Commit ff4a1755 by Ben Patterson

Merge pull request #5650 from edx/benp/TE-555

run_quality should run both quality reports in the case of a threshold breach
parents 686ca3d7 a8c0c2b7
import unittest
import pavelib.quality
import tempfile
import os
import tempfile
import unittest
from mock import patch
from ddt import ddt, file_data
import pavelib.quality
import paver.easy
from paver.easy import BuildFailure
class TestPaverQualityViolations(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -43,3 +46,89 @@ class TestPaverQualityViolations(unittest.TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
class TestPaverRunQuality(unittest.TestCase):
For testing the paver run_quality task
def setUp(self):
# mock the @needs decorator to skip it
self._mock_paver_needs = patch.object(pavelib.quality.run_quality, 'needs').start()
self._mock_paver_needs.return_value = 0
self._mock_paver_sh = patch('').start()
def test_failure_on_diffquality_pep8(self):
If pep8 diff-quality fails due to the percentage threshold, pylint
should still be run
# Underlying sh call must fail when it is running the pep8 diff-quality task
self._mock_paver_sh.side_effect = CustomShMock().fail_on_pep8
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
# Test that both pep8 and pylint were called by counting the calls
self.assertEqual(self._mock_paver_sh.call_count, 4)
def test_failure_on_diffquality_pylint(self):
If diff-quality fails on pylint, the paver task should also fail
# Underlying sh call must fail when it is running the pylint diff-quality task
self._mock_paver_sh.side_effect = CustomShMock().fail_on_pylint
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
# Test that both pep8 and pylint were called by counting the calls
self.assertEqual(self._mock_paver_sh.call_count, 4)
def test_other_exception(self):
If diff-quality fails for an unknown reason on the first run (pep8), then
pylint should not be run
self._mock_paver_sh.side_effect = [0, Exception('unrecognized failure!'), 0, 0]
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
# Test that pylint is NOT called by counting calls
self.assertEqual(self._mock_paver_sh.call_count, 2)
def test_no_diff_quality_failures(self):
# Assert nothing is raised
class CustomShMock(object):
Diff-quality makes a number of sh calls. None of those calls should be made during tests; however, some
of them need to have certain responses.
def fail_on_pep8(self, arg):
For our tests, we need the call for diff-quality running pep8 reports to fail, since that is what
is going to fail when we pass in a percentage ("p") requirement.
# Condition is for the sh calls that contain both 'pep8' and 'html'
if "pep8" in arg and "html" not in arg:
# Essentially mock diff-quality exiting with 1"exit 1")
def fail_on_pylint(self, arg):
For our tests, we need the call for diff-quality running pep8 reports to fail, since that is what
is going to fail when we pass in a percentage ("p") requirement.
# Condition is for the sh calls that contain both 'pep8' and 'html'
if "pylint" in arg and "html" not in arg:
# Essentially mock diff-quality exiting with 1"exit 1")
Check code quality using pep8, pylint, and diff_quality.
from paver.easy import sh, task, cmdopts, needs
from paver.easy import sh, task, cmdopts, needs, BuildFailure
import os
import errno
import re
from optparse import make_option
from .utils.envs import Env
......@@ -136,12 +134,13 @@ def run_quality(options):
# Directory to put the diff reports in.
# This makes the folder if it doesn't already exist.
dquality_dir = (Env.REPORT_DIR / "diff_quality").makedirs_p()
diff_quality_percentage_failure = False
# Set the string, if needed, to be used for the diff-quality --fail-under switch.
diff_threshold = int(getattr(options, 'percentage', -1))
threshold_string = ''
percentage_string = ''
if diff_threshold > -1:
threshold_string = '--fail-under={0}'.format(diff_threshold)
percentage_string = '--fail-under={0}'.format(diff_threshold)
# Generate diff-quality html report for pep8, and print to console
# If pep8 reports exist, use those
......@@ -161,12 +160,18 @@ def run_quality(options):
dquality_dir=dquality_dir, pep8_reports=pep8_reports)
"diff-quality --violations=pep8 {pep8_reports} {threshold_string}".format(
pep8_reports=pep8_reports, threshold_string=threshold_string)
"diff-quality --violations=pep8 {pep8_reports} {percentage_string}".format(
pep8_reports=pep8_reports, percentage_string=percentage_string)
except BuildFailure, error_message:
if is_percentage_failure(error_message):
diff_quality_percentage_failure = True
raise BuildFailure(error_message)
# Generage diff-quality html report for pylint, and print to console
# Generate diff-quality html report for pylint, and print to console
# If pylint reports exist, use those
# Otherwise, `diff-quality` will call pylint itself
......@@ -192,10 +197,32 @@ def run_quality(options):
"{pythonpath_prefix} diff-quality --violations=pylint {pylint_reports} {threshold_string}".format(
"{pythonpath_prefix} diff-quality --violations=pylint {pylint_reports} {percentage_string}".format(
except BuildFailure, error_message:
if is_percentage_failure(error_message):
diff_quality_percentage_failure = True
raise BuildFailure(error_message)
# if one of the diff-quality runs failed, then paver quits with an error
if diff_quality_percentage_failure:
raise BuildFailure("Diff-quality failure(s).")
def is_percentage_failure(error_message):
When diff-quality is run with a threshold percentage, it ends with an exit code of 1. This bubbles up to
paver with a subprocess return code error. If the subprocess exits with anything other than 1, raise
a paver exception.
if "Subprocess return code: 1" not in error_message:
return False
return True
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