Commit fe17c377 by Prem Sichanugrist

CMS.Models.Module tested

parent 68bb8d58
describe "CMS.Models.Module", ->
it "set the correct URL", ->
expect(new CMS.Models.Module().url).toEqual("/save_item")
it "set the correct default", ->
expect(new CMS.Models.Module().defaults).toEqual({data: ''})
describe "loadModule", ->
describe "when the module exists", ->
beforeEach ->
@fakeModule = jasmine.createSpy("fakeModuleObject")
window.FakeModule = jasmine.createSpy("FakeModule").andReturn(@fakeModule)
@module = new CMS.Models.Module(type: "FakeModule")
@stubElement = $('<div>')
afterEach ->
window.FakeModule = undefined
it "initialize the module", ->
describe "when the module does not exists", ->
beforeEach ->
@previousConsole = window.console
window.console = jasmine.createSpyObj("fakeConsole", ["error"])
@module = new CMS.Models.Module(type: "HTML")
afterEach ->
window.console = @previousConsole
it "print out error to log", ->
expect(window.console.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Unable to load HTML.")
describe "editUrl", ->
it "construct the correct URL based on id", ->
expect(new CMS.Models.Module(id: "i4x://").editUrl())
describe "save", ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn(Backbone.Model.prototype, "save")
@module = new CMS.Models.Module()
describe "when the module exists", ->
beforeEach ->
@module.module = jasmine.createSpyObj("FakeModule", ["save"])"module data")
it "set the data and call save on the module", ->
expect(@module.get("data")).toEqual("\"module data\"")
it "call save on the backbone model", ->
describe "when the module does not exists", ->
beforeEach ->
it "call save on the backbone model", ->
class CMS.Models.Module extends Backbone.Model class CMS.Models.Module extends Backbone.Model
url: '/save_item' url: '/save_item'
defaults: defaults:
data: '{}' data: ''
loadModule: (element) -> loadModule: (element) ->
try try
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