Commit fdfc37e4 by ichuang

masquerade pep8

parent af3e08e8
......@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MASQ_KEY = 'masquerade_identity'
def handle_ajax(request, marg):
if marg=='toggle':
if marg == 'toggle':
status = request.session.get(MASQ_KEY, '')
if status is None or status in ['', 'staff']:
status = 'student'
......@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ def setup_masquerade(request, staff_access=False):
request.session[MASQ_KEY] = 'staff'
usertype = 'staff'
if usertype=='student':
if usertype == 'student':
request.user.masquerade_as_student = True
return usertype
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