- 05 Sep, 2014 1 commit
Student couldn't able to submit his answer in ie9 becuase mathjax was used before its complete loading thats cuase the problem. Mathjax operations should be handled synchronously inorder to avoid error. BLD-1199
Waqas Khalid committed
- 30 Aug, 2013 1 commit
Affects: Choicegroups, option inputs, textline, and formula equation inputs
Peter Baratta committed
- 13 Aug, 2013 1 commit
Change the `MathJax.Hub.Queue(initializeRequest)` to a simpler function call (`initializeRequest.call(this)`). This was failing to give a proper context to initializeRequest, and `this.value` was turning up as `undefined`. Also add a fallback if we need to display some code before MathJax finishes its original typesetting. I was stubbing out `Queue` in my specs, so the tests had to be changed around a little.
Peter Baratta committed
- 12 Aug, 2013 1 commit
Named `FormulaEquationInput` (name up for debate) - Based off ChemEqnIn - Add FormulaEquationInput in inputtypes.py - Add a call to a skeleton method for a preview javascript: - Queue up some MathJax - Put some ordering on the AJAX requests: add a parameter when the request was started, when it returns check that it isn't outdated before displaying the preview - Tests Note: we moved the `jsinput` tests and DISABLED them, because they were causing the tests to fail.
Peter Baratta committed