# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Student dashboard page.
from bok_choy.page_object import PageObject

from common.test.acceptance.pages.lms import BASE_URL

class DashboardPage(PageObject):
    Student dashboard, where the student can view
    courses she/he has registered for.
    url = "{base}/dashboard".format(base=BASE_URL)

    def is_browser_on_page(self):
        return self.q(css='.my-courses').present

    def current_courses_text(self):
        This is the title label for the section of the student dashboard that
        shows all the courses that the student is enrolled in.
        The string displayed is defined in lms/templates/dashboard.html.
        text_items = self.q(css='#my-courses').text
        if len(text_items) > 0:
            return text_items[0]
            return ""

    def available_courses(self):
        Return list of the names of available courses (e.g. "999 edX Demonstration Course")
        def _get_course_name(el):
            return el.text

        return self.q(css='h3.course-title > a').map(_get_course_name).results

    def banner_text(self):
        Return the text of the banner on top of the page, or None if
        the banner is not present.
        message = self.q(css='div.wrapper-msg')
        if message.present:
            return message.text[0]
        return None

    def get_enrollment_mode(self, course_name):
        """Get the enrollment mode for a given course on the dashboard.

            course_name (str): The name of the course whose mode should be retrieved.

            String, indicating the enrollment mode for the course corresponding to
            the provided course name.

            Exception, if no course with the provided name is found on the dashboard.
        # Filter elements by course name, only returning the relevant course item
        course_listing = self.q(css=".course").filter(lambda el: course_name in el.text).results

        if course_listing:
            # There should only be one course listing for the provided course name.
            # Since 'ENABLE_VERIFIED_CERTIFICATES' is true in the Bok Choy settings, we
            # can expect two classes to be present on <article> elements, one being 'course'
            # and the other being the enrollment mode.
            enrollment_mode = course_listing[0].get_attribute('class').split('course ')[1]
            raise Exception("No course named {} was found on the dashboard".format(course_name))

        return enrollment_mode

    def upgrade_enrollment(self, course_name, upgrade_page):
        """Interact with the upgrade button for the course with the provided name.

            course_name (str): The name of the course whose mode should be checked.
            upgrade_page (PageObject): The page to wait on after clicking the upgrade button. Importing
                the definition of PaymentAndVerificationFlow results in a circular dependency.

            Exception, if no enrollment corresponding to the provided course name appears
                on the dashboard.
        # Filter elements by course name, only returning the relevant course item
        course_listing = self.q(css=".course").filter(lambda el: course_name in el.text).results

        if course_listing:
            # There should only be one course listing corresponding to the provided course name.
            el = course_listing[0]

            # Click the upgrade button

            raise Exception("No enrollment for {} is visible on the dashboard.".format(course_name))

    def view_course(self, course_id):
        Go to the course with `course_id` (e.g. edx/Open_DemoX/edx_demo_course)
        link_css = self._link_css(course_id)

        if link_css is not None:
            msg = "No links found for course {0}".format(course_id)

    def _link_css(self, course_id):
        Return a CSS selector for the link to the course with `course_id`.
        # Get the link hrefs for all courses
        all_links = self.q(css='a.enter-course').map(lambda el: el.get_attribute('href')).results

        # Search for the first link that matches the course id
        link_index = None
        for index in range(len(all_links)):
            if course_id in all_links[index]:
                link_index = index

        if link_index is not None:
            return "a.enter-course:nth-of-type({0})".format(link_index + 1)
            return None

    def view_course_unenroll_dialog_message(self, course_id):
        Go to the course unenroll dialog message for `course_id` (e.g. edx/Open_DemoX/edx_demo_course)
        div_index = self.get_course_actions_link_css(course_id)
        button_link_css = "#actions-dropdown-link-{}".format(div_index)
        unenroll_css = "#unenroll-{}".format(div_index)

        if button_link_css is not None:
            self.wait_for_element_visibility(unenroll_css, 'Unenroll message dialog is visible.')

            return {
                'track-info': self.q(css='#track-info').html,
                'refund-info': self.q(css='#refund-info').html

            msg = "No links found for course {0}".format(course_id)

    def get_course_actions_link_css(self, course_id):
            Return a index for unenroll button with `course_id`.
        # Get the link hrefs for all courses
        all_divs = self.q(css='div.wrapper-action-more').map(lambda el: el.get_attribute('data-course-key')).results

        # Search for the first link that matches the course id
        div_index = None
        for index in range(len(all_divs)):
            if course_id in all_divs[index]:
                div_index = index

        return div_index

    def pre_requisite_message_displayed(self):
        Verify if pre-requisite course messages are being displayed.
        return self.q(css='div.prerequisites > .tip').visible

    def get_course_listings(self):
        """Retrieve the list of course DOM elements"""
        return self.q(css='ul.listing-courses')

    def get_course_social_sharing_widget(self, widget_name):
        """ Retrieves the specified social sharing widget by its classification """
        return self.q(css='a.action-{}'.format(widget_name))

    def get_profile_img(self):
        """ Retrieves the user's profile image """
        return self.q(css='img.user-image-frame')

    def get_courses(self):
        Get all courses shown in the dashboard
        return self.q(css='ul.listing-courses .course-item')

    def get_course_date(self):
        Get course date of the first course from dashboard
        return self.q(css='ul.listing-courses .course-item:first-of-type .info-date-block').first.text[0]

    def click_username_dropdown(self):
        Click username dropdown.

    def username_dropdown_link_text(self):
        Return list username dropdown links.
        return self.q(css='.dropdown-user-menu a').text

    def tabs_link_text(self):
        Return the text of all the tabs on the dashboard.
        return self.q(css='.nav-tab a').text

    def click_my_profile_link(self):
        Click on `Profile` link.
        self.q(css='.nav-tab a').nth(1).click()

    def click_account_settings_link(self):
        Click on `Account` link.
        self.q(css='.dropdown-user-menu a').nth(1).click()

    def language_selector(self):
        return language selector
            'Language selector element is available'
        return self.q(css='#settings-language-value')