""" View for Courseware Index """ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init from datetime import datetime from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.context_processors import csrf from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import Http404 from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.utils.timezone import UTC from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control from django.views.decorators.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie from django.views.generic import View from django.shortcuts import redirect from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_response, render_to_string import logging import newrelic.agent import urllib from lang_pref import LANGUAGE_KEY from xblock.fragment import Fragment from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey from openedx.core.lib.gating import api as gating_api from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.preferences.api import get_user_preference from shoppingcart.models import CourseRegistrationCode from student.views import is_course_blocked from util.views import ensure_valid_course_key from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore from xmodule.x_module import STUDENT_VIEW from survey.utils import must_answer_survey from ..access import has_access, _adjust_start_date_for_beta_testers from ..access_utils import in_preview_mode from ..courses import get_studio_url, get_course_with_access from ..entrance_exams import ( course_has_entrance_exam, get_entrance_exam_content, get_entrance_exam_score, user_has_passed_entrance_exam, user_must_complete_entrance_exam, ) from ..exceptions import Redirect from ..masquerade import setup_masquerade from ..model_data import FieldDataCache from ..module_render import toc_for_course, get_module_for_descriptor from .views import get_current_child, registered_for_course log = logging.getLogger("edx.courseware.views.index") TEMPLATE_IMPORTS = {'urllib': urllib} CONTENT_DEPTH = 2 class CoursewareIndex(View): """ View class for the Courseware page. """ @method_decorator(login_required) @method_decorator(ensure_csrf_cookie) @method_decorator(cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)) @method_decorator(ensure_valid_course_key) def get(self, request, course_id, chapter=None, section=None, position=None): """ Displays courseware accordion and associated content. If course, chapter, and section are all specified, renders the page, or returns an error if they are invalid. If section is not specified, displays the accordion opened to the right chapter. If neither chapter or section are specified, displays the user's most recent chapter, or the first chapter if this is the user's first visit. Arguments: request: HTTP request course_id (unicode): course id chapter (unicode): chapter url_name section (unicode): section url_name position (unicode): position in module, eg of <sequential> module """ self.course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) self.request = request self.original_chapter_url_name = chapter self.original_section_url_name = section self.chapter_url_name = chapter self.section_url_name = section self.position = position self.chapter, self.section = None, None try: self._init_new_relic() self._verify_position() with modulestore().bulk_operations(self.course_key): self.course = get_course_with_access(request.user, 'load', self.course_key, depth=CONTENT_DEPTH) self.is_staff = has_access(request.user, 'staff', self.course) self._setup_masquerade_for_effective_user() return self._get() except Redirect as redirect_error: return redirect(redirect_error.url) except UnicodeEncodeError: raise Http404("URL contains Unicode characters") except Http404: # let it propagate raise except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return self._handle_unexpected_error() def _setup_masquerade_for_effective_user(self): """ Setup the masquerade information to allow the request to be processed for the requested effective user. """ self.real_user = self.request.user self.masquerade, self.effective_user = setup_masquerade( self.request, self.course_key, self.is_staff, reset_masquerade_data=True ) # Set the user in the request to the effective user. self.request.user = self.effective_user def _get(self): """ Render the index page. """ self._redirect_if_needed_to_access_course() self._prefetch_and_bind_course() if self.course.has_children_at_depth(CONTENT_DEPTH): self._reset_section_to_exam_if_required() self.chapter = self._find_chapter() self.section = self._find_section() if self.chapter and self.section: self._redirect_if_not_requested_section() self._verify_section_not_gated() self._save_positions() self._prefetch_and_bind_section() return render_to_response('courseware/courseware.html', self._create_courseware_context()) def _redirect_if_not_requested_section(self): """ If the resulting section and chapter are different from what was initially requested, redirect back to the index page, but with an updated URL that includes the correct section and chapter values. We do this so that our analytics events and error logs have the appropriate URLs. """ if ( self.chapter.url_name != self.original_chapter_url_name or (self.original_section_url_name and self.section.url_name != self.original_section_url_name) ): raise Redirect( reverse( 'courseware_section', kwargs={ 'course_id': unicode(self.course_key), 'chapter': self.chapter.url_name, 'section': self.section.url_name, }, ) ) def _init_new_relic(self): """ Initialize metrics for New Relic so we can slice data in New Relic Insights """ newrelic.agent.add_custom_parameter('course_id', unicode(self.course_key)) newrelic.agent.add_custom_parameter('org', unicode(self.course_key.org)) def _verify_position(self): """ Verify that the given position is in fact an int. """ if self.position is not None: try: int(self.position) except ValueError: raise Http404(u"Position {} is not an integer!".format(self.position)) def _redirect_if_needed_to_access_course(self): """ Verifies that the user can enter the course. """ self._redirect_if_needed_to_pay_for_course() self._redirect_if_needed_to_register() self._redirect_if_needed_for_prereqs() self._redirect_if_needed_for_course_survey() def _redirect_if_needed_to_pay_for_course(self): """ Redirect to dashboard if the course is blocked due to non-payment. """ self.real_user = User.objects.prefetch_related("groups").get(id=self.real_user.id) redeemed_registration_codes = CourseRegistrationCode.objects.filter( course_id=self.course_key, registrationcoderedemption__redeemed_by=self.real_user ) if is_course_blocked(self.request, redeemed_registration_codes, self.course_key): # registration codes may be generated via Bulk Purchase Scenario # we have to check only for the invoice generated registration codes # that their invoice is valid or not log.warning( u'User %s cannot access the course %s because payment has not yet been received', self.real_user, unicode(self.course_key), ) raise Redirect(reverse('dashboard')) def _redirect_if_needed_to_register(self): """ Verify that the user is registered in the course. """ if not registered_for_course(self.course, self.effective_user): log.debug( u'User %s tried to view course %s but is not enrolled', self.effective_user, unicode(self.course.id) ) raise Redirect(reverse('about_course', args=[unicode(self.course.id)])) def _redirect_if_needed_for_prereqs(self): """ See if all pre-requisites (as per the milestones app feature) have been fulfilled. Note that if the pre-requisite feature flag has been turned off (default) then this check will always pass. """ if not has_access(self.effective_user, 'view_courseware_with_prerequisites', self.course): # Prerequisites have not been fulfilled. # Therefore redirect to the Dashboard. log.info( u'User %d tried to view course %s ' u'without fulfilling prerequisites', self.effective_user.id, unicode(self.course.id)) raise Redirect(reverse('dashboard')) def _redirect_if_needed_for_course_survey(self): """ Check to see if there is a required survey that must be taken before the user can access the course. """ if must_answer_survey(self.course, self.effective_user): raise Redirect(reverse('course_survey', args=[unicode(self.course.id)])) def _reset_section_to_exam_if_required(self): """ Check to see if an Entrance Exam is required for the user. """ if ( course_has_entrance_exam(self.course) and user_must_complete_entrance_exam(self.request, self.effective_user, self.course) ): exam_chapter = get_entrance_exam_content(self.effective_user, self.course) if exam_chapter and exam_chapter.get_children(): exam_section = exam_chapter.get_children()[0] if exam_section: self.chapter_url_name = exam_chapter.url_name self.section_url_name = exam_section.url_name def _verify_section_not_gated(self): """ Verify whether the section is gated and accessible to the user. """ gated_content = gating_api.get_gated_content(self.course, self.effective_user) if gated_content: if unicode(self.section.location) in gated_content: raise Http404 def _get_language_preference(self): """ Returns the preferred language for the actual user making the request. """ language_preference = get_user_preference(self.real_user, LANGUAGE_KEY) if not language_preference: language_preference = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE return language_preference def _is_masquerading_as_student(self): """ Returns whether the current request is masquerading as a student. """ return self.masquerade and self.masquerade.role == 'student' def _find_block(self, parent, url_name, block_type, min_depth=None): """ Finds the block in the parent with the specified url_name. If not found, calls get_current_child on the parent. """ child = None if url_name: child = parent.get_child_by(lambda m: m.location.name == url_name) if not child: # User may be trying to access a child that isn't live yet if not self._is_masquerading_as_student(): raise Http404('No {block_type} found with name {url_name}'.format( block_type=block_type, url_name=url_name, )) elif min_depth and not child.has_children_at_depth(min_depth - 1): child = None if not child: child = get_current_child(parent, min_depth=min_depth, requested_child=self.request.GET.get("child")) return child def _find_chapter(self): """ Finds the requested chapter. """ return self._find_block(self.course, self.chapter_url_name, 'chapter', CONTENT_DEPTH - 1) def _find_section(self): """ Finds the requested section. """ if self.chapter: return self._find_block(self.chapter, self.section_url_name, 'section') def _prefetch_and_bind_course(self): """ Prefetches all descendant data for the requested section and sets up the runtime, which binds the request user to the section. """ self.field_data_cache = FieldDataCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents( self.course_key, self.effective_user, self.course, depth=CONTENT_DEPTH, ) self.course = get_module_for_descriptor( self.effective_user, self.request, self.course, self.field_data_cache, self.course_key, course=self.course, ) def _prefetch_and_bind_section(self): """ Prefetches all descendant data for the requested section and sets up the runtime, which binds the request user to the section. """ # Pre-fetch all descendant data self.section = modulestore().get_item(self.section.location, depth=None) self.field_data_cache.add_descriptor_descendents(self.section, depth=None) # Bind section to user self.section = get_module_for_descriptor( self.effective_user, self.request, self.section, self.field_data_cache, self.course_key, self.position, course=self.course, ) def _save_positions(self): """ Save where we are in the course and chapter. """ save_child_position(self.course, self.chapter_url_name) save_child_position(self.chapter, self.section_url_name) def _create_courseware_context(self): """ Returns and creates the rendering context for the courseware. Also returns the table of contents for the courseware. """ courseware_context = { 'csrf': csrf(self.request)['csrf_token'], 'COURSE_TITLE': self.course.display_name_with_default_escaped, 'course': self.course, 'init': '', 'fragment': Fragment(), 'staff_access': self.is_staff, 'studio_url': get_studio_url(self.course, 'course'), 'masquerade': self.masquerade, 'xqa_server': settings.FEATURES.get('XQA_SERVER', "http://your_xqa_server.com"), 'bookmarks_api_url': reverse('bookmarks'), 'language_preference': self._get_language_preference(), 'disable_optimizely': True, } table_of_contents = toc_for_course( self.effective_user, self.request, self.course, self.chapter_url_name, self.section_url_name, self.field_data_cache, ) courseware_context['accordion'] = render_accordion(self.request, self.course, table_of_contents['chapters']) # entrance exam data if course_has_entrance_exam(self.course): if getattr(self.chapter, 'is_entrance_exam', False): courseware_context['entrance_exam_current_score'] = get_entrance_exam_score(self.request, self.course) courseware_context['entrance_exam_passed'] = user_has_passed_entrance_exam(self.request, self.course) # staff masquerading data now = datetime.now(UTC()) effective_start = _adjust_start_date_for_beta_testers(self.effective_user, self.course, self.course_key) if not in_preview_mode() and self.is_staff and now < effective_start: # Disable student view button if user is staff and # course is not yet visible to students. courseware_context['disable_student_access'] = True if self.section: # chromeless data if self.section.chrome: chrome = [s.strip() for s in self.section.chrome.lower().split(",")] if 'accordion' not in chrome: courseware_context['disable_accordion'] = True if 'tabs' not in chrome: courseware_context['disable_tabs'] = True # default tab if self.section.default_tab: courseware_context['default_tab'] = self.section.default_tab # section data courseware_context['section_title'] = self.section.display_name_with_default_escaped section_context = self._create_section_context( table_of_contents['previous_of_active_section'], table_of_contents['next_of_active_section'], ) courseware_context['fragment'] = self.section.render(STUDENT_VIEW, section_context) return courseware_context def _create_section_context(self, previous_of_active_section, next_of_active_section): """ Returns and creates the rendering context for the section. """ def _compute_section_url(section_info, requested_child): """ Returns the section URL for the given section_info with the given child parameter. """ return "{url}?child={requested_child}".format( url=reverse( 'courseware_section', args=[unicode(self.course.id), section_info['chapter_url_name'], section_info['url_name']], ), requested_child=requested_child, ) section_context = { 'activate_block_id': self.request.GET.get('activate_block_id'), 'requested_child': self.request.GET.get("child"), } if previous_of_active_section: section_context['prev_url'] = _compute_section_url(previous_of_active_section, 'last') if next_of_active_section: section_context['next_url'] = _compute_section_url(next_of_active_section, 'first') return section_context def _handle_unexpected_error(self): """ Handle unexpected exceptions raised by View. """ # In production, don't want to let a 500 out for any reason if settings.DEBUG: raise log.exception( u"Error in index view: user=%s, effective_user=%s, course=%s, chapter=%s section=%s position=%s", self.real_user, self.effective_user, unicode(self.course_key), self.chapter_url_name, self.section_url_name, self.position, ) try: return render_to_response('courseware/courseware-error.html', { 'staff_access': self.is_staff, 'course': self.course }) except: # Let the exception propagate, relying on global config to # at least return a nice error message log.exception("Error while rendering courseware-error page") raise def render_accordion(request, course, table_of_contents): """ Returns the HTML that renders the navigation for the given course. Expects the table_of_contents to have data on each chapter and section, including which ones are active. """ context = dict( [ ('toc', table_of_contents), ('course_id', unicode(course.id)), ('csrf', csrf(request)['csrf_token']), ('due_date_display_format', course.due_date_display_format), ] + TEMPLATE_IMPORTS.items() ) return render_to_string('courseware/accordion.html', context) def save_child_position(seq_module, child_name): """ child_name: url_name of the child """ for position, child in enumerate(seq_module.get_display_items(), start=1): if child.location.name == child_name: # Only save if position changed if position != seq_module.position: seq_module.position = position # Save this new position to the underlying KeyValueStore seq_module.save() def save_positions_recursively_up(user, request, field_data_cache, xmodule, course=None): """ Recurses up the course tree starting from a leaf Saving the position property based on the previous node as it goes """ current_module = xmodule while current_module: parent_location = modulestore().get_parent_location(current_module.location) parent = None if parent_location: parent_descriptor = modulestore().get_item(parent_location) parent = get_module_for_descriptor( user, request, parent_descriptor, field_data_cache, current_module.location.course_key, course=course ) if parent and hasattr(parent, 'position'): save_child_position(parent, current_module.location.name) current_module = parent