"""Helpers for the student app. """ from datetime import datetime import urllib from pytz import UTC from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, NoReverseMatch import third_party_auth from lms.djangoapps.verify_student.models import VerificationDeadline, SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification from course_modes.models import CourseMode # Enumeration of per-course verification statuses # we display on the student dashboard. VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_VERIFY = "verify_need_to_verify" VERIFY_STATUS_SUBMITTED = "verify_submitted" VERIFY_STATUS_APPROVED = "verify_approved" VERIFY_STATUS_MISSED_DEADLINE = "verify_missed_deadline" VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_REVERIFY = "verify_need_to_reverify" DISABLE_UNENROLL_CERT_STATES = [ 'generating', 'ready', ] def check_verify_status_by_course(user, course_enrollments): """ Determine the per-course verification statuses for a given user. The possible statuses are: * VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_VERIFY: The student has not yet submitted photos for verification. * VERIFY_STATUS_SUBMITTED: The student has submitted photos for verification, but has have not yet been approved. * VERIFY_STATUS_APPROVED: The student has been successfully verified. * VERIFY_STATUS_MISSED_DEADLINE: The student did not submit photos within the course's deadline. * VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_REVERIFY: The student has an active verification, but it is set to expire before the verification deadline for the course. It is is also possible that a course does NOT have a verification status if: * The user is not enrolled in a verified mode, meaning that the user didn't pay. * The course does not offer a verified mode. * The user submitted photos but an error occurred while verifying them. * The user submitted photos but the verification was denied. In the last two cases, we rely on messages in the sidebar rather than displaying messages for each course. Arguments: user (User): The currently logged-in user. course_enrollments (list[CourseEnrollment]): The courses the user is enrolled in. Returns: dict: Mapping of course keys verification status dictionaries. If no verification status is applicable to a course, it will not be included in the dictionary. The dictionaries have these keys: * status (str): One of the enumerated status codes. * days_until_deadline (int): Number of days until the verification deadline. * verification_good_until (str): Date string for the verification expiration date. """ status_by_course = {} # Retrieve all verifications for the user, sorted in descending # order by submission datetime verifications = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user) # Check whether the user has an active or pending verification attempt # To avoid another database hit, we re-use the queryset we have already retrieved. has_active_or_pending = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.user_has_valid_or_pending( user, queryset=verifications ) # Retrieve verification deadlines for the enrolled courses enrolled_course_keys = [enrollment.course_id for enrollment in course_enrollments] course_deadlines = VerificationDeadline.deadlines_for_courses(enrolled_course_keys) recent_verification_datetime = None for enrollment in course_enrollments: # If the user hasn't enrolled as verified, then the course # won't display state related to its verification status. if enrollment.mode in CourseMode.VERIFIED_MODES: # Retrieve the verification deadline associated with the course. # This could be None if the course doesn't have a deadline. deadline = course_deadlines.get(enrollment.course_id) relevant_verification = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.verification_for_datetime(deadline, verifications) # Picking the max verification datetime on each iteration only with approved status if relevant_verification is not None and relevant_verification.status == "approved": recent_verification_datetime = max( recent_verification_datetime if recent_verification_datetime is not None else relevant_verification.expiration_datetime, relevant_verification.expiration_datetime ) # By default, don't show any status related to verification status = None # Check whether the user was approved or is awaiting approval if relevant_verification is not None: if relevant_verification.status == "approved": status = VERIFY_STATUS_APPROVED elif relevant_verification.status == "submitted": status = VERIFY_STATUS_SUBMITTED # If the user didn't submit at all, then tell them they need to verify # If the deadline has already passed, then tell them they missed it. # If they submitted but something went wrong (error or denied), # then don't show any messaging next to the course, since we already # show messages related to this on the left sidebar. submitted = ( relevant_verification is not None and relevant_verification.status not in ["created", "ready"] ) if status is None and not submitted: if deadline is None or deadline > datetime.now(UTC): if has_active_or_pending: # The user has an active verification, but the verification # is set to expire before the deadline. Tell the student # to reverify. status = VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_REVERIFY else: status = VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_VERIFY else: # If a user currently has an active or pending verification, # then they may have submitted an additional attempt after # the verification deadline passed. This can occur, # for example, when the support team asks a student # to reverify after the deadline so they can receive # a verified certificate. # In this case, we still want to show them as "verified" # on the dashboard. if has_active_or_pending: status = VERIFY_STATUS_APPROVED # Otherwise, the student missed the deadline, so show # them as "honor" (the kind of certificate they will receive). else: status = VERIFY_STATUS_MISSED_DEADLINE # Set the status for the course only if we're displaying some kind of message # Otherwise, leave the course out of the dictionary. if status is not None: days_until_deadline = None now = datetime.now(UTC) if deadline is not None and deadline > now: days_until_deadline = (deadline - now).days status_by_course[enrollment.course_id] = { 'status': status, 'days_until_deadline': days_until_deadline } if recent_verification_datetime: for key, value in status_by_course.iteritems(): # pylint: disable=unused-variable status_by_course[key]['verification_good_until'] = recent_verification_datetime.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") return status_by_course def auth_pipeline_urls(auth_entry, redirect_url=None): """Retrieve URLs for each enabled third-party auth provider. These URLs are used on the "sign up" and "sign in" buttons on the login/registration forms to allow users to begin authentication with a third-party provider. Optionally, we can redirect the user to an arbitrary url after auth completes successfully. We use this to redirect the user to a page that required login, or to send users to the payment flow when enrolling in a course. Args: auth_entry (string): Either `pipeline.AUTH_ENTRY_LOGIN` or `pipeline.AUTH_ENTRY_REGISTER` Keyword Args: redirect_url (unicode): If provided, send users to this URL after they successfully authenticate. Returns: dict mapping provider IDs to URLs """ if not third_party_auth.is_enabled(): return {} return { provider.provider_id: third_party_auth.pipeline.get_login_url( provider.provider_id, auth_entry, redirect_url=redirect_url ) for provider in third_party_auth.provider.Registry.accepting_logins() } # Query string parameters that can be passed to the "finish_auth" view to manage # things like auto-enrollment. POST_AUTH_PARAMS = ('course_id', 'enrollment_action', 'course_mode', 'email_opt_in') def get_next_url_for_login_page(request): """ Determine the URL to redirect to following login/registration/third_party_auth The user is currently on a login or registration page. If 'course_id' is set, or other POST_AUTH_PARAMS, we will need to send the user to the /account/finish_auth/ view following login, which will take care of auto-enrollment in the specified course. Otherwise, we go to the ?next= query param or to the dashboard if nothing else is specified. """ redirect_to = request.GET.get('next', None) if not redirect_to: try: redirect_to = reverse('dashboard') except NoReverseMatch: redirect_to = reverse('home') if any(param in request.GET for param in POST_AUTH_PARAMS): # Before we redirect to next/dashboard, we need to handle auto-enrollment: params = [(param, request.GET[param]) for param in POST_AUTH_PARAMS if param in request.GET] params.append(('next', redirect_to)) # After auto-enrollment, user will be sent to payment page or to this URL redirect_to = '{}?{}'.format(reverse('finish_auth'), urllib.urlencode(params)) # Note: if we are resuming a third party auth pipeline, then the next URL will already # be saved in the session as part of the pipeline state. That URL will take priority # over this one. return redirect_to