""" CCX Enrollment operations for use by Coach APIs. Does not include any access control, be sure to check access before calling. """ import logging from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.conf import settings from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core.mail import send_mail from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_string # pylint: disable=import-error from microsite_configuration import microsite # pylint: disable=import-error from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore from xmodule.error_module import ErrorDescriptor from ccx_keys.locator import CCXLocator from .models import ( CcxMembership, CcxFutureMembership, ) log = logging.getLogger("edx.ccx") class EmailEnrollmentState(object): """ Store the complete enrollment state of an email in a class """ def __init__(self, ccx, email): exists_user = User.objects.filter(email=email).exists() if exists_user: user = User.objects.get(email=email) ccx_member = CcxMembership.objects.filter(ccx=ccx, student=user) in_ccx = ccx_member.exists() full_name = user.profile.name else: user = None in_ccx = False full_name = None self.user = exists_user self.member = user self.full_name = full_name self.in_ccx = in_ccx def __repr__(self): return "{}(user={}, member={}, in_ccx={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.user, self.member, self.in_ccx, ) def to_dict(self): """ return dict with membership and ccx info """ return { 'user': self.user, 'member': self.member, 'in_ccx': self.in_ccx, } def enroll_email(ccx, student_email, auto_enroll=False, email_students=False, email_params=None): """ Send email to newly enrolled student """ if email_params is None: email_params = get_email_params(ccx, True) previous_state = EmailEnrollmentState(ccx, student_email) if previous_state.user: user = User.objects.get(email=student_email) if not previous_state.in_ccx: membership = CcxMembership( ccx=ccx, student=user, active=True ) membership.save() elif auto_enroll: # activate existing memberships membership = CcxMembership.objects.get(student=user, ccx=ccx) membership.active = True membership.save() if email_students: email_params['message'] = 'enrolled_enroll' email_params['email_address'] = student_email email_params['full_name'] = previous_state.full_name send_mail_to_student(student_email, email_params) else: membership = CcxFutureMembership( ccx=ccx, auto_enroll=auto_enroll, email=student_email ) membership.save() if email_students: email_params['message'] = 'allowed_enroll' email_params['email_address'] = student_email send_mail_to_student(student_email, email_params) after_state = EmailEnrollmentState(ccx, student_email) return previous_state, after_state def unenroll_email(ccx, student_email, email_students=False, email_params=None): """ send email to unenrolled students """ if email_params is None: email_params = get_email_params(ccx, True) previous_state = EmailEnrollmentState(ccx, student_email) if previous_state.in_ccx: CcxMembership.objects.get( ccx=ccx, student=previous_state.member ).delete() if email_students: email_params['message'] = 'enrolled_unenroll' email_params['email_address'] = student_email email_params['full_name'] = previous_state.full_name send_mail_to_student(student_email, email_params) else: if CcxFutureMembership.objects.filter( ccx=ccx, email=student_email).exists(): CcxFutureMembership.objects.get( ccx=ccx, email=student_email ).delete() if email_students: email_params['message'] = 'allowed_unenroll' email_params['email_address'] = student_email send_mail_to_student(student_email, email_params) after_state = EmailEnrollmentState(ccx, student_email) return previous_state, after_state def get_email_params(ccx, auto_enroll, secure=True): """ get parameters for enrollment emails """ protocol = 'https' if secure else 'http' stripped_site_name = microsite.get_value( 'SITE_NAME', settings.SITE_NAME ) registration_url = u'{proto}://{site}{path}'.format( proto=protocol, site=stripped_site_name, path=reverse('register_user') ) course_url = u'{proto}://{site}{path}'.format( proto=protocol, site=stripped_site_name, path=reverse( 'course_root', kwargs={'course_id': CCXLocator.from_course_locator(ccx.course_id, ccx.id)} ) ) course_about_url = None if not settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_MKTG_SITE', False): course_about_url = u'{proto}://{site}{path}'.format( proto=protocol, site=stripped_site_name, path=reverse( 'about_course', kwargs={'course_id': CCXLocator.from_course_locator(ccx.course_id, ccx.id)} ) ) email_params = { 'site_name': stripped_site_name, 'registration_url': registration_url, 'course': ccx, 'auto_enroll': auto_enroll, 'course_url': course_url, 'course_about_url': course_about_url, } return email_params def send_mail_to_student(student, param_dict): """ Check parameters, set text template and send email to student """ if 'course' in param_dict: param_dict['course_name'] = param_dict['course'].display_name param_dict['site_name'] = microsite.get_value( 'SITE_NAME', param_dict['site_name'] ) subject = None message = None message_type = param_dict['message'] email_template_dict = { 'allowed_enroll': ( 'ccx/enroll_email_allowedsubject.txt', 'ccx/enroll_email_allowedmessage.txt' ), 'enrolled_enroll': ( 'ccx/enroll_email_enrolledsubject.txt', 'ccx/enroll_email_enrolledmessage.txt' ), 'allowed_unenroll': ( 'ccx/unenroll_email_subject.txt', 'ccx/unenroll_email_allowedmessage.txt' ), 'enrolled_unenroll': ( 'ccx/unenroll_email_subject.txt', 'ccx/unenroll_email_enrolledmessage.txt' ), } subject_template, message_template = email_template_dict.get( message_type, (None, None) ) if subject_template is not None and message_template is not None: subject = render_to_string(subject_template, param_dict) message = render_to_string(message_template, param_dict) if subject and message: message = message.strip() subject = ''.join(subject.splitlines()) from_address = microsite.get_value( 'email_from_address', settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL ) send_mail( subject, message, from_address, [student], fail_silently=False ) def get_ccx_membership_triplets(user, course_org_filter, org_filter_out_set): """ Get the relevant set of (CustomCourseForEdX, CcxMembership, Course) triplets to be displayed on a student's dashboard. """ # only active memberships for now for membership in CcxMembership.memberships_for_user(user): ccx = membership.ccx store = modulestore() with store.bulk_operations(ccx.course_id): course = store.get_course(ccx.course_id) if course and not isinstance(course, ErrorDescriptor): # if we are in a Microsite, then filter out anything that is not # attributed (by ORG) to that Microsite if course_org_filter and course_org_filter != course.location.org: continue # Conversely, if we are not in a Microsite, then let's filter out any enrollments # with courses attributed (by ORG) to Microsites elif course.location.org in org_filter_out_set: continue # If, somehow, we've got a ccx that has been created for a # course with a deprecated ID, we must filter it out. Emit a # warning to the log so we can clean up. if course.location.deprecated: log.warning( "CCX %s exists for course %s with deprecated id", ccx, ccx.course_id ) continue yield (ccx, membership, course) else: log.error("User {0} enrolled in {2} course {1}".format( # pylint: disable=logging-format-interpolation user.username, ccx.course_id, "broken" if course else "non-existent" ))