#!/usr/bin/env bash #Exit if any commands return a non-zero status set -e # posix compliant sanity check if [ -z $BASH ] || [ $BASH = "/bin/sh" ]; then echo "Please use the bash interpreter to run this script" exit 1 fi trap "ouch" ERR ouch() { printf '\E[31m' cat<<EOL !! ERROR !! The last command did not complete successfully, For more details or trying running the script again with the -v flag. Output of the script is recorded in $LOG EOL printf '\E[0m' } #Setting error color to red before reset error() { printf '\E[31m'; echo "$@"; printf '\E[0m' } #Setting warning color to magenta before reset warning() { printf '\E[35m'; echo "$@"; printf '\E[0m' } #Setting output color to cyan before reset output() { printf '\E[36m'; echo "$@"; printf '\E[0m' } usage() { cat<<EO Usage: $PROG [-c] [-v] [-h] -y non interactive mode (no prompt, proceed immediately) -c compile scipy and numpy -n do not attempt to pull edx-platform -s give access to global site-packages for virtualenv -q be more quiet (removes info at beginning & end) -v set -x + spew -h this EO info } info() { cat<<EO edX base dir : $BASE Python virtualenv dir : $PYTHON_DIR Ruby rbenv dir : $RBENV_ROOT Ruby ver : $RUBY_VER EO } change_git_push_defaults() { #Set git push defaults to upstream rather than master output "Changing git defaults" git config --global push.default upstream } clone_repos() { cd "$BASE" if [[ ! $nopull ]]; then change_git_push_defaults if [[ -d "$BASE/edx-platform/.git" ]]; then output "Pulling edx platform" cd "$BASE/edx-platform" git pull else output "Cloning edx platform" if [[ -d "$BASE/edx-platform" ]]; then output "Creating backup for existing edx platform" mv "$BASE/edx-platform" "${BASE}/edx-platform.bak.$$" fi git clone https://github.com/edx/edx-platform.git fi fi } set_base_default() { # if PROJECT_HOME not set # 2 possibilities: this is from cloned repo, or not # See if remote's url is named edx-platform (this works for forks too, but # not if the name was changed). cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" this_repo=$(basename $(git ls-remote --get-url 2>/dev/null) 2>/dev/null) || echo -n "" if [[ "x$this_repo" = "xedx-platform.git" ]]; then # We are in the edx repo and already have git installed. Let git do the # work of finding base dir: echo "$(dirname $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel))" else echo "$HOME/edx_all" fi } ### START PROG=${0##*/} # Adjust this to wherever you'd like to place the codebase BASE="${PROJECT_HOME:-$(set_base_default)}" # Use a sensible default (~/.virtualenvs) for your Python virtualenvs # unless you've already got one set up with virtualenvwrapper. PYTHON_DIR=${WORKON_HOME:-"$HOME/.virtualenvs"} # Find rbenv root (~/.rbenv by default) if [ -z "${RBENV_ROOT}" ]; then RBENV_ROOT="${HOME}/.rbenv" else RBENV_ROOT="${RBENV_ROOT%/}" fi # Let the repo override the version of Ruby to install if [[ -r $BASE/edx-platform/.ruby-version ]]; then RUBY_VER=`cat $BASE/edx-platform/.ruby-version` fi LOG="/var/tmp/install-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).log" # Make sure the user's not about to do anything dumb if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then error "This script should not be run using sudo or as the root user" usage exit 1 fi # If in an existing virtualenv, bail if [[ "x$VIRTUAL_ENV" != "x" ]]; then envname=`basename $VIRTUAL_ENV` error "Looks like you're already in the \"$envname\" virtual env." error "Run \`deactivate\` and then re-run this script." usage exit 1 fi # Read arguments ARGS=$(getopt "cvhsynq" "$*") if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then usage exit 1 fi eval set -- "$ARGS" while true; do case $1 in -c) compile=true shift ;; -s) systempkgs=true shift ;; -v) set -x verbose=true shift ;; -y) noninteractive=true shift ;; -q) quiet=true shift ;; -n) nopull=true shift ;; -h) usage exit 0 ;; --) shift break ;; esac done if [[ ! $quiet ]]; then cat<<EO This script will setup a local edX environment, this includes * Django * A local copy of Python and library dependencies * A local copy of Ruby and library dependencies It will also attempt to install operating system dependencies with apt(debian) or brew(OSx). To compile scipy and numpy from source use the -c option !!! Do not run this script from an existing virtualenv !!! If you are in a ruby/python virtualenv please start a new shell. EO fi info if [[ ! $noninteractive ]]; then output "Press return to begin or control-C to abort" read dummy fi # Log all stdout and stderr exec > >(tee $LOG) exec 2>&1 # Install basic system requirements mkdir -p $BASE case `uname -s` in [Ll]inux) command -v lsb_release &>/dev/null || { error "Please install lsb-release." exit 1 } distro=`lsb_release -cs` case $distro in wheezy|jessie|maya|olivia|nadia|precise|quantal) if [[ ! $noninteractive ]]; then warning " Debian support is not fully debugged. Assuming you have standard development packages already working like scipy, the installation should go fine, but this is still a work in progress. Please report issues you have and let us know if you are able to figure out any workarounds or solutions Press return to continue or control-C to abort" read dummy fi sudo apt-get install -yq git ;; squeeze|lisa|katya|oneiric|natty|raring) if [[ ! $noninteractive ]]; then warning " It seems like you're using $distro which has been deprecated. While we don't technically support this release, the install script will probably still work. Press return to continue or control-C to abort" read dummy fi sudo apt-get install -yq git ;; *) error "Unsupported distribution - $distro" exit 1 ;; esac ;; Darwin) if [[ ! -w /usr/local ]]; then cat<<EO You need to be able to write to /usr/local for the installation of brew and brew packages. Either make sure the group you are in (most likely 'staff') can write to that directory or simply execute the following and re-run the script: $ sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local EO exit 1 fi command -v brew &>/dev/null || { output "Installing brew" /usr/bin/ruby <(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go) } command -v git &>/dev/null || { output "Installing git" brew install git } ;; *) error "Unsupported platform. Try switching to either Mac or a Debian-based linux distribution (Ubuntu, Debian, or Mint)" exit 1 ;; esac # Clone edx repositories clone_repos # Sanity check to make sure the repo layout hasn't changed if [[ -d $BASE/edx-platform/scripts ]]; then output "Installing system-level dependencies" bash $BASE/edx-platform/scripts/install-system-req.sh else error "It appears that our directory structure has changed and somebody failed to update this script. raise an issue on Github and someone should fix it." exit 1 fi # Install system-level dependencies if [[ ! -d $RBENV_ROOT ]]; then output "Installing rbenv" git clone https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv.git $RBENV_ROOT fi if [[ ! -d $RBENV_ROOT/plugins/ruby-build ]]; then output "Installing ruby-build" git clone https://github.com/sstephenson/ruby-build.git $RBENV_ROOT/plugins/ruby-build fi shelltype=$(basename $SHELL) if ! hash rbenv 2>/dev/null; then output "Adding rbenv to \$PATH in ~/.${shelltype}rc" echo "export PATH=\"$RBENV_ROOT/bin:\$PATH\"" >> $HOME/.${shelltype}rc echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> $HOME/.${shelltype}rc export PATH="$RBENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH" eval "$(rbenv init -)" fi if [[ ! -d $RBENV_ROOT/versions/$RUBY_VER ]]; then output "Installing Ruby $RUBY_VER" rbenv install $RUBY_VER rbenv global $RUBY_VER fi if ! hash bundle 2>/dev/null; then output "Installing gem bundler" gem install bundler fi rbenv rehash output "Installing ruby packages" bundle install --gemfile $BASE/edx-platform/Gemfile # Install Python virtualenv output "Installing python virtualenv" case `uname -s` in Darwin) # Add brew's path PATH=/usr/local/share/python:/usr/local/bin:$PATH ;; esac # virtualenvwrapper uses the $WORKON_HOME env var to determine where to place # virtualenv directories. Make sure it matches the selected $PYTHON_DIR. export WORKON_HOME=$PYTHON_DIR # Load in the mkvirtualenv function if needed if [[ `type -t mkvirtualenv` != "function" ]]; then case `uname -s` in Darwin) VEWRAPPER=`which virtualenvwrapper.sh` ;; [Ll]inux) if [[ -f "/etc/bash_completion.d/virtualenvwrapper" ]]; then VEWRAPPER=/etc/bash_completion.d/virtualenvwrapper else error "Could not find virtualenvwrapper" exit 1 fi ;; esac fi source $VEWRAPPER # Create edX virtualenv and link it to repo # virtualenvwrapper automatically sources the activation script if [[ $systempkgs ]]; then mkvirtualenv -q -a "$WORKON_HOME" --system-site-packages edx-platform || { error "mkvirtualenv exited with a non-zero error" return 1 } else # default behavior for virtualenv>1.7 is # --no-site-packages mkvirtualenv -q -a "$WORKON_HOME" edx-platform || { error "mkvirtualenv exited with a non-zero error" return 1 } fi # compile numpy and scipy if requested NUMPY_VER="1.6.2" SCIPY_VER="0.10.1" if [[ -n $compile ]]; then output "Downloading numpy and scipy" curl -sSL -o numpy.tar.gz http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/numpy/NumPy/${NUMPY_VER}/numpy-${NUMPY_VER}.tar.gz curl -sSL -o scipy.tar.gz http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/scipy/scipy/${SCIPY_VER}/scipy-${SCIPY_VER}.tar.gz tar xf numpy.tar.gz tar xf scipy.tar.gz rm -f numpy.tar.gz scipy.tar.gz output "Compiling numpy" cd "$BASE/numpy-${NUMPY_VER}" python setup.py install output "Compiling scipy" cd "$BASE/scipy-${SCIPY_VER}" python setup.py install cd "$BASE" rm -rf numpy-${NUMPY_VER} scipy-${SCIPY_VER} fi # building correct version of distribute from source DISTRIBUTE_VER="0.6.28" output "Building Distribute" SITE_PACKAGES="$WORKON_HOME/edx-platform/lib/python2.7/site-packages" cd "$SITE_PACKAGES" curl -sSLO http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/distribute/distribute-${DISTRIBUTE_VER}.tar.gz tar -xzvf distribute-${DISTRIBUTE_VER}.tar.gz cd distribute-${DISTRIBUTE_VER} python setup.py install cd .. rm distribute-${DISTRIBUTE_VER}.tar.gz DISTRIBUTE_VERSION=`pip freeze | grep distribute` if [[ "$DISTRIBUTE_VERSION" == "distribute==0.6.28" ]]; then output "Distribute successfully installed" else error "Distribute failed to build correctly. This script requires a working version of Distribute 0.6.28 in your virtualenv's python installation" exit 1 fi case `uname -s` in Darwin) # on mac os x get the latest distribute and pip pip install -U pip # need latest pytz before compiling numpy and scipy pip install -U pytz pip install numpy # scipy needs cython pip install cython # fixes problem with scipy on 10.8 pip install -e git+https://github.com/scipy/scipy#egg=scipy-dev ;; esac output "Installing edX pre-requirements" pip install -r $BASE/edx-platform/requirements/edx/pre.txt output "Installing edX requirements" # Install prereqs cd $BASE/edx-platform rake install_prereqs # Final dependecy output "Finishing Touches" cd $BASE pip install argcomplete cd $BASE/edx-platform bundle install rake install_prereqs mkdir -p "$BASE/log" mkdir -p "$BASE/db" mkdir -p "$BASE/data" ./manage.py lms syncdb --noinput --migrate ./manage.py cms syncdb --noinput --migrate # Configure Git output "Fixing your git default settings" git config --global push.default current ### DONE if [[ ! $quiet ]]; then cat<<END Success!! To start using Django you will need to activate the local Python environment. Ensure the following lines are added to your login script, and source your login script if needed: source $VEWRAPPER Then, every time you're ready to work on the project, just run $ workon edx-platform To start the Django on port 8000 $ rake lms Or to start Django on a different <port#> $ ./manage.py lms runserver <port#> If the Django development server starts properly you should see: Development server is running at<port#>/ Quit the server with CONTROL-C. Connect your browser to<port#> to view the Django site. END fi exit 0