""" Utility functions for validating forms """ from importlib import import_module import re from django import forms from django.forms import widgets from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.auth.forms import PasswordResetForm from django.contrib.auth.hashers import UNUSABLE_PASSWORD_PREFIX from django.contrib.auth.tokens import default_token_generator from django.utils.http import int_to_base36 from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.template import loader from django.conf import settings from microsite_configuration import microsite from student.models import CourseEnrollmentAllowed from util.password_policy_validators import ( validate_password_length, validate_password_complexity, validate_password_dictionary, ) class PasswordResetFormNoActive(PasswordResetForm): error_messages = { 'unknown': _("That e-mail address doesn't have an associated " "user account. Are you sure you've registered?"), 'unusable': _("The user account associated with this e-mail " "address cannot reset the password."), } def clean_email(self): """ This is a literal copy from Django 1.4.5's django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordResetForm Except removing the requirement of active users Validates that a user exists with the given email address. """ email = self.cleaned_data["email"] #The line below contains the only change, removing is_active=True self.users_cache = User.objects.filter(email__iexact=email) if not len(self.users_cache): raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['unknown']) if any((user.password.startswith(UNUSABLE_PASSWORD_PREFIX)) for user in self.users_cache): raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['unusable']) return email def save( self, domain_override=None, subject_template_name='registration/password_reset_subject.txt', email_template_name='registration/password_reset_email.html', use_https=False, token_generator=default_token_generator, from_email=settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, request=None ): """ Generates a one-use only link for resetting password and sends to the user. """ # This import is here because we are copying and modifying the .save from Django 1.4.5's # django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordResetForm directly, which has this import in this place. from django.core.mail import send_mail for user in self.users_cache: if not domain_override: site_name = microsite.get_value( 'SITE_NAME', settings.SITE_NAME ) else: site_name = domain_override context = { 'email': user.email, 'site_name': site_name, 'uid': int_to_base36(user.id), 'user': user, 'token': token_generator.make_token(user), 'protocol': 'https' if use_https else 'http', 'platform_name': microsite.get_value('platform_name', settings.PLATFORM_NAME) } subject = loader.render_to_string(subject_template_name, context) # Email subject *must not* contain newlines subject = subject.replace('\n', '') email = loader.render_to_string(email_template_name, context) send_mail(subject, email, from_email, [user.email]) class TrueCheckbox(widgets.CheckboxInput): """ A checkbox widget that only accepts "true" (case-insensitive) as true. """ def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name): value = data.get(name, '') return value.lower() == 'true' class TrueField(forms.BooleanField): """ A boolean field that only accepts "true" (case-insensitive) as true """ widget = TrueCheckbox _USERNAME_TOO_SHORT_MSG = _("Username must be minimum of two characters long") _EMAIL_INVALID_MSG = _("A properly formatted e-mail is required") _PASSWORD_INVALID_MSG = _("A valid password is required") _NAME_TOO_SHORT_MSG = _("Your legal name must be a minimum of two characters long") class AccountCreationForm(forms.Form): """ A form to for account creation data. It is currently only used for validation, not rendering. """ # TODO: Resolve repetition username = forms.SlugField( min_length=2, max_length=30, error_messages={ "required": _USERNAME_TOO_SHORT_MSG, "invalid": _("Usernames must contain only letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-)."), "min_length": _USERNAME_TOO_SHORT_MSG, "max_length": _("Username cannot be more than %(limit_value)s characters long"), } ) email = forms.EmailField( max_length=75, # Limit per RFCs is 254, but User's email field in django 1.4 only takes 75 error_messages={ "required": _EMAIL_INVALID_MSG, "invalid": _EMAIL_INVALID_MSG, "max_length": _("Email cannot be more than %(limit_value)s characters long"), } ) password = forms.CharField( min_length=2, error_messages={ "required": _PASSWORD_INVALID_MSG, "min_length": _PASSWORD_INVALID_MSG, } ) name = forms.CharField( min_length=2, error_messages={ "required": _NAME_TOO_SHORT_MSG, "min_length": _NAME_TOO_SHORT_MSG, } ) def __init__( self, data=None, extra_fields=None, extended_profile_fields=None, enforce_username_neq_password=False, enforce_password_policy=False, tos_required=True ): super(AccountCreationForm, self).__init__(data) extra_fields = extra_fields or {} self.extended_profile_fields = extended_profile_fields or {} self.enforce_username_neq_password = enforce_username_neq_password self.enforce_password_policy = enforce_password_policy if tos_required: self.fields["terms_of_service"] = TrueField( error_messages={"required": _("You must accept the terms of service.")} ) # TODO: These messages don't say anything about minimum length error_message_dict = { "level_of_education": _("A level of education is required"), "gender": _("Your gender is required"), "year_of_birth": _("Your year of birth is required"), "mailing_address": _("Your mailing address is required"), "goals": _("A description of your goals is required"), "city": _("A city is required"), "country": _("A country is required") } for field_name, field_value in extra_fields.items(): if field_name not in self.fields: if field_name == "honor_code": if field_value == "required": self.fields[field_name] = TrueField( error_messages={ "required": _("To enroll, you must follow the honor code.") } ) else: required = field_value == "required" min_length = 1 if field_name in ("gender", "level_of_education") else 2 error_message = error_message_dict.get( field_name, _("You are missing one or more required fields") ) self.fields[field_name] = forms.CharField( required=required, min_length=min_length, error_messages={ "required": error_message, "min_length": error_message, } ) for field in self.extended_profile_fields: if field not in self.fields: self.fields[field] = forms.CharField(required=False) def clean_password(self): """Enforce password policies (if applicable)""" password = self.cleaned_data["password"] if ( self.enforce_username_neq_password and "username" in self.cleaned_data and self.cleaned_data["username"] == password ): raise ValidationError(_("Username and password fields cannot match")) if self.enforce_password_policy: try: validate_password_length(password) validate_password_complexity(password) validate_password_dictionary(password) except ValidationError, err: raise ValidationError(_("Password: ") + "; ".join(err.messages)) return password def clean_email(self): """ Enforce email restrictions (if applicable) """ email = self.cleaned_data["email"] if settings.REGISTRATION_EMAIL_PATTERNS_ALLOWED is not None: # This Open edX instance has restrictions on what email addresses are allowed. allowed_patterns = settings.REGISTRATION_EMAIL_PATTERNS_ALLOWED # We append a '$' to the regexs to prevent the common mistake of using a # pattern like '.*@edx\\.org' which would match 'bob@edx.org.badguy.com' if not any(re.match(pattern + "$", email) for pattern in allowed_patterns): # This email is not on the whitelist of allowed emails. Check if # they may have been manually invited by an instructor and if not, # reject the registration. if not CourseEnrollmentAllowed.objects.filter(email=email).exists(): raise ValidationError(_("Unauthorized email address.")) if User.objects.filter(email__iexact=email).exists(): raise ValidationError( _( "It looks like {email} belongs to an existing account. Try again with a different email address." ).format(email=email) ) return email def clean_year_of_birth(self): """ Parse year_of_birth to an integer, but just use None instead of raising an error if it is malformed """ try: year_str = self.cleaned_data["year_of_birth"] return int(year_str) if year_str is not None else None except ValueError: return None @property def cleaned_extended_profile(self): """ Return a dictionary containing the extended_profile_fields and values """ return { key: value for key, value in self.cleaned_data.items() if key in self.extended_profile_fields and value is not None } def get_registration_extension_form(*args, **kwargs): """ Convenience function for getting the custom form set in settings.REGISTRATION_EXTENSION_FORM. An example form app for this can be found at http://github.com/open-craft/custom-form-app """ if not settings.FEATURES.get("ENABLE_COMBINED_LOGIN_REGISTRATION"): return None if not getattr(settings, 'REGISTRATION_EXTENSION_FORM', None): return None module, klass = settings.REGISTRATION_EXTENSION_FORM.rsplit('.', 1) module = import_module(module) return getattr(module, klass)(*args, **kwargs)