<form> <div role="group" aria-labelledby="verification-checkpoint-title"> <h3 id="verification-checkpoint-title" class="modal-section-title"><%= gettext('Verification Checkpoint') %></h3> <div class="modal-section-content verification-access"> <div class="list-fields list-input"> <div class="field field-checkbox checkbox-cosmetic"> <input type="checkbox" id="verification-access-checkbox" class="input input-checkbox" name="verification-access" value="" <% if (hasVerificationRestrictions) { %> checked="checked" <% } %> aria-describedby="verification-help-text" > <label class="label" for="verification-access-checkbox"> <span class="icon fa fa-check-square-o input-checkbox-checked" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="icon fa fa-square-o input-checkbox-unchecked" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr"><%- gettext("Must complete verification checkpoint") %></span> </label> <label class="sr" for="verification-partition-select"> <%= gettext('Verification checkpoint to be completed') %> </label> <select id="verification-partition-select"> <% for (var i = 0; i < verificationPartitions.length; i++) { partition=verificationPartitions[i]; %> <option value="<%- partition.id %>" <% if (partition.selected) { %> selected <% } %> ><%- partition.name %></option> <% } %> </select> <div id="verification-help-text" class="note"> <%= gettext("Learners who require verification must pass the selected checkpoint to see the content in this unit. Learners who do not require verification see this content by default.") %> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </form>