Unverified Commit fae15376 by Eric Fischer Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #16522 from edx/efischer/EDU-1724

Move library creator checks to POST-only
parents d0250baa a0986662
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def get_library_creator_status(user):
elif settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP', False):
return get_course_creator_status(user) == 'granted'
return True
return not settings.FEATURES.get('DISABLE_COURSE_CREATION', False)
......@@ -72,17 +72,16 @@ def library_handler(request, library_key_string=None):
log.exception("Attempted to use the content library API when the libraries feature is disabled.")
raise Http404 # Should never happen because we test the feature in urls.py also
if request.method == 'POST':
if not get_library_creator_status(request.user):
if not request.user.is_staff:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
if library_key_string is not None and request.method == 'POST':
if library_key_string is not None:
return HttpResponseNotAllowed(("POST",))
if request.method == 'POST':
return _create_library(request)
# request method is get, since only GET and POST are allowed by @require_http_methods(('GET', 'POST'))
if library_key_string:
return _display_library(library_key_string, request)
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ def make_url_for_lib(key):
@mock.patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'DISABLE_COURSE_CREATION': False})
class UnitTestLibraries(CourseTestCase):
Unit tests for library views
......@@ -63,6 +64,23 @@ class UnitTestLibraries(CourseTestCase):
_, nostaff_user = self.create_non_staff_authed_user_client()
self.assertEqual(get_library_creator_status(nostaff_user), True)
@mock.patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'DISABLE_COURSE_CREATION': True})
@mock.patch("contentstore.views.library.LIBRARIES_ENABLED", True)
def test_library_creator_status_with_no_course_creator_role_and_disabled_nonstaff_course_creation(self):
Ensure that `DISABLE_COURSE_CREATION` feature works with libraries as well.
nostaff_client, nostaff_user = self.create_non_staff_authed_user_client()
# To be explicit, this user can GET, but not POST
get_response = nostaff_client.get_json(LIBRARY_REST_URL)
post_response = nostaff_client.ajax_post(LIBRARY_REST_URL, {
'org': 'org', 'library': 'lib', 'display_name': "New Library",
self.assertEqual(get_response.status_code, 200)
self.assertEqual(post_response.status_code, 403)
@patch("contentstore.views.library.LIBRARIES_ENABLED", False)
def test_with_libraries_disabled(self):
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