define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'js/views/xblock', 'js/utils/module', 'gettext', 'common/js/components/views/feedback_notification', 'jquery.ui'], // The container view uses sortable, which is provided by jquery.ui. function($, _, XBlockView, ModuleUtils, gettext, NotificationView) { var studioXBlockWrapperClass = '.studio-xblock-wrapper'; var ContainerView = XBlockView.extend({ // Store the request token of the first xblock on the page (which we know was rendered by Studio when // the page was generated). Use that request token to filter out user-defined HTML in any // child xblocks within the page. requestToken: '', new_child_view: 'reorderable_container_child_preview', xblockReady: function() {; var reorderableClass, reorderableContainer, newParent, oldParent, self = this; this.requestToken = this.$('div.xblock').first().data('request-token'); reorderableClass = this.makeRequestSpecificSelector('.reorderable-container'); reorderableContainer = this.$(reorderableClass); reorderableContainer.sortable({ handle: '.drag-handle', start: function(event, ui) { // Necessary because of an open bug in JQuery sortable. // reorderableContainer.sortable('refreshPositions'); }, stop: function(event, ui) { var saving, hideSaving, removeFromParent; if (_.isUndefined(oldParent)) { // If no actual change occurred, // oldParent will never have been set. return; } saving = new NotificationView.Mini({ title: gettext('Saving') });; hideSaving = function() { saving.hide(); }; // If moving from one container to another, // add to new container before deleting from old to // avoid creating an orphan if the addition fails. if (newParent) { removeFromParent = oldParent; self.updateChildren(newParent, function() { self.updateChildren(removeFromParent, hideSaving); }); } else { // No new parent, only reordering within same container. self.updateChildren(oldParent, hideSaving); } oldParent = undefined; newParent = undefined; }, update: function(event, ui) { // When dragging from one ol to another, this method // will be called twice (once for each list). ui.sender will // be null if the change is related to the list the element // was originally in (the case of a move within the same container // or the deletion from a container when moving to a new container). var parent = $(; if (ui.sender) { // Move to a new container (the addition part). newParent = parent; } else { // Reorder inside a container, or deletion when moving to new container. oldParent = parent; } }, helper: 'original', opacity: '0.5', placeholder: 'component-placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: true, axis: 'y', items: '> .is-draggable', connectWith: reorderableClass, tolerance: 'pointer' }); }, updateChildren: function(targetParent, successCallback) { var children, childLocators, xblockInfo = this.model; // Find descendants with class "studio-xblock-wrapper" whose parent === targetParent. // This is necessary to filter our grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. children = targetParent.find(studioXBlockWrapperClass).filter(function() { var parent = $(this).parent().closest(studioXBlockWrapperClass); return'locator') ==='locator'); }); childLocators = children, function(child) { return $(child).data('locator'); } ); $.ajax({ url: ModuleUtils.getUpdateUrl('locator')), type: 'PUT', dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify({ children: childLocators }), success: function() { // change data-parent on the element moved. if (successCallback) { successCallback(); } // Update publish and last modified information from the server. xblockInfo.fetch(); } }); }, acknowledgeXBlockDeletion: function(locator) { this.notifyRuntime('deleted-child', locator); }, refresh: function() { var sortableInitializedClass = this.makeRequestSpecificSelector('.reorderable-container.ui-sortable'); this.$(sortableInitializedClass).sortable('refresh'); }, makeRequestSpecificSelector: function(selector) { return 'div.xblock[data-request-token="' + this.requestToken + '"] > ' + selector; } }); return ContainerView; }); // end define();