require 'digest/md5' require 'sys/proctable' require 'colorize' require 'timeout' require 'net/http' def find_executable(exec) path = %x(which #{exec}).strip $?.exitstatus == 0 ? path : nil end def select_executable(*cmds) cmds.find_all{ |cmd| !find_executable(cmd).nil? }[0] || fail("No executables found from #{cmds.join(', ')}") end def django_admin(system, env, command, *args) return "./ #{system} --settings #{env} #{command} --traceback #{args.join(' ')}" end def report_dir_path(dir) return File.join(REPORT_DIR, dir.to_s) end def compute_fingerprint(files, dirs) digest = # Digest the contents of all the files. Dir[*files].select{|file| File.file?(file)}.each do |file| digest.file(file) end # Digest the names of the files in all the dirs. dirs.each do |dir| file_names = Dir.entries(dir).sort.join(" ") digest.update(file_names) end digest.hexdigest end # Hash the contents of all the files, and the names of files in the dirs. # Run the block if they've changed. def when_changed(unchanged_message, files, dirs=[]) Rake::Task[PREREQS_MD5_DIR].invoke cache_file = File.join(PREREQS_MD5_DIR, files[0].gsub(/\W+/, '-').sub(/-+$/, '')) + '.md5' if !File.exists?(cache_file) or compute_fingerprint(files, dirs) != yield File.write(cache_file, compute_fingerprint(files, dirs)) elsif !unchanged_message.empty? puts unchanged_message end end # Runs Process.spawn, and kills the process at the end of the rake process # Expects the same arguments as Process.spawn def background_process(command, logfile=nil) spawn_opts = {:pgroup => true} if !logfile.nil? puts "Running '#{command.join(' ')}', redirecting output to #{logfile}" spawn_opts[[:err, :out]] = [logfile, 'a'] end pid = Process.spawn({}, *command, spawn_opts) command = [*command] at_exit do pgid = Process.getpgid(pid) begin Timeout.timeout(5) do Process.kill(:SIGINT, -pgid) Process.wait(-pgid) end rescue Timeout::Error begin Timeout.timeout(5) do Process.kill(:SIGTERM, -pgid) Process.wait(-pgid) end rescue Timeout::Error Process.kill(:SIGKILL, -pgid) Process.wait(-pgid) end end end end # Runs a command as a background process, as long as no other processes # tagged with the same tag are running def singleton_process(command, logfile=nil) command = [*command] if {|proc| proc.cmdline.include?(command.join(' '))}.empty? background_process(command, logfile) else puts "Process '#{command.join(' ')} already running, skipping".blue end end # Wait for a server to respond with status 200 at "/" def wait_for_server(server, port) attempts = 0 begin http = Net::HTTP.start(server, port, {open_timeout: 10, read_timeout: 10}) response = http.head("/") response.code == "200" true rescue sleep(1) attempts += 1 if attempts < 20 retry else false end end end def environments(system) Dir["#{system}/envs/**/*.py"].select{|file| ! (/$/ =~ file)}.map do |env_file| env_file.gsub("#{system}/envs/", '').gsub(/\.py/, '').gsub('/', '.') end end $failed_tests = 0 # Run sh on args. If TESTS_FAIL_FAST is set, then stop on the first shell failure. # Otherwise, a final task will be added that will fail if any tests have failed def test_sh(*args) sh(*args) do |ok, res| if ok return end if ENV['TESTS_FAIL_FAST'] fail("Test failed!") else $failed_tests += 1 end end end # Add a task after all other tasks that fails if any tests have failed if !ENV['TESTS_FAIL_FAST'] task :fail_tests do fail("#{$failed_tests} tests failed!") if $failed_tests > 0 end Rake.application.top_level_tasks << :fail_tests end