Commit fa2cf6a4 by Александр

add convert_to_perepherial flag and removed order flags

parent e4c49f3a
......@@ -16,12 +16,11 @@ def vsepr_build_correct_answer(geometry, atoms):
return correct_answer
def vsepr_grade(user_input, correct_answer, ignore_p_order=False, ignore_a_order=False, ignore_e_order=False):
""" Flags ignore_(a,p,e)_order are for checking order in axial, perepherial or equatorial positions.
def vsepr_grade(user_input, correct_answer, convert_to_perepherial=False):
Allowed cases:
c0, a, e
c0, p
Not implemented and not tested cases when p with a or e (no need for now)
# print user_input, type(user_input)
# print correct_answer, type(correct_answer)
......@@ -31,30 +30,19 @@ def vsepr_grade(user_input, correct_answer, ignore_p_order=False, ignore_a_order
if user_input['atoms']['c0'] != correct_answer['atoms']['c0']:
return False
# not order-aware comparisons
for ignore in [(ignore_p_order, 'p'), (ignore_e_order, 'e'), (ignore_a_order, 'a')]:
if ignore[0]:
# collecting atoms:
a_user = [v for k, v in user_input['atoms'].items() if k.startswith(ignore[1])]
a_correct = [v for k, v in correct_answer['atoms'].items() if k.startswith(ignore[1])]
# print ignore[0], ignore[1], a_user, a_correct
if len(a_user) != len(a_correct):
return False
if sorted(a_user) != sorted(a_correct):
return False
if convert_to_perepherial:
# convert user_input from (a,e,e1,e2) to (p)
# correct_answer must be set in (p) using this flag
user_input['atoms'] = {'p' + str(i): v for i, v in enumerate(user_input['atoms'].values())}
# order-aware comparisons
for ignore in [(ignore_p_order, 'p'), (ignore_e_order, 'e'), (ignore_a_order, 'a')]:
if not ignore[0]:
for ea_position in ['p', 'a', 'e', 'e1', 'e2']:
# collecting atoms:
a_user = [v for k, v in user_input['atoms'].items() if k.startswith(ignore[1])]
a_correct = [v for k, v in correct_answer['atoms'].items() if k.startswith(ignore[1])]
# print '2nd', ignore[0], ignore[1], a_user, a_correct
a_user = [v for k, v in user_input['atoms'].items() if k.startswith(ea_position)]
a_correct = [v for k, v in correct_answer['atoms'].items() if k.startswith(ea_position)]
# print a_user, a_correct
if len(a_user) != len(a_correct):
return False
if len(a_correct) == 0:
if a_user != a_correct:
if sorted(a_user) != sorted(a_correct):
return False
return True
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