- 24 Jul, 2012 8 commits
Django hardcodes the subject line for password reset emails. You're supposed to be able to override it with a properly named template, but that didn't make it into 1.3.1 (which is what we're deploying on now). We're not using the Sites framework at this time, so this was the "fix".
David Ormsbee committed -
We used to use Django templates and the Sites framework. At some point we stopped, but this was leftover. The site_name no longer gets set properly. It's probably a config issue, but not one I want to deal with right before release, so I'm hardcoding it to link to the prod edx.org site until we can sort what's what in the morning.
David Ormsbee committed -
Release fixes
David Ormsbee committed -
Bridger Maxwell committed
David Ormsbee committed -
David Ormsbee committed
David Ormsbee committed
Bridger Maxwell committed
- 23 Jul, 2012 32 commits
Bridger Maxwell committed
Bridger Maxwell committed
Bridger Maxwell committed
Bridger Maxwell committed
Fixed bugs caused by modal cloning. Now, only video modals are cloned.
jarv committed -
Kyle Fiedler committed
Kyle Fiedler committed
Bridger Maxwell committed
Kyle Fiedler committed
Dormsbee/jobs desc
David Ormsbee committed -
David Ormsbee committed
David Ormsbee committed
Fix for appending course enroll to login/register form
David Ormsbee committed -
Bridger Maxwell committed
Added styles for help page
David Ormsbee committed -
Kyle Fiedler committed
IE fixes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David Ormsbee committed -
Kyle Fiedler committed
Kyle Fiedler committed
Added small thumbnails for articles in the rss feed.
David Ormsbee committed -
Bridger Maxwell committed
edX press release in feed now references png logo instead of jpg with artifacts.
David Ormsbee committed -
Bridger Maxwell committed
Kyle Fiedler committed
Bridger Maxwell committed
Clone and remove modal
David Ormsbee committed -
Update index video.
David Ormsbee committed -
Matthew Mongeau committed
Use django-pipeline to read course static files.
Calen Pennington committed -
Calen Pennington committed
Requires the replacement of {COURSE_STATIC_URL} with just /static/ in about/overview.html files.
Calen Pennington committed -
Bridger Maxwell committed