define(['js/student_profile/profile'], function() { describe("edx.student.profile.ProfileModel", function() { 'use strict'; var profile = null; beforeEach(function() { profile = new edx.student.profile.ProfileModel(); }); it("validates the full name field", function() { // Full name cannot be blank profile.set("fullName", ""); var errors = profile.validate(profile.attributes); expect(errors).toEqual({ fullName: "Full name cannot be blank" }); // Fill in the name and expect that the model is valid profile.set("fullName", "Bob"); errors = profile.validate(profile.attributes); expect(errors).toBe(undefined); }); }); describe("edx.student.profile.PreferencesModel", function() { var preferences = null; beforeEach(function() { preferences = new edx.student.profile.PreferencesModel(); }); it("validates the language field", function() { // Language cannot be blank preferences.set("language", ""); var errors = preferences.validate(preferences.attributes); expect(errors).toEqual({ language: "Language cannot be blank" }); // Fill in the language and expect that the model is valid preferences.set("language", "eo"); errors = preferences.validate(preferences.attributes); expect(errors).toBe(undefined); }); }); describe("edx.student.profile.ProfileView", function() { var view = null, ajaxSuccess = true; var updateProfile = function(fields) { view.profileModel.set(fields); view.clearStatus();; }; var updatePreferences = function(fields) { view.preferencesModel.set(fields); view.clearStatus();; }; var assertAjax = function(url, method, data) { expect($.ajax).toHaveBeenCalled(); var ajaxArgs = $.ajax.mostRecentCall.args[0]; expect(ajaxArgs.url).toEqual(url); expect(ajaxArgs.type).toEqual(method); expect( expect(ajaxArgs.headers.hasOwnProperty("X-CSRFToken")).toBe(true); }; var assertSubmitStatus = function(success, expectedStatus) { if (!success) { expect(view.$submitStatus).toHaveClass("error"); } else { expect(view.$submitStatus).not.toHaveClass("error"); } expect(view.$submitStatus.text()).toEqual(expectedStatus); }; var assertValidationError = function(expectedError, selection) { if (expectedError === null) { expect(selection).not.toHaveClass("validation-error"); expect(selection.text()).toEqual(""); } else { expect(selection).toHaveClass("validation-error"); expect(selection.text()).toEqual(expectedError); } }; beforeEach(function() { var profileFixture = readFixtures("templates/student_profile/profile.underscore"), languageFixture = readFixtures("templates/student_profile/languages.underscore"); setFixtures("<div id=\"profile-tpl\">" + profileFixture + "</div>"); appendSetFixtures("<div id=\"languages-tpl\">" + languageFixture + "</div>"); // Stub AJAX calls to return success / failure spyOn($, "ajax").andCallFake(function() { return $.Deferred(function(defer) { if (ajaxSuccess) { defer.resolve(); } else { defer.reject(); } }).promise(); }); var json = { preferredLanguage: {code: 'eo', name: 'Dummy language'}, languages: [{code: 'eo', name: 'Dummy language'}] }; spyOn($, "getJSON").andCallFake(function() { return $.Deferred(function(defer) { if (ajaxSuccess) { defer.resolveWith(this, [json]); } else { defer.reject(); } }).promise(); }); // Stub location.reload() to prevent test suite from reloading repeatedly spyOn(edx.student.profile, "reloadPage").andCallFake(function() { return true; }); view = new edx.student.profile.ProfileView().render(); }); it("updates the student profile", function() { updateProfile({fullName: "John Smith"}); assertAjax("", "PUT", {fullName: "John Smith"}); assertSubmitStatus(true, "Saved"); }); it("updates the student preferences", function() { updatePreferences({language: "eo"}); assertAjax("preferences", "PUT", {language: "eo"}); assertSubmitStatus(true, "Saved"); }); it("displays full name validation errors", function() { // Blank name should display a validation error updateProfile({fullName: ""}); assertValidationError("Full name cannot be blank", view.$nameStatus); // If we fix the problem and resubmit, the error should go away updateProfile({fullName: "John Smith"}); assertValidationError(null, view.$nameStatus); }); it("displays language validation errors", function() { // Blank language should display a validation error updatePreferences({language: ""}); assertValidationError("Language cannot be blank", view.$languageStatus); // If we fix the problem and resubmit, the error should go away updatePreferences({language: "eo"}); assertValidationError(null, view.$languageStatus); }); it("displays an error if the sync fails", function() { // If we get an error status on the AJAX request, display an error ajaxSuccess = false; updateProfile({fullName: "John Smith"}); assertSubmitStatus(false, "The data could not be saved."); // If we try again and succeed, the error should go away ajaxSuccess = true; updateProfile({fullName: "John Smith"}); assertSubmitStatus(true, "Saved"); }); }); } );