the ## whole video. When the mouse moves (or a key is pressed while any part of ## the video player is focused), the captions and controls will be shown ## once again. ## ## There is no option in the "Advanced Editor" to set this option. However, ## this option will have an effect if changed to "True". The code on ## front-end exists. data-autohide-html5="False" tabindex="-1" > <div class="focus_grabber first"></div> <div class="tc-wrapper"> <a href="#before-transcript_${id}" class="nav-skip sr">${_("Skip to a navigable version of this video's transcript.")}</a> <article class="video-wrapper"> <span tabindex="0" class="spinner" aria-hidden="false" aria-label="${_('Loading video player')}"></span> <div class="video-player-pre"></div> <section class="video-player"> <div id="${id}"></div> <h3 class="hidden">${_('ERROR: No playable video sources found!')}</h3> </section> <div class="video-player-post"></div> <section class="video-controls"> <div class="slider" title="Video position"></div> <div> <ul class="vcr"> <li><a class="video_control" href="#" title="${_('Play')}" role="button" aria-disabled="false"></a></li> <li><div class="vidtime">0:00 / 0:00</div></li> </ul> <div class="secondary-controls"> <div class="speeds"> <a href="#" title="${_('Speeds')}" role="button" aria-disabled="false"> <h3>${_('Speed')}</h3> <p class="active"></p> </a> <ol class="video_speeds"></ol> </div> <div class="volume"> <a href="#" title="${_('Volume')}" role="button" aria-disabled="false"></a> <div class="volume-slider-container"> <div class="volume-slider"></div> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="add-fullscreen" title="${_('Fill browser')}" role="button" aria-disabled="false">${_('Fill browser')}</a> <a href="#" class="quality_control" title="${_('HD off')}" role="button" aria-disabled="false">${_('HD off')}</a> <a href="#" class="hide-subtitles" title="${_('Turn off captions')}" role="button" aria-disabled="false">${_('Turn off captions')}</a> </div> </div> </section> <a class="nav-skip sr" id="before-transcript_${id}" href="#after-transcript_${id}">${_('Skip to end of transcript.')}</a> </article> <ol id="transcript-captions" class="subtitles" tabindex="0" title="${_('Captions')}" role="group" aria-label="${_('Activating an item in this group will spool the video to the corresponding time point. To skip transcript, go to previous item.')}"> <li></li> </ol> </div> <a class="nav-skip sr" id="after-transcript_${id}" href="#before-transcript_${id}">${_('Go back to start of transcript.')}</a> <div class="focus_grabber last"></div> <ul class="wrapper-downloads"> % if sources.get('main'): <li class="video-sources"> ${('<a href="%s">' + _('Download video') + '</a>') % sources.get('main')} </li> % endif % if track: <li class="video-tracks"> ${('<a href="%s">' + _('Download timed transcript') + '</a>') % track} </li> % endif </ul> </div>