Commit fd4e679f by ichuang

commit_id may be specified for modulestore reload - for multi-worker configs

also show pid in migration and instructor dashboard views for thread debugging
parent aba40603
......@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
'problems': problems, # psychometrics
'plots': plots, # psychometrics
'course_errors': modulestore().get_item_errors(course.location),
'djangopid' : os.getpid(),
return render_to_response('courseware/instructor_dashboard.html', context)
......@@ -35,7 +35,17 @@ def getip(request):
ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR','None')
return ip
def manage_modulestores(request,reload_dir=None):
def get_commit_id(course):
return course.metadata.get('GIT_COMMIT_ID','No commit id')
# getattr([reload_dir], 'GIT_COMMIT_ID','No commit id')
def set_commit_id(course,commit_id):
course.metadata['GIT_COMMIT_ID'] = commit_id
# setattr([reload_dir], 'GIT_COMMIT_ID', new_commit_id)
def manage_modulestores(request, reload_dir=None, commit_id=None):
Manage the static in-memory modulestores.
......@@ -52,8 +62,9 @@ def manage_modulestores(request,reload_dir=None):
ip = getip(request)
html += '<h3>IP address: %s ' % ip
html += '<h3>User: %s ' % request.user
html += '<h3>IP address: %s <h3>' % ip
html += '<h3>User: %s </h3>' % request.user
html += '<h3>My pid: %s</h3>' % os.getpid()
log.debug('request from ip=%s, user=%s' % (ip,request.user))
if not (ip in ALLOWED_IPS or 'any' in ALLOWED_IPS):
......@@ -66,14 +77,27 @@ def manage_modulestores(request,reload_dir=None):
return HttpResponse(html, status=403)
# reload course if specified
# reload course if specified; handle optional commit_id
if reload_dir is not None:
if reload_dir not in
html += '<h2 class="inline-error">Error: "%s" is not a valid course directory</h2>' % reload_dir
# reloading based on commit_id is needed when running mutiple worker threads,
# so that a given thread doesn't reload the same commit multiple times
current_commit_id = get_commit_id([reload_dir])
log.debug('commit_id="%s"' % commit_id)
log.debug('current_commit_id="%s"' % current_commit_id)
if (commit_id is not None) and (commit_id==current_commit_id):
html += "<h2>Already at commit id %s for %s</h2>" % (commit_id, reload_dir)
html += '<h2>Reloaded course directory "%s"</h2>' % reload_dir
gdir = settings.DATA_DIR / reload_dir
new_commit_id = os.popen('cd %s; git log -n 1 | head -1' % gdir).read().strip().split(' ')[1]
set_commit_id([reload_dir], new_commit_id)
html += '<p>commit_id=%s</p>' % new_commit_id
......@@ -94,6 +118,8 @@ def manage_modulestores(request,reload_dir=None):
html += '<hr width="100%"/>'
html += '<h2>Course: %s (%s)</h2>' % (course.display_name,cdir)
html += '<p>commit_id=%s</p>' % get_commit_id(course)
for field in dumpfields:
data = getattr(course,field)
html += '<h3>%s</h3>' % field
......@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ function goto( mode)
<a href="#" onclick="goto('Admin');" class="${modeflag.get('Admin')}">Admin</a> ]
<div style="text-align:right" id="djangopid">${djangopid}</div>
<form name="idashform" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="${ csrf_token }">
<input type="hidden" name="idash_mode" value="">
......@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ if settings.MITX_FEATURES.get('ENABLE_LMS_MIGRATION'):
urlpatterns += (
url(r'^migrate/modules$', 'lms_migration.migrate.manage_modulestores'),
url(r'^migrate/reload/(?P<reload_dir>[^/]+)$', 'lms_migration.migrate.manage_modulestores'),
url(r'^migrate/reload/(?P<reload_dir>[^/]+)/(?P<commit_id>[^/]+)$', 'lms_migration.migrate.manage_modulestores'),
url(r'^gitreload$', 'lms_migration.migrate.gitreload'),
url(r'^gitreload/(?P<reload_dir>[^/]+)$', 'lms_migration.migrate.gitreload'),
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