""" This is the common settings file, intended to set sane defaults. If you have a piece of configuration that's dependent on a set of feature flags being set, then create a function that returns the calculated value based on the value of MITX_FEATURES[...]. Modules that extend this one can change the feature configuration in an environment specific config file and re-calculate those values. We should make a method that calls all these config methods so that you just make one call at the end of your site-specific dev file to reset all the dependent variables (like INSTALLED_APPS) for you. Longer TODO: 1. Right now our treatment of static content in general and in particular course-specific static content is haphazard. 2. We should have a more disciplined approach to feature flagging, even if it just means that we stick them in a dict called MITX_FEATURES. 3. We need to handle configuration for multiple courses. This could be as multiple sites, but we do need a way to map their data assets. """ import sys import os import tempfile from xmodule.static_content import write_module_styles, write_module_js from path import path from .discussionsettings import * ################################### FEATURES ################################### COURSEWARE_ENABLED = True ENABLE_JASMINE = False GENERATE_RANDOM_USER_CREDENTIALS = False PERFSTATS = False DISCUSSION_SETTINGS = { 'MAX_COMMENT_DEPTH': 2, } # Features MITX_FEATURES = { 'SAMPLE' : False, 'USE_DJANGO_PIPELINE' : True, 'DISPLAY_HISTOGRAMS_TO_STAFF' : True, 'REROUTE_ACTIVATION_EMAIL' : False, # nonempty string = address for all activation emails 'DEBUG_LEVEL' : 0, # 0 = lowest level, least verbose, 255 = max level, most verbose ## DO NOT SET TO True IN THIS FILE ## Doing so will cause all courses to be released on production 'DISABLE_START_DATES': False, # When True, all courses will be active, regardless of start date # When True, will only publicly list courses by the subdomain. Expects you # to define COURSE_LISTINGS, a dictionary mapping subdomains to lists of # course_ids (see dev_int.py for an example) 'SUBDOMAIN_COURSE_LISTINGS' : False, # When True, will override certain branding with university specific values # Expects a SUBDOMAIN_BRANDING dictionary that maps the subdomain to the # university to use for branding purposes 'SUBDOMAIN_BRANDING': False, 'FORCE_UNIVERSITY_DOMAIN': False, # set this to the university domain to use, as an override to HTTP_HOST # set to None to do no university selection 'ENABLE_TEXTBOOK' : True, 'ENABLE_DISCUSSION_SERVICE': True, 'ENABLE_PSYCHOMETRICS': False, # real-time psychometrics (eg item response theory analysis in instructor dashboard) 'ENABLE_SQL_TRACKING_LOGS': False, 'ENABLE_LMS_MIGRATION': False, 'ENABLE_MANUAL_GIT_RELOAD': False, 'DISABLE_LOGIN_BUTTON': False, # used in systems where login is automatic, eg MIT SSL 'STUB_VIDEO_FOR_TESTING': False, # do not display video when running automated acceptance tests # extrernal access methods 'ACCESS_REQUIRE_STAFF_FOR_COURSE': False, 'AUTH_USE_OPENID': False, 'AUTH_USE_MIT_CERTIFICATES' : False, 'AUTH_USE_OPENID_PROVIDER': False, } # Used for A/B testing DEFAULT_GROUPS = [] # If this is true, random scores will be generated for the purpose of debugging the profile graphs GENERATE_PROFILE_SCORES = False # Used with XQueue XQUEUE_WAITTIME_BETWEEN_REQUESTS = 5 # seconds ############################# SET PATH INFORMATION ############################# PROJECT_ROOT = path(__file__).abspath().dirname().dirname() # /mitx/lms REPO_ROOT = PROJECT_ROOT.dirname() COMMON_ROOT = REPO_ROOT / "common" ENV_ROOT = REPO_ROOT.dirname() # virtualenv dir /mitx is in COURSES_ROOT = ENV_ROOT / "data" DATA_DIR = COURSES_ROOT sys.path.append(REPO_ROOT) sys.path.append(PROJECT_ROOT / 'djangoapps') sys.path.append(PROJECT_ROOT / 'lib') sys.path.append(COMMON_ROOT / 'djangoapps') sys.path.append(COMMON_ROOT / 'lib') # For Node.js system_node_path = os.environ.get("NODE_PATH", None) if system_node_path is None: system_node_path = "/usr/local/lib/node_modules" node_paths = [COMMON_ROOT / "static/js/vendor", COMMON_ROOT / "static/coffee/src", system_node_path ] NODE_PATH = ':'.join(node_paths) # Where to look for a status message STATUS_MESSAGE_PATH = ENV_ROOT / "status_message.json" ############################ OpenID Provider ################################## OPENID_PROVIDER_TRUSTED_ROOTS = ['cs50.net', '*.cs50.net'] ################################## MITXWEB ##################################### # This is where we stick our compiled template files. Most of the app uses Mako # templates MAKO_MODULE_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp('mako') MAKO_TEMPLATES = {} MAKO_TEMPLATES['main'] = [PROJECT_ROOT / 'templates', COMMON_ROOT / 'templates', COMMON_ROOT / 'lib' / 'capa' / 'capa' / 'templates', COMMON_ROOT / 'djangoapps' / 'pipeline_mako' / 'templates'] # This is where Django Template lookup is defined. There are a few of these # still left lying around. TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( PROJECT_ROOT / "templates", COMMON_ROOT / 'templates', COMMON_ROOT / 'lib' / 'capa' / 'capa' / 'templates', COMMON_ROOT / 'djangoapps' / 'pipeline_mako' / 'templates', ) TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( 'django.core.context_processors.request', 'django.core.context_processors.static', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', #'django.core.context_processors.i18n', 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', #this is required for admin 'django.core.context_processors.csrf', #necessary for csrf protection # Added for django-wiki 'django.core.context_processors.media', 'django.core.context_processors.tz', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', 'sekizai.context_processors.sekizai', 'course_wiki.course_nav.context_processor', ) STUDENT_FILEUPLOAD_MAX_SIZE = 4*1000*1000 # 4 MB MAX_FILEUPLOADS_PER_INPUT = 20 # FIXME: # We should have separate S3 staged URLs in case we need to make changes to # these assets and test them. LIB_URL = '/static/js/' # Dev machines shouldn't need the book # BOOK_URL = '/static/book/' BOOK_URL = 'https://mitxstatic.s3.amazonaws.com/book_images/' # For AWS deploys # RSS_URL = r'lms/templates/feed.rss' # PRESS_URL = r'' RSS_TIMEOUT = 600 # Configuration option for when we want to grab server error pages STATIC_GRAB = False DEV_CONTENT = True # FIXME: Should we be doing this truncation? TRACK_MAX_EVENT = 10000 DEBUG_TRACK_LOG = False MITX_ROOT_URL = '' LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = MITX_ROOT_URL + '/accounts/login' LOGIN_URL = MITX_ROOT_URL + '/accounts/login' COURSE_NAME = "6.002_Spring_2012" COURSE_NUMBER = "6.002x" COURSE_TITLE = "Circuits and Electronics" ### Dark code. Should be enabled in local settings for devel. ENABLE_MULTICOURSE = False # set to False to disable multicourse display (see lib.util.views.mitxhome) QUICKEDIT = False WIKI_ENABLED = False ### COURSE_DEFAULT = '6.002x_Fall_2012' COURSE_SETTINGS = {'6.002x_Fall_2012': {'number' : '6.002x', 'title' : 'Circuits and Electronics', 'xmlpath': '6002x/', 'location': 'i4x://edx/6002xs12/course/6.002x_Fall_2012', } } # IP addresses that are allowed to reload the course, etc. # TODO (vshnayder): Will probably need to change as we get real access control in. LMS_MIGRATION_ALLOWED_IPS = [] ######################## subdomain specific settings ########################### COURSE_LISTINGS = {} SUBDOMAIN_BRANDING = {} ############################### XModule Store ################################## MODULESTORE = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.xml.XMLModuleStore', 'OPTIONS': { 'data_dir': DATA_DIR, 'default_class': 'xmodule.hidden_module.HiddenDescriptor', } } } CONTENTSTORE = None ############################ SIGNAL HANDLERS ################################ # This is imported to register the exception signal handling that logs exceptions import monitoring.exceptions # noqa ############################### DJANGO BUILT-INS ############################### # Change DEBUG/TEMPLATE_DEBUG in your environment settings files, not here DEBUG = False TEMPLATE_DEBUG = False # Site info SITE_ID = 1 SITE_NAME = "edx.org" HTTPS = 'on' ROOT_URLCONF = 'lms.urls' IGNORABLE_404_ENDS = ('favicon.ico') # Email EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend' DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'registration@edx.org' DEFAULT_FEEDBACK_EMAIL = 'feedback@edx.org' ADMINS = ( ('edX Admins', 'admin@edx.org'), ) MANAGERS = ADMINS # Static content STATIC_URL = '/static/' ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/static/admin/' STATIC_ROOT = ENV_ROOT / "staticfiles" STATICFILES_DIRS = [ COMMON_ROOT / "static", PROJECT_ROOT / "static", ] if os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR): # Add the full course repo if there is no static directory STATICFILES_DIRS += [ # TODO (cpennington): When courses are stored in a database, this # should no longer be added to STATICFILES (course_dir, DATA_DIR / course_dir) for course_dir in os.listdir(DATA_DIR) if (os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR / course_dir) and not os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR / course_dir / 'static')) ] # Otherwise, add only the static directory from the course dir STATICFILES_DIRS += [ # TODO (cpennington): When courses are stored in a database, this # should no longer be added to STATICFILES (course_dir, DATA_DIR / course_dir / 'static') for course_dir in os.listdir(DATA_DIR) if (os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR / course_dir / 'static')) ] # Locale/Internationalization TIME_ZONE = 'America/New_York' # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_zones_by_name LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en' # http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/language-identifiers.html USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True # Messages MESSAGE_STORAGE = 'django.contrib.messages.storage.session.SessionStorage' #################################### GITHUB ####################################### # gitreload is used in LMS-workflow to pull content from github # gitreload requests are only allowed from these IP addresses, which are # the advertised public IPs of the github WebHook servers. # These are listed, eg at https://github.com/MITx/mitx/admin/hooks ALLOWED_GITRELOAD_IPS = ['', '', ''] #################################### AWS ####################################### # S3BotoStorage insists on a timeout for uploaded assets. We should make it # permanent instead, but rather than trying to figure out exactly where that # setting is, I'm just bumping the expiration time to something absurd (100 # years). This is only used if DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE is overriden to use S3 # in the global settings.py AWS_QUERYSTRING_EXPIRE = 10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 10 years ################################# SIMPLEWIKI ################################### SIMPLE_WIKI_REQUIRE_LOGIN_EDIT = True SIMPLE_WIKI_REQUIRE_LOGIN_VIEW = False ################################# WIKI ################################### WIKI_ACCOUNT_HANDLING = False WIKI_EDITOR = 'course_wiki.editors.CodeMirror' WIKI_SHOW_MAX_CHILDREN = 0 # We don't use the little menu that shows children of an article in the breadcrumb WIKI_ANONYMOUS = False # Don't allow anonymous access until the styling is figured out WIKI_CAN_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS = lambda article, user: user.is_staff or user.is_superuser WIKI_CAN_ASSIGN = lambda article, user: user.is_staff or user.is_superuser WIKI_USE_BOOTSTRAP_SELECT_WIDGET = False WIKI_LINK_LIVE_LOOKUPS = False WIKI_LINK_DEFAULT_LEVEL = 2 ################################# Staff grading config ##################### #By setting up the default settings with an incorrect user name and password, # will get an error when attempting to connect STAFF_GRADING_INTERFACE = { 'url': 'http://sandbox-grader-001.m.edx.org/staff_grading', 'username': 'incorrect_user', 'password': 'incorrect_pass', } # Used for testing, debugging MOCK_STAFF_GRADING = False ################################# Pearson TestCenter config ################ PEARSONVUE_SIGNINPAGE_URL = "https://www1.pearsonvue.com/testtaker/signin/SignInPage/EDX" # TESTCENTER_ACCOMMODATION_REQUEST_EMAIL = "exam-help@edx.org" ################################# Peer grading config ##################### #By setting up the default settings with an incorrect user name and password, # will get an error when attempting to connect PEER_GRADING_INTERFACE = { 'url': 'http://sandbox-grader-001.m.edx.org/peer_grading', 'username': 'incorrect_user', 'password': 'incorrect_pass', } # Used for testing, debugging MOCK_PEER_GRADING = False ################################# Jasmine ################################### JASMINE_TEST_DIRECTORY = PROJECT_ROOT + '/static/coffee' ################################# Middleware ################################### # List of finder classes that know how to find static files in # various locations. STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( 'staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder', 'staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder', ) # List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources. TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'mitxmako.makoloader.MakoFilesystemLoader', 'mitxmako.makoloader.MakoAppDirectoriesLoader', # 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', # 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'contentserver.middleware.StaticContentServer', 'django_comment_client.middleware.AjaxExceptionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', # Instead of AuthenticationMiddleware, we use a cached backed version #'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'cache_toolbox.middleware.CacheBackedAuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'track.middleware.TrackMiddleware', 'mitxmako.middleware.MakoMiddleware', 'course_wiki.course_nav.Middleware', 'django.middleware.transaction.TransactionMiddleware', # 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware', 'django_comment_client.utils.ViewNameMiddleware', ) ############################### Pipeline ####################################### STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'pipeline.storage.PipelineCachedStorage' from xmodule.hidden_module import HiddenDescriptor from rooted_paths import rooted_glob, remove_root write_module_styles(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static/sass/module', [HiddenDescriptor]) module_js = remove_root( PROJECT_ROOT / 'static', write_module_js(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static/coffee/module', [HiddenDescriptor]) ) courseware_js = ( [ 'coffee/src/' + pth + '.coffee' for pth in ['courseware', 'histogram', 'navigation', 'time'] ] + sorted(rooted_glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static', 'coffee/src/modules/**/*.coffee')) ) # 'js/vendor/RequireJS.js' - Require JS wrapper. # See https://edx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LMS/Integration+of+Require+JS+into+the+system main_vendor_js = [ 'js/vendor/RequireJS.js', 'js/vendor/json2.js', 'js/vendor/jquery.min.js', 'js/vendor/jquery-ui.min.js', 'js/vendor/jquery.cookie.js', 'js/vendor/jquery.qtip.min.js', 'js/vendor/swfobject/swfobject.js', 'js/vendor/jquery.ba-bbq.min.js', ] discussion_js = sorted(rooted_glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static', 'coffee/src/discussion/**/*.coffee')) staff_grading_js = sorted(rooted_glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static', 'coffee/src/staff_grading/**/*.coffee')) peer_grading_js = sorted(rooted_glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static','coffee/src/peer_grading/**/*.coffee')) PIPELINE_CSS = { 'application': { 'source_filenames': ['sass/application.scss'], 'output_filename': 'css/lms-application.css', }, 'course': { 'source_filenames': [ 'js/vendor/CodeMirror/codemirror.css', 'css/vendor/jquery.treeview.css', 'css/vendor/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.22.custom.css', 'css/vendor/jquery.qtip.min.css', 'sass/course.scss' ], 'output_filename': 'css/lms-course.css', }, 'ie-fixes': { 'source_filenames': ['sass/ie.scss'], 'output_filename': 'css/lms-ie.css', }, } PIPELINE_ALWAYS_RECOMPILE = ['sass/application.scss', 'sass/ie.scss', 'sass/course.scss'] PIPELINE_JS = { 'application': { # Application will contain all paths not in courseware_only_js 'source_filenames': sorted( set(rooted_glob(COMMON_ROOT / 'static', 'coffee/src/**/*.coffee') + rooted_glob(PROJECT_ROOT / 'static', 'coffee/src/**/*.coffee')) - set(courseware_js + discussion_js + staff_grading_js + peer_grading_js) ) + [ 'js/form.ext.js', 'js/my_courses_dropdown.js', 'js/toggle_login_modal.js', 'js/sticky_filter.js', 'js/query-params.js', ], 'output_filename': 'js/lms-application.js' }, 'courseware': { 'source_filenames': courseware_js, 'output_filename': 'js/lms-courseware.js' }, 'main_vendor': { 'source_filenames': main_vendor_js, 'output_filename': 'js/lms-main_vendor.js', }, 'module-js': { 'source_filenames': module_js, 'output_filename': 'js/lms-modules.js', }, 'discussion': { 'source_filenames': discussion_js, 'output_filename': 'js/discussion.js' }, 'staff_grading' : { 'source_filenames': staff_grading_js, 'output_filename': 'js/staff_grading.js' }, 'peer_grading' : { 'source_filenames': peer_grading_js, 'output_filename': 'js/peer_grading.js' } } PIPELINE_DISABLE_WRAPPER = True # Compile all coffee files in course data directories if they are out of date. # TODO: Remove this once we move data into Mongo. This is only temporary while # course data directories are still in use. if os.path.isdir(DATA_DIR): for course_dir in os.listdir(DATA_DIR): js_dir = DATA_DIR / course_dir / "js" if not os.path.isdir(js_dir): continue for filename in os.listdir(js_dir): if filename.endswith('coffee'): new_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".js" if os.path.exists(js_dir / new_filename): coffee_timestamp = os.stat(js_dir / filename).st_mtime js_timestamp = os.stat(js_dir / new_filename).st_mtime if coffee_timestamp <= js_timestamp: continue os.system("rm %s" % (js_dir / new_filename)) os.system("coffee -c %s" % (js_dir / filename)) PIPELINE_COMPILERS = [ 'pipeline.compilers.sass.SASSCompiler', 'pipeline.compilers.coffee.CoffeeScriptCompiler', ] PIPELINE_SASS_ARGUMENTS = '-t compressed -r {proj_dir}/static/sass/bourbon/lib/bourbon.rb'.format(proj_dir=PROJECT_ROOT) PIPELINE_CSS_COMPRESSOR = None PIPELINE_JS_COMPRESSOR = None STATICFILES_IGNORE_PATTERNS = ( "sass/*", "coffee/*", ) PIPELINE_YUI_BINARY = 'yui-compressor' PIPELINE_SASS_BINARY = 'sass' PIPELINE_COFFEE_SCRIPT_BINARY = 'coffee' # Setting that will only affect the MITx version of django-pipeline until our changes are merged upstream PIPELINE_COMPILE_INPLACE = True ################################### APPS ####################################### INSTALLED_APPS = ( # Standard ones that are always installed... 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.humanize', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', 'south', # For asset pipelining 'pipeline', 'staticfiles', # Our courseware 'circuit', 'courseware', 'perfstats', 'student', 'static_template_view', 'staticbook', 'simplewiki', 'track', 'util', 'certificates', 'instructor', 'open_ended_grading', 'psychometrics', 'licenses', 'course_groups', #For the wiki 'wiki', # The new django-wiki from benjaoming 'django_notify', 'course_wiki', # Our customizations 'mptt', 'sekizai', #'wiki.plugins.attachments', 'wiki.plugins.links', 'wiki.plugins.notifications', 'course_wiki.plugins.markdownedx', # For testing 'django.contrib.admin', # only used in DEBUG mode # Discussion forums 'django_comment_client', )